| java.lang.Object org.netbeans.spi.mobility.cldcplatform.CLDCPlatformDescriptor
CLDCPlatformDescriptor | final public class CLDCPlatformDescriptor (Code) | | CLDCPlatformDescriptor is used to describe a platform detected by CustomCLDCPlatformConfigurator.
This class is only a holder of information about platform type, devices, classpath, command lines, etc...
author: Adam Sotona |
Inner Class :public static enum ProfileType | |
Inner Class :final public static class Device | |
Inner Class :final public static class Profile | |
Inner Class :final public static class Screen | |
Field Summary | |
final public String | debugCmd Definition of debug command line is mandatory for CUSTOM platofrm type. | final public List<Device> | devices Fixed list of CLDCPlatformDescriptor.Device instances that describe platform devices. | final public String | displayName Display name of the platform. | final public String | docPath Comma-separated list of platform JavaDoc roots (might also include zip and jar files with the platform JavaDoc). | final public String | home Home directory of the platform. | final public String | preverifyCmd Definition of preverify command line is mandatory for CUSTOM platofrm type. | final public String | runCmd Definition of run command line is mandatory for CUSTOM platofrm type. | final public String | srcPath Comma-separated list of platform source roots. | final public String | type Type of the platform (currently supported types are UEI-1.0, UEI-1.0.1, and CUSTOM). |
Constructor Summary | |
public | CLDCPlatformDescriptor(String displayName, String home, String type, String srcPath, String docPath, String preverifyCmd, String runCmd, String debugCmd, List<Device> devices) Creates a new instance of CLDCPlatformDescriptor
Parameters: displayName - Display name of the platform.The argument is mandatory. Parameters: home - Home directory of the platform.The argument is mandatory. Parameters: type - Type of the platform (currently supported types are UEI-1.0, UEI-1.0.1, and CUSTOM).It is likely that CustomCLDCPlatformConfgigurator will provide CUSTOM platform type with all the necessary information to use the platform.The argument is mandatory. Parameters: srcPath - Comma-separated list of platform source roots. |
debugCmd | final public String debugCmd(Code) | | Definition of debug command line is mandatory for CUSTOM platofrm type. For other then CUSTOM platform types is this field ignored.
Sample debug command line for UEI compatible platforms is:
"{platformhome}{/}bin{/}emulator" {device|-Xdevice:"{device}"} {jadfile|-Xdescriptor:"{jadfile}"} {securitydomain|-Xdomain:{securitydomain}} {debug|-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport={debugtransport},server={debugserver},suspend={debugsuspend},address={debugaddress}} {cmdoptions}
platformhome - platform home filled above
device - device name filled above
classpath - platform classpath will be defined on the next wizard step
jadfile - jad file name
jadurl - jad url for OTA execution
securitydomain - security domain for OTA execution
debug - this is just a condition indicating debug mode
debugaddress - debug address
debugtransport - debug transport
debugserver - debug server mode - true by default
debugsuspend - debug suspend mode - true by default
cmdoptions - command line options propagated from project settings
/ - OS specific directory separator
Parameter formats:
{argument} is a simple replacement, so for example {jadfile} will be replaced by the real path to the jad file.
{argument|command line part} is a condition, if argument is set to some value the command line part will be added to the command line.
Combination of condition and simple replacement is allowed. For example: {jadfile|-Xdescriptor:"{jadfile}"} means that if the jadfile argument contains /myfolder/my.jad then -Xdescriptor:"/myfolder/my.jad" will be added to the command line.
devices | final public List<Device> devices(Code) | | Fixed list of CLDCPlatformDescriptor.Device instances that describe platform devices.
The list must always contain at least one device.
displayName | final public String displayName(Code) | | Display name of the platform.
