001: /*
003: *
004: * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
005: *
006: * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
007: * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
008: * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
009: * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
010: * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
011: * http://www.netbeans.org/cddl-gplv2.html
012: * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
013: * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
014: * License. When distributing the software, include this License Header
015: * Notice in each file and include the License file at
016: * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. Sun designates this
017: * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
018: * by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
019: * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
020: * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
021: * your own identifying information:
022: * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
023: *
024: * Contributor(s):
025: *
026: * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
027: * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2006 Sun
028: * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
029: *
030: * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
031: * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
032: * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
033: * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
034: * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
035: * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
036: * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
037: * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
038: * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
039: * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
040: */
042: package org.netbeans.modules.apisupport.project.ui;
044: import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
045: import java.io.IOException;
046: import java.util.ArrayList;
047: import java.util.Collection;
048: import java.util.HashMap;
049: import java.util.HashSet;
050: import java.util.List;
051: import java.util.Map;
052: import java.util.Properties;
053: import java.util.Set;
054: import java.util.regex.Pattern;
055: import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
056: import javax.swing.Action;
057: import javax.swing.JSeparator;
058: import org.apache.tools.ant.module.api.support.ActionUtils;
059: import org.netbeans.api.java.project.JavaProjectConstants;
060: import org.netbeans.api.project.ProjectManager;
061: import org.netbeans.modules.apisupport.project.NbModuleProject;
062: import org.netbeans.modules.apisupport.project.spi.NbModuleProvider;
063: import org.netbeans.modules.apisupport.project.Util;
064: import org.netbeans.modules.apisupport.project.suite.SuiteProject;
065: import org.netbeans.modules.apisupport.project.ui.customizer.CustomizerProviderImpl;
066: import org.netbeans.modules.apisupport.project.ui.customizer.SuiteProperties;
067: import org.netbeans.modules.apisupport.project.ui.customizer.SuiteUtils;
068: import org.netbeans.modules.apisupport.project.universe.NbPlatform;
069: import org.netbeans.spi.project.ActionProvider;
070: import org.netbeans.spi.project.support.ant.AntProjectHelper;
071: import org.netbeans.spi.project.support.ant.EditableProperties;
072: import org.netbeans.spi.project.support.ant.GeneratedFilesHelper;
073: import org.netbeans.spi.project.ui.support.CommonProjectActions;
074: import org.netbeans.spi.project.ui.support.DefaultProjectOperations;
075: import org.netbeans.spi.project.ui.support.ProjectSensitiveActions;
076: import org.openide.DialogDisplayer;
077: import org.openide.ErrorManager;
078: import org.openide.NotifyDescriptor;
079: import org.openide.actions.FindAction;
080: import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
081: import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
082: import org.openide.util.Lookup;
083: import org.openide.util.Mutex;
084: import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
085: import org.openide.util.actions.SystemAction;
