| |
| org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.SelectionDialog org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.SelectionStatusDialog org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.AbstractElementListSelectionDialog org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.TwoPaneElementSelector
TwoPaneElementSelector | public class TwoPaneElementSelector extends AbstractElementListSelectionDialog (Code) | | A list selection dialog with two panes. Duplicated entries will be folded
together and are displayed in the lower pane (qualifier).
since: 2.0 |
Constructor Summary | |
public | TwoPaneElementSelector(Shell parent, ILabelProvider elementRenderer, ILabelProvider qualifierRenderer) Creates the two pane element selector. |
TwoPaneElementSelector | public TwoPaneElementSelector(Shell parent, ILabelProvider elementRenderer, ILabelProvider qualifierRenderer)(Code) | | Creates the two pane element selector.
Parameters: parent - the parent shell. Parameters: elementRenderer - the element renderer. Parameters: qualifierRenderer - the qualifier renderer. |
createDialogArea | public Control createDialogArea(Composite parent)(Code) | | |
createLabel | protected Label createLabel(Composite parent, String name)(Code) | | Creates a label if name was not null .
Parameters: parent - the parent composite. Parameters: name - the name of the label. returns a label if a name was given, null otherwise. |
createLowerList | protected Table createLowerList(Composite parent)(Code) | | Creates the list widget and sets layout data.
Parameters: parent - the parent composite. returns the list table widget. |
getLowerSelectedElement | protected Object getLowerSelectedElement()(Code) | | Returns the selected element from the lower pane.
Object |
handleEmptyList | protected void handleEmptyList()(Code) | | |
setElements | public void setElements(Object[] elements)(Code) | | Sets the elements to be displayed.
Parameters: elements - the elements to be displayed. |
setLowerListLabel | public void setLowerListLabel(String label)(Code) | | Sets the lower list label.
Parameters: label - String or null . If the label isnull (default), no label is created. |
setLowerSelectedElement | protected void setLowerSelectedElement(Object element)(Code) | | Selects an element in the lower pane.
Parameters: element - |
setUpperListLabel | public void setUpperListLabel(String label)(Code) | | Sets the upper list label. If the label is null (default),
no label is created.
Parameters: label - |