May never be null.
docPath | final public String docPath(Code) | | Comma-separated list of platform JavaDoc roots (might also include zip and jar files with the platform JavaDoc). Each of the root can be defined as a relative path prefixed with ${platform.home}
Definition of JavaDoc roots is optional however it is usefull for Java development to have direct access to JavaDoc.
home | final public String home(Code) | | Home directory of the platform.
May never be null.
preverifyCmd | final public String preverifyCmd(Code) | | Definition of preverify command line is mandatory for CUSTOM platofrm type. For other then CUSTOM platform types is this field ignored.
Sample preverify command line for all UEI compatible platforms is:
"{platformhome}{/}bin{/}preverify" {classpath|-classpath "{classpath}"} -d "{destdir}" "{srcdir}"
platformhome - platform home filled above
srcdir - source directory of classes to preverify
destdir - destination directory for preverified classes
classpath - platform classpath will be defined on the next wizard step
/ - OS specific directory separator
Parameter formats:
{argument} is a simple replacement, so for example {jadfile} will be replaced by the real path to the jad file.
{argument|command line part} is a condition, if argument is set to some value the command line part will be added to the command line.
Combination of condition and simple replacement is allowed. For example: {jadfile|-Xdescriptor:"{jadfile}"} means that if the jadfile argument contains /myfolder/my.jad then -Xdescriptor:"/myfolder/my.jad" will be added to the command line.
runCmd | final public String runCmd(Code) | | Definition of run command line is mandatory for CUSTOM platofrm type. For other then CUSTOM platform types is this field ignored.
Sample run command line for UEI compatible platforms is:
"{platformhome}{/}bin{/}emulator" {device|-Xdevice:"{device}"} {jadfile|-Xdescriptor:"{jadfile}"} {securitydomain|-Xdomain:{securitydomain}} {cmdoptions}
platformhome - platform home filled above
device - device name filled above
classpath - platform classpath will be defined on the next wizard step
jadfile - jad file name
jadurl - jad url for OTA execution
securitydomain - security domain for OTA execution
cmdoptions - command line options propagated from project settings
/ - OS specific directory separator
Parameter formats:
{argument} is a simple replacement, so for example {jadfile} will be replaced by the real path to the jad file.
{argument|command line part} is a condition, if argument is set to some value the command line part will be added to the command line.
Combination of condition and simple replacement is allowed. For example: {jadfile|-Xdescriptor:"{jadfile}"} means that if the jadfile argument contains /myfolder/my.jad then -Xdescriptor:"/myfolder/my.jad" will be added to the command line.
srcPath | final public String srcPath(Code) | | Comma-separated list of platform source roots. Each of the root can be defined as a relative path prefixed with ${platform.home}
Definition of source roots is optional and most of the platforms are provided without sources available however it is usefull for Java development to have direct access to all sources.
type | final public String type(Code) | | Type of the platform (currently supported types are UEI-1.0, UEI-1.0.1, and CUSTOM).
It is likely that CustomCLDCPlatformConfgigurator will provide CUSTOM platform type with all the necessary information to use the platform.
May never be null.