086: import org.openide.util.lookup.Lookups;
088: public final class ModuleActions implements ActionProvider {
090: static Action[] getProjectActions(NbModuleProject project) {
091: List<Action> actions = new ArrayList<Action>();
092: actions.add(CommonProjectActions.newFileAction());
093: actions.add(null);
094: actions.add(ProjectSensitiveActions.projectCommandAction(
095: ActionProvider.COMMAND_BUILD, NbBundle.getMessage(
096: ModuleActions.class, "ACTION_build"), null));
097: actions.add(ProjectSensitiveActions.projectCommandAction(
098: ActionProvider.COMMAND_REBUILD, NbBundle.getMessage(
099: ModuleActions.class, "ACTION_rebuild"), null));
100: actions.add(ProjectSensitiveActions.projectCommandAction(
101: ActionProvider.COMMAND_CLEAN, NbBundle.getMessage(
102: ModuleActions.class, "ACTION_clean"), null));
103: actions.add(null);
104: boolean isNetBeansOrg = Util.getModuleType(project) == NbModuleProvider.NETBEANS_ORG;
105: if (isNetBeansOrg) {
106: String path = project.getPathWithinNetBeansOrg();
107: actions.add(createMasterAction(project, new String[] {
108: "init", "all-" + path }, NbBundle.getMessage(
109: ModuleActions.class, "ACTION_build_with_deps")));
110: actions.add(createMasterAction(project, new String[] {
111: "init", "all-" + path, "tryme" }, NbBundle
112: .getMessage(ModuleActions.class,
113: "ACTION_build_with_deps_tryme")));
114: } else {
115: actions.add(createSimpleAction(project,
116: new String[] { "run" }, NbBundle.getMessage(
117: ModuleActions.class, "ACTION_run")));
118: }
119: actions.add(ProjectSensitiveActions.projectCommandAction(
120: ActionProvider.COMMAND_DEBUG, NbBundle.getMessage(
121: ModuleActions.class, "ACTION_debug"), null));
122: addFromLayers(actions, "Projects/Profiler_Actions_temporary"); //NOI18N
123: if (project.supportsUnitTests()) {
124: actions.add(ProjectSensitiveActions.projectCommandAction(
125: ActionProvider.COMMAND_TEST, NbBundle.getMessage(
126: ModuleActions.class, "ACTION_test"), null));
127: }
128: actions.add(null);
129: if (isNetBeansOrg) {
130: actions.add(createCheckBundleAction(project, NbBundle
131: .getMessage(ModuleActions.class,
132: "ACTION_unused_bundle_keys")));
133: actions.add(null);
134: }
135: actions.add(ProjectSensitiveActions.projectCommandAction(
136: ActionProvider.COMMAND_RUN, NbBundle.getMessage(
137: ModuleActions.class, "ACTION_reload"), null));
138: actions.add(createReloadInIDEAction(project,
139: new String[] { "reload-in-ide" }, NbBundle.getMessage(
140: ModuleActions.class, "ACTION_reload_in_ide")));
141: actions
142: .add(createSimpleAction(project,
143: new String[] { "nbm" }, NbBundle.getMessage(
144: ModuleActions.class, "ACTION_nbm")));
145: actions.add(null);
146: actions.add(ProjectSensitiveActions.projectCommandAction(
147: JavaProjectConstants.COMMAND_JAVADOC, NbBundle
148: .getMessage(ModuleActions.class,
149: "ACTION_javadoc"), null));
150: actions.add(createArchAction(project));
151: actions.add(null);
152: actions.add(CommonProjectActions.setAsMainProjectAction());
153: actions.add(CommonProjectActions.openSubprojectsAction());
154: actions.add(CommonProjectActions.closeProjectAction());
155: actions.add(null);
156: actions.add(CommonProjectActions.renameProjectAction());
157: actions.add(CommonProjectActions.moveProjectAction());
158: actions.add(CommonProjectActions.copyProjectAction());
159: actions.add(CommonProjectActions.deleteProjectAction());
161: actions.add(null);
162: actions.add(SystemAction.get(FindAction.class));
163: // Honor #57874 contract:
164: Collection<? extends Object> res = Lookups.forPath(
165: "Projects/Actions").lookupAll(Object.class); // NOI18N
166: if (!res.isEmpty()) {
167: actions.add(null);
168: for (Object next : res) {
169: if (next instanceof Action) {
170: actions.add((Action) next);
171: } else if (next instanceof JSeparator) {
172: actions.add(null);
173: }
174: }
175: }
177: actions.add(null);
178: actions.add(CommonProjectActions.customizeProjectAction());
179: return actions.toArray(new Action[actions.size()]);
180: }
182: private static void addFromLayers(List<Action> actions, String path) {
183: Lookup look = Lookups.forPath(path);
184: for (Object next : look.lookupAll(Object.class)) {
185: if (next instanceof Action) {
186: actions.add((Action) next);
