| org.eclipse.ui.internal.PerspectiveBarContributionItem
PerspectiveBarContributionItem | public class PerspectiveBarContributionItem extends ContributionItem (Code) | | A
ContributionItem specifically for contributions to the perspective switcher.
PerspectiveBarContributionItem | public PerspectiveBarContributionItem(IPerspectiveDescriptor perspective, IWorkbenchPage workbenchPage)(Code) | | Create a new perspective contribution item
Parameters: perspective - the descriptor for the perspective Parameters: workbenchPage - the page that this perspective is in |
dispose | public void dispose()(Code) | | |
fill | public void fill(ToolBar parent, int index)(Code) | | |
getImage | Image getImage()(Code) | | |
getMaxWidth | static int getMaxWidth(Image image)(Code) | | |
getToolItem | ToolItem getToolItem()(Code) | | |
handles | public boolean handles(IPerspectiveDescriptor perspective, IWorkbenchPage workbenchPage)(Code) | | Answer whether the receiver is a match for the provided
perspective descriptor
Parameters: perspective - the perspective descriptor Parameters: workbenchPage - the page true if it is a match |
select | public void select()(Code) | | Select this perspective
setPerspective | public void setPerspective(IPerspectiveDescriptor newPerspective)(Code) | | Set the current perspective
Parameters: newPerspective - |
setSelection | void setSelection(boolean b)(Code) | | |
update | public void update()(Code) | | |