CLDCPlatformDescriptor | public CLDCPlatformDescriptor(String displayName, String home, String type, String srcPath, String docPath, String preverifyCmd, String runCmd, String debugCmd, List<Device> devices)(Code) | | Creates a new instance of CLDCPlatformDescriptor
Parameters: displayName - Display name of the platform.The argument is mandatory. Parameters: home - Home directory of the platform.The argument is mandatory. Parameters: type - Type of the platform (currently supported types are UEI-1.0, UEI-1.0.1, and CUSTOM).It is likely that CustomCLDCPlatformConfgigurator will provide CUSTOM platform type with all the necessary information to use the platform.The argument is mandatory. Parameters: srcPath - Comma-separated list of platform source roots. Each of the root can be defined as a relative path prefixed with ${platform.home}Definition of source roots is optional and most of the platforms are provided without sources available however it is usefull for Java development to have direct access to all sources. Parameters: docPath - Comma-separated list of platform JavaDoc roots (might also include zip and jar files with the platform JavaDoc). Each of the root can be defined as a relative path prefixed with ${platform.home}Definition of JavaDoc roots is optional however it is usefull for Java development to have direct access to JavaDoc. Parameters: preverifyCmd - Definition of preverify command line is mandatory for CUSTOM platofrm type. For other then CUSTOM platform types is this field ignored.Sample preverify command line for all UEI compatible platforms is:"{platformhome}{/}bin{/}preverify" {classpath|-classpath "{classpath}"} -d "{destdir}" "{srcdir}"Parameters:platformhome - platform home filled abovesrcdir - source directory of classes to preverifydestdir - destination directory for preverified classesclasspath - platform classpath will be defined on the next wizard step/ - OS specific directory separatorParameter formats:{argument} is a simple replacement, so for example {jadfile} will be replaced by the real path to the jad file.{argument|command line part} is a condition, if argument is set to some value the command line part will be added to the command line.Combination of condition and simple replacement is allowed. For example: {jadfile|-Xdescriptor:"{jadfile}"} means that if the jadfile argument contains /myfolder/my.jad then -Xdescriptor:"/myfolder/my.jad" will be added to the command line. Parameters: runCmd - Definition of run command line is mandatory for CUSTOM platofrm type. For other then CUSTOM platform types is this field ignored.Sample run command line for UEI compatible platforms is:"{platformhome}{/}bin{/}emulator" {device|-Xdevice:"{device}"} {jadfile|-Xdescriptor:"{jadfile}"} {securitydomain|-Xdomain:{securitydomain}} {cmdoptions}Parameters:platformhome - platform home filled abovedevice - device name filled aboveclasspath - platform classpath will be defined on the next wizard stepjadfile - jad file namejadurl - jad url for OTA executionsecuritydomain - security domain for OTA executioncmdoptions - command line options propagated from project settings/ - OS specific directory separatorParameter formats:{argument} is a simple replacement, so for example {jadfile} will be replaced by the real path to the jad file.{argument|command line part} is a condition, if argument is set to some value the command line part will be added to the command line.Combination of condition and simple replacement is allowed. For example: {jadfile|-Xdescriptor:"{jadfile}"} means that if the jadfile argument contains /myfolder/my.jad then -Xdescriptor:"/myfolder/my.jad" will be added to the command line. Parameters: debugCmd - Definition of debug command line is mandatory for CUSTOM platofrm type. For other then CUSTOM platform types is this field ignored.Sample debug command line for UEI compatible platforms is:"{platformhome}{/}bin{/}emulator" {device|-Xdevice:"{device}"} {jadfile|-Xdescriptor:"{jadfile}"} {securitydomain|-Xdomain:{securitydomain}} {debug|-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport={debugtransport},server={debugserver},suspend={debugsuspend},address={debugaddress}} {cmdoptions}Parameters:platformhome - platform home filled abovedevice - device name filled aboveclasspath - platform classpath will be defined on the next wizard stepjadfile - jad file namejadurl - jad url for OTA executionsecuritydomain - security domain for OTA executiondebug - this is just a condition indicating debug modedebugaddress - debug addressdebugtransport - debug transportdebugserver - debug server mode - true by defaultdebugsuspend - debug suspend mode - true by defaultcmdoptions - command line options propagated from project settings/ - OS specific directory separatorParameter formats:{argument} is a simple replacement, so for example {jadfile} will be replaced by the real path to the jad file.{argument|command line part} is a condition, if argument is set to some value the command line part will be added to the command line.Combination of condition and simple replacement is allowed. For example: {jadfile|-Xdescriptor:"{jadfile}"} means that if the jadfile argument contains /myfolder/my.jad then -Xdescriptor:"/myfolder/my.jad" will be added to the command line. Parameters: devices - List of CLDCPlatformDescriptor.Device instances that describe platform devices.The list must always contain at least one device. |