187: } else if (next instanceof JSeparator) {
188: actions.add(null);
189: }
190: }
191: }
193: private final NbModuleProject project;
194: private final Map<String, String[]> globalCommands = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
195: private final String[] supportedActions;
197: public ModuleActions(NbModuleProject project) {
198: this .project = project;
199: Set<String> supportedActionsSet = new HashSet<String>();
200: globalCommands.put(ActionProvider.COMMAND_BUILD,
201: new String[] { "netbeans" }); // NOI18N
202: globalCommands.put(ActionProvider.COMMAND_CLEAN,
203: new String[] { "clean" }); // NOI18N
204: globalCommands.put(ActionProvider.COMMAND_REBUILD,
205: new String[] { "clean", "netbeans" }); // NOI18N
206: globalCommands.put(ActionProvider.COMMAND_DEBUG,
207: new String[] { "debug" }); // NOI18N
208: globalCommands.put(ActionProvider.COMMAND_RUN,
209: new String[] { "reload" }); // NOI18N
210: globalCommands.put("profile", new String[] { "profile" }); // NOI18N
211: globalCommands.put(JavaProjectConstants.COMMAND_JAVADOC,
212: new String[] { "javadoc-nb" }); // NOI18N
213: if (project.supportsUnitTests()) {
214: globalCommands.put(ActionProvider.COMMAND_TEST,
215: new String[] { "test" }); // NOI18N
216: }
217: supportedActionsSet.addAll(globalCommands.keySet());
218: supportedActionsSet.add(ActionProvider.COMMAND_COMPILE_SINGLE);
219: supportedActionsSet.add(JavaProjectConstants.COMMAND_DEBUG_FIX); // #47012
220: if (project.supportsUnitTests()) {
221: supportedActionsSet.add(ActionProvider.COMMAND_TEST_SINGLE);
222: supportedActionsSet
223: .add(ActionProvider.COMMAND_DEBUG_TEST_SINGLE);
224: supportedActionsSet.add(ActionProvider.COMMAND_RUN_SINGLE);
225: supportedActionsSet
226: .add(ActionProvider.COMMAND_DEBUG_SINGLE);
227: }
228: if (project.getFunctionalTestSourceDirectory() != null) {
229: supportedActionsSet.add(ActionProvider.COMMAND_RUN_SINGLE);
230: }
231: if (project.getPerformanceTestSourceDirectory() != null) {
232: supportedActionsSet.add(ActionProvider.COMMAND_RUN_SINGLE);
233: }
234: supportedActionsSet.add(ActionProvider.COMMAND_RENAME);
235: supportedActionsSet.add(ActionProvider.COMMAND_MOVE);
236: supportedActionsSet.add(ActionProvider.COMMAND_COPY);
237: supportedActionsSet.add(ActionProvider.COMMAND_DELETE);
238: supportedActions = supportedActionsSet
239: .toArray(new String[supportedActionsSet.size()]);
240: }
242: public String[] getSupportedActions() {
243: return supportedActions;
244: }
246: private static FileObject findBuildXml(NbModuleProject project) {
247: return project.getProjectDirectory().getFileObject(
248: GeneratedFilesHelper.BUILD_XML_PATH);
249: }
251: private static FileObject findTestBuildXml(NbModuleProject project) {
252: return project.getProjectDirectory().getFileObject(
253: "test/build.xml"); // NOI18N
254: }
256: private static FileObject findMasterBuildXml(NbModuleProject project) {
257: return project.getNbrootFileObject("nbbuild/build.xml"); // NOI18N
258: }
260: public boolean isActionEnabled(String command, Lookup context) {
261: if (ActionProvider.COMMAND_DELETE.equals(command)
262: || ActionProvider.COMMAND_RENAME.equals(command)
263: || ActionProvider.COMMAND_MOVE.equals(command)
264: || ActionProvider.COMMAND_COPY.equals(command)) {
265: return true;
266: } else if (command.equals(COMMAND_COMPILE_SINGLE)) {
267: return findBuildXml(project) != null
268: && (findSources(context) != null || findTestSources(
269: context, false) != null);
270: } else if (command.equals(COMMAND_TEST_SINGLE)) {
271: return findBuildXml(project) != null
272: && findTestSourcesForSources(context) != null;
273: } else if (command.equals(COMMAND_DEBUG_TEST_SINGLE)) {
274: FileObject[] files = findTestSourcesForSources(context);
275: return findBuildXml(project) != null && files != null
276: && files.length == 1;
277: } else if (command.equals(COMMAND_RUN_SINGLE)) {
278: FileObject[] files = findFunctionalTestSources(context);
279: if (files != null && files.length == 1
280: && findTestBuildXml(project) != null) {
281: return true;
282: }
283: files = findPerformanceTestSources(context);
284: if (files != null && files.length == 1
285: && findTestBuildXml(project) != null) {
286: return true;
287: }
288: files = findTestSources(context, false);
289: return files != null;
290: } else if (command.equals(COMMAND_DEBUG_SINGLE)) {
291: FileObject[] files = findTestSources(context, false);
292: return files != null && files.length == 1;
293: } else if (command
294: .equals(JavaProjectConstants.COMMAND_DEBUG_FIX)) {
295: FileObject[] files = findSources(context);
296: if (files != null && files.length == 1
297: && findBuildXml(project) != null) {
298: return true;
299: }
300: files = findTestSources(context, false);
301: return files != null && files.length == 1
302: && findBuildXml(project) != null;
303: } else {
304: // other actions are global
305: return findBuildXml(project) != null;
306: }
307: }
309: private static final Pattern SRCDIRJAVA = Pattern
310: .compile("\\.java$"); // NOI18N
311: private static final String SUBST = "Test.java"; // NOI18N
313: private FileObject[] findSources(Lookup context) {
314: FileObject srcDir = project.getSourceDirectory();
315: if (srcDir != null) {
316: FileObject[] files = ActionUtils.findSelectedFiles(context,
317: srcDir, ".java", true); // NOI18N
318: //System.err.println("findSources: srcDir=" + srcDir + " files=" + (files != null ? java.util.Arrays.asList(files) : null) + " context=" + context);
319: return files;
320: } else {
321: return null;
322: }
323: }
325: private FileObject[] findTestSources(Lookup context,
326: boolean checkInSrcDir) {
327: FileObject testSrcDir = project.getTestSourceDirectory();
328: if (testSrcDir != null) {
329: FileObject[] files = ActionUtils.findSelectedFiles(context,
330: testSrcDir, ".java", true); // NOI18N
331: if (files != null) {
332: return files;
333: }
334: }
335: //System.err.println("fTS: testSrcDir=" + testSrcDir + " checkInSrcDir=" + checkInSrcDir + " context=" + context);
336: if (checkInSrcDir && testSrcDir != null) {
337: FileObject srcDir = project.getSourceDirectory();
338: //System.err.println(" srcDir=" + srcDir);
339: if (srcDir != null) {
340: FileObject[] files = ActionUtils.findSelectedFiles(
341: context, srcDir, ".java", true); // NOI18N
342: //System.err.println(" files=" + files);
343: if (files != null) {
344: FileObject[] files2 = ActionUtils.regexpMapFiles(
345: files, srcDir, SRCDIRJAVA, testSrcDir,
346: SUBST, true);
347: //System.err.println(" files2=" + files2);
348: if (files2 != null) {
349: return files2;
350: }
351: }
352: }
353: }
354: return null;
355: }
357: /** Find tests corresponding to selected sources.
358: */
359: private FileObject[] findTestSourcesForSources(Lookup context) {
360: FileObject[] sourceFiles = findSources(context);
361: if (sourceFiles == null) {
362: return null;
363: }
364: FileObject testSrcDir = project.getTestSourceDirectory();
365: FileObject srcDir = project.getSourceDirectory();
366: return ActionUtils.regexpMapFiles(sourceFiles, srcDir,
367: SRCDIRJAVA, testSrcDir, SUBST, true);
368: }
370: private FileObject[] findFunctionalTestSources(Lookup context) {
371: FileObject srcDir = project.getFunctionalTestSourceDirectory();
372: if (srcDir != null) {
373: FileObject[] files = ActionUtils.findSelectedFiles(context,
374: srcDir, ".java", true); // NOI18N
375: return files;
376: } else {
377: return null;
378: }
379: }
381: private FileObject[] findPerformanceTestSources(Lookup context) {
382: FileObject srcDir = project.getPerformanceTestSourceDirectory();
383: if (srcDir != null) {
384: FileObject[] files = ActionUtils.findSelectedFiles(context,
385: srcDir, ".java", true); // NOI18N
386: return files;
387: } else {
388: return null;
389: }
390: }
392: public void invokeAction(String command, Lookup context)
393: throws IllegalArgumentException {
394: if (ActionProvider.COMMAND_DELETE.equals(command)) {
395: if (ModuleOperations.canRun(project, true)) {
396: DefaultProjectOperations
397: .performDefaultDeleteOperation(project);
398: }
399: return;
400: } else if (ActionProvider.COMMAND_RENAME.equals(command)) {
401: if (ModuleOperations.canRun(project, true)) {
402: DefaultProjectOperations.performDefaultRenameOperation(
403: project, null);
404: }
405: return;
406: } else if (ActionProvider.COMMAND_MOVE.equals(command)) {
407: if (ModuleOperations.canRun(project, true)) {
408: DefaultProjectOperations
409: .performDefaultMoveOperation(project);
410: }
411: return;
412: } else if (ActionProvider.COMMAND_COPY.equals(command)) {
413: if (ModuleOperations.canRun(project, true)) {
414: DefaultProjectOperations
415: .performDefaultCopyOperation(project);
416: }
417: return;
418: }
419: if (!verifySufficientlyNewHarness(project)) {
420: return;
421: }
422: Properties p;
423: String[] targetNames;
424: FileObject buildScript = null;
425: if (command.equals(COMMAND_COMPILE_SINGLE)) {
426: FileObject[] files = findSources(context);
427: p = new Properties();
428: if (files != null) {
429: p.setProperty("javac.includes", ActionUtils
430: .antIncludesList(files, project
431: .getSourceDirectory())); // NOI18N
432: targetNames = new String[] { "compile-single" }; // NOI18N
433: } else {
434: files = findTestSources(context, false);
435: p.setProperty("javac.includes", ActionUtils
436: .antIncludesList(files, project
437: .getTestSourceDirectory())); // NOI18N
438: targetNames = new String[] { "compile-test-single" }; // NOI18N
439: }
440: } else if (command.equals(COMMAND_TEST_SINGLE)) {
441: p = new Properties();
442: FileObject[] files = findTestSourcesForSources(context);
443: targetNames = setupTestSingle(p, files);
444: } else if (command.equals(COMMAND_DEBUG_TEST_SINGLE)) {
445: p = new Properties();
446: FileObject[] files = findTestSourcesForSources(context);
447: targetNames = setupDebugTestSingle(p, files);
448: } else if (command.equals(COMMAND_RUN_SINGLE)) {
449: FileObject[] files = findFunctionalTestSources(context);
450: if (files != null) {
451: String path = FileUtil.getRelativePath(project
452: .getFunctionalTestSourceDirectory(), files[0]);
453: p = new Properties();
454: p.setProperty("xtest.testtype", "qa-functional"); // NOI18N
455: p.setProperty("classname", path.substring(0,
456: path.length() - 5).replace('/', '.')); // NOI18N
457: targetNames = new String[] { "internal-execution" }; // NOI18N
458: buildScript = findTestBuildXml(project);
459: } else if ((files = findPerformanceTestSources(context)) != null) {
460: String path = FileUtil.getRelativePath(project
461: .getPerformanceTestSourceDirectory(), files[0]);
462: p = new Properties();
463: p.setProperty("xtest.testtype", "qa-performance"); // NOI18N
464: p.setProperty("classname", path.substring(0,
465: path.length() - 5).replace('/', '.')); // NOI18N
466: targetNames = new String[] { "internal-execution" }; // NOI18N
467: buildScript = findTestBuildXml(project);
468: } else {
469: files = findTestSources(context, false);
470: p = new Properties();
471: targetNames = setupTestSingle(p, files);
472: }
473: } else if (command.equals(COMMAND_DEBUG_SINGLE)) {
474: FileObject[] files = findTestSources(context, false);
475: p = new Properties();
476: targetNames = setupDebugTestSingle(p, files);
477: } else if (command
478: .equals(JavaProjectConstants.COMMAND_DEBUG_FIX)) {
479: FileObject[] files = findSources(context);
480: String path = null;
481: if (files != null) {
482: path = FileUtil.getRelativePath(project
483: .getSourceDirectory(), files[0]);
484: assert path != null;
485: assert path.endsWith(".java");
486: targetNames = new String[] { "debug-fix-nb" }; // NOI18N
487: } else {
488: files = findTestSources(context, false);
489: path = FileUtil.getRelativePath(project
490: .getTestSourceDirectory(), files[0]);
491: assert path != null;
492: assert path.endsWith(".java");
493: targetNames = new String[] { "debug-fix-test-nb" }; // NOI18N
494: }
495: String clazzSlash = path.substring(0, path.length() - 5);
496: p = new Properties();
497: p.setProperty("fix.class", clazzSlash); // NOI18N
498: buildScript = findBuildXml(project);
499: } else if (command.equals(JavaProjectConstants.COMMAND_JAVADOC)
500: && !project.supportsJavadoc()) {
501: promptForPublicPackagesToDocument();
502: return;
503: } else {
504: p = null;
505: targetNames = globalCommands.get(command);
506: if (targetNames == null) {
507: throw new IllegalArgumentException(command);
508: }
509: }
510: if (buildScript == null) {
511: buildScript = findBuildXml(project);
512: }
513: try {
514: ActionUtils.runTarget(buildScript, targetNames, p);
515: } catch (IOException e) {
516: Util.err.notify(e);
517: }
518: }
520: private void promptForPublicPackagesToDocument() {
521: // #61372: warn the user, rather than disabling the action.
522: if (UIUtil.showAcceptCancelDialog(NbBundle.getMessage(
523: ModuleActions.class, "TITLE_javadoc_disabled"),
524: NbBundle.getMessage(ModuleActions.class,
525: "ERR_javadoc_disabled"), NbBundle.getMessage(
526: ModuleActions.class, "LBL_configure_pubpkg"),
527: null, NotifyDescriptor.WARNING_MESSAGE)) {
528: CustomizerProviderImpl cpi = project.getLookup().lookup(
529: CustomizerProviderImpl.class);
530: cpi
531: .showCustomizer(
532: CustomizerProviderImpl.CATEGORY_VERSIONING,
534: }
535: }
537: private static boolean verifySufficientlyNewHarness(
538: NbModuleProject project) {
539: NbPlatform plaf = project.getPlatform(false);
540: if (plaf != null
541: && plaf.getHarnessVersion() != NbPlatform.HARNESS_VERSION_UNKNOWN
542: && plaf.getHarnessVersion() < project
543: .getMinimumHarnessVersion()) {
544: promptForNewerHarness();
545: return false;
546: } else {
547: return true;
548: }
549: }
551: static void promptForNewerHarness() {
552: // #82388: warn the user that the harness version is too low.
553: NotifyDescriptor d = new NotifyDescriptor.Message(
554: NbBundle.getMessage(ModuleActions.class,
555: "ERR_harness_too_old"),
556: NotifyDescriptor.ERROR_MESSAGE);
557: d.setTitle(NbBundle.getMessage(ModuleActions.class,
558: "TITLE_harness_too_old"));
559: DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(d);
560: }
562: private String[] setupTestSingle(Properties p, FileObject[] files) {
563: p.setProperty("test.includes", ActionUtils.antIncludesList(
564: files, project.getTestSourceDirectory())); // NOI18N
565: return new String[] { "test-single" }; // NOI18N
566: }
568: private String[] setupDebugTestSingle(Properties p,
569: FileObject[] files) {
570: String path = FileUtil.getRelativePath(project
571: .getTestSourceDirectory(), files[0]);
572: // Convert foo/FooTest.java -> foo.FooTest
573: p.setProperty("test.class", path
574: .substring(0, path.length() - 5).replace('/', '.')); // NOI18N
575: return new String[] { "debug-test-single-nb" }; // NOI18N
576: }
578: private static Action createSimpleAction(
579: final NbModuleProject project, final String[] targetNames,
580: String displayName) {
581: return new AbstractAction(displayName) {
582: public @Override
583: boolean isEnabled() {
584: return findBuildXml(project) != null;
585: }
587: public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ignore) {
588: if (!verifySufficientlyNewHarness(project)) {
589: return;
590: }
591: try {
592: ActionUtils.runTarget(findBuildXml(project),
593: targetNames, null);
594: } catch (IOException e) {
595: Util.err.notify(e);
596: }
597: }
598: };
599: }
601: private static Action createMasterAction(
602: final NbModuleProject project, final String[] targetNames,
603: String displayName) {
604: return new AbstractAction(displayName) {
605: public @Override
606: boolean isEnabled() {
607: return findMasterBuildXml(project) != null;
608: }
610: public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ignore) {
611: try {
612: ActionUtils.runTarget(findMasterBuildXml(project),
613: targetNames, null);
614: } catch (IOException e) {
615: Util.err.notify(e);
616: }
617: }
618: };
619: }
621: private static Action createCheckBundleAction(
622: final NbModuleProject project, String displayName) {
623: return new AbstractAction(displayName) {
624: public @Override
625: boolean isEnabled() {
626: return findMonitorXml() != null
627: && project.getPathWithinNetBeansOrg() != null;
628: }
630: public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ignore) {
631: Properties props = new Properties();
632: props
633: .put("modules", project
634: .getPathWithinNetBeansOrg()); // NOI18N
635: props.put("fixedmodules", ""); // NOI18N
636: try {
637: ActionUtils.runTarget(findMonitorXml(),
638: new String[] { "check-bundle-usage" },
639: props); // NOI18N
640: } catch (IOException e) {
641: Util.err.notify(e);
642: }
643: }
645: private FileObject findMonitorXml() {
646: return project
647: .getNbrootFileObject("nbbuild/monitor.xml"); // NOI18N
648: }
649: };
650: }
652: private static Action createReloadInIDEAction(
653: final NbModuleProject project, final String[] targetNames,
654: String displayName) {
655: return new AbstractAction(displayName) {
656: public @Override
657: boolean isEnabled() {
658: if (findBuildXml(project) == null) {
659: return false;
660: }
661: NbModuleProvider.NbModuleType type = Util
662: .getModuleType(project);
663: if (type == NbModuleProvider.NETBEANS_ORG) {
664: return true;
665: } else if (type == NbModuleProvider.STANDALONE) {
666: NbPlatform p = project.getPlatform(false);
667: return p != null && p.isDefault();
668: } else {
669: assert type == NbModuleProvider.SUITE_COMPONENT : type;
670: try {
671: SuiteProject suite = SuiteUtils
672: .findSuite(project);
673: if (suite == null) {
674: return false;
675: }
676: NbPlatform p = suite.getPlatform(false);
677: if (/* #67148 */p == null || !p.isDefault()) {
678: return false;
679: }
680: return SuiteProperties
681: .getArrayProperty(
682: suite.getEvaluator(),
683: SuiteProperties.ENABLED_CLUSTERS_PROPERTY).length == 0
684: && SuiteProperties
685: .getArrayProperty(
686: suite.getEvaluator(),
687: SuiteProperties.DISABLED_CLUSTERS_PROPERTY).length == 0
688: && SuiteProperties
689: .getArrayProperty(
690: suite.getEvaluator(),
691: SuiteProperties.DISABLED_MODULES_PROPERTY).length == 0;
692: } catch (IOException e) {
693: Util.err.notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e);
694: return false;
695: }
696: }
697: }
699: public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ignore) {
700: if (!verifySufficientlyNewHarness(project)) {
701: return;
702: }
703: if (ModuleUISettings.getDefault()
704: .getConfirmReloadInIDE()) {
705: NotifyDescriptor d = new NotifyDescriptor.Confirmation(
706: NbBundle.getMessage(ModuleActions.class,
707: "LBL_reload_in_ide_confirm"),
708: NbBundle.getMessage(ModuleActions.class,
709: "LBL_reload_in_ide_confirm_title"),
710: NotifyDescriptor.OK_CANCEL_OPTION);
711: if (DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(d) != NotifyDescriptor.OK_OPTION) {
712: return;
713: }
714: ModuleUISettings.getDefault()
715: .setConfirmReloadInIDE(false); // do not ask again
716: }
717: try {
718: ActionUtils.runTarget(findBuildXml(project),
719: targetNames, null);
720: } catch (IOException e) {
721: Util.err.notify(e);
722: }
723: }
724: };
725: }
727: private static Action createArchAction(final NbModuleProject project) {
728: return new AbstractAction(NbBundle.getMessage(
729: ModuleActions.class, "ACTION_arch")) {
730: public @Override
731: boolean isEnabled() {
732: return findBuildXml(project) != null;
733: }
735: public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ignore) {
736: if (!verifySufficientlyNewHarness(project)) {
737: return;
738: }
739: ProjectManager.mutex().writeAccess(
740: new Mutex.Action<Void>() {
741: public Void run() {
742: String prop = "javadoc.arch"; // NOI18N
743: if (project.evaluator().getProperty(
744: prop) == null) {
745: // User has not yet configured an arch desc. Assume we should just do it for them.
746: EditableProperties props = project
747: .getHelper()
748: .getProperties(
750: props.setProperty(prop,
751: "${basedir}/arch.xml"); // NOI18N
752: project
753: .getHelper()
754: .putProperties(
756: props);
757: try {
758: ProjectManager.getDefault()
759: .saveProject(project);
760: } catch (IOException e) {
761: Util.err.notify(e);
762: }
763: }
764: return null;
765: }
766: });
767: try {
768: ActionUtils.runTarget(findBuildXml(project),
769: new String[] { "arch-nb" }, null); // NOI18N
770: } catch (IOException e) {
771: Util.err.notify(e);
772: }
773: }
774: };
775: }
777: }