0001: /*
0003: *
0004: * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
0005: *
0006: * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
0007: * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
0008: * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
0009: * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
0010: * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
0011: * http://www.netbeans.org/cddl-gplv2.html
0012: * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
0013: * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
0014: * License. When distributing the software, include this License Header
0015: * Notice in each file and include the License file at
0016: * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. Sun designates this
0017: * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
0018: * by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
0019: * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
0020: * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
0021: * your own identifying information:
0022: * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
0023: *
0024: * Contributor(s):
0025: *
0026: * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
0027: * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun
0028: * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
0029: *
0030: * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
0031: * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
0032: * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
0033: * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
0034: * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
0035: * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
0036: * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
0037: * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
0038: * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
0039: * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
0040: */
0042: package org.netbeans.modules.cnd.completion.cplusplus.ext;
0044: import java.util.Iterator;
0045: import org.netbeans.editor.Settings;
0046: import org.netbeans.lib.editor.util.CharSequenceUtilities;
0047: import org.netbeans.modules.cnd.api.model.CsmEnumerator;
0048: import org.netbeans.modules.cnd.api.model.CsmMacro;
0049: import org.netbeans.modules.cnd.api.model.CsmTypedef;
0050: import org.netbeans.modules.cnd.modelutil.CsmUtilities;
0051: import org.netbeans.modules.cnd.api.model.CsmClass;
0052: import org.netbeans.modules.cnd.api.model.CsmDeclaration;
0053: import org.netbeans.modules.cnd.api.model.CsmEnum;
0054: import org.netbeans.modules.cnd.api.model.CsmField;
0055: import org.netbeans.modules.cnd.api.model.CsmFunction;
0056: import org.netbeans.modules.cnd.api.model.CsmNamespace;
0057: import org.netbeans.modules.cnd.api.model.CsmObject;
0058: import org.netbeans.modules.cnd.api.model.CsmParameter;
0059: import org.netbeans.modules.cnd.api.model.CsmType;
0060: import org.netbeans.modules.cnd.api.model.CsmVariable;
0061: import org.netbeans.modules.cnd.api.model.util.CsmKindUtilities;
0062: import java.awt.Color;
0063: import java.awt.Component;
0064: import java.awt.Font;
0065: import java.awt.Graphics;
0066: import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
0067: import java.util.ArrayList;
0068: import java.util.List;
0069: import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
0070: import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
0071: import org.netbeans.api.editor.completion.Completion;
0072: import org.netbeans.api.lexer.TokenSequence;
0073: import org.netbeans.cnd.api.lexer.CndLexerUtilities;
0074: import org.netbeans.cnd.api.lexer.CppTokenId;
0075: import org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument;
0076: import org.netbeans.editor.Formatter;
0077: import org.netbeans.editor.SettingsNames;
0078: import org.netbeans.editor.Utilities;
0079: import org.netbeans.editor.ext.CompletionQuery;
0080: import org.netbeans.editor.ext.ExtFormatter;
0081: import org.netbeans.lib.editor.util.swing.DocumentUtilities;
0082: import org.netbeans.modules.cnd.api.model.CsmFile;
0083: import org.netbeans.modules.cnd.api.model.CsmInclude;
0084: import org.netbeans.modules.cnd.api.model.CsmNamespaceAlias;
0085: import org.netbeans.modules.cnd.api.model.CsmTemplate;
0086: import org.netbeans.modules.cnd.api.model.services.CsmIncludeResolver;
0087: import org.netbeans.modules.cnd.editor.api.CodeStyle;
0088: import org.netbeans.modules.cnd.modelutil.CsmPaintComponent;
0089: import org.netbeans.modules.cnd.modelutil.ParamStr;
0090: import org.netbeans.spi.editor.completion.CompletionItem;
0091: import org.netbeans.spi.editor.completion.CompletionTask;
0093: /**
0094: *
0095: * @author Vladimir Voskresensky
0096: * after JCResultItem
0097: */
0099: public abstract class CsmResultItem implements
0100: CompletionQuery.ResultItem,
0101: CompletionQuery.ResultItemAssociatedObject, CompletionItem {
0103: private static boolean enableInstantSubstitution = true;
0105: protected int selectionStartOffset = -1;
0106: protected int selectionEndOffset = -1;
0108: protected int substituteOffset = -1;
0110: CsmObject associatedObject;
0111: private static final Color KEYWORD_COLOR = Color.gray;
0112: private static final Color TYPE_COLOR = Color.black;
0113: private int priority;
0115: protected CsmResultItem(CsmObject associatedObject, int priority) {
0116: this .associatedObject = associatedObject;
0117: this .priority = priority;
0118: }
0120: public abstract String getItemText();
0122: public Object getAssociatedObject() {
0123: return associatedObject;
0124: }
0126: protected static Color getTypeColor(CsmType type) {
0127: return type.isBuiltInBased(false) ? KEYWORD_COLOR : TYPE_COLOR;
0128: }
0130: public void setSubstituteOffset(int substituteOffset) {
0131: this .substituteOffset = substituteOffset;
0132: }
0134: public boolean substituteCommonText(JTextComponent c, int offset,
0135: int len, int subLen) {
0136: // [PENDING] not enough info in parameters...
0137: // commonText
0138: // substituteExp
0139: return false;
0140: }
0142: public boolean substituteText(JTextComponent c, int offset,
0143: int len, boolean shift) {
0144: BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument) c.getDocument();
0145: String text = getReplaceText();
0147: if (text != null) {
0148: // Update the text
0149: doc.atomicLock();
0150: try {
0151: CharSequence textToReplace = DocumentUtilities.getText(
0152: doc, offset, len);
0153: if (CharSequenceUtilities.textEquals(text,
0154: textToReplace))
0155: return false;
0157: doc.remove(offset, len);
0158: doc.insertString(offset, text, null);
0159: if (selectionStartOffset >= 0) {
0160: c.select(offset + selectionStartOffset, offset
0161: + selectionEndOffset);
0162: }
0163: } catch (BadLocationException e) {
0164: // Can't update
0165: } finally {
0166: doc.atomicUnlock();
0167: }
0168: }
0170: return true;
0171: }
0173: public java.awt.Component getPaintComponent(javax.swing.JList list,
0174: boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) {
0175: Component ret;
0176: ret = getPaintComponent(isSelected);
0177: if (ret == null)
0178: return null;
0179: if (isSelected) {
0180: ret.setBackground(list.getSelectionBackground());
0181: ret.setForeground(list.getSelectionForeground());
0182: } else {
0183: ret.setBackground(list.getBackground());
0184: ret.setForeground(list.getForeground());
0185: }
0186: ret.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleName(getItemText());
0187: ret.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleDescription(
0188: getItemText());
0189: return ret;
0190: }
0192: protected abstract Component getPaintComponent(boolean isSelected);
0194: // CompletionItem implementation
0196: public int getPreferredWidth(Graphics g, Font defaultFont) {
0197: Component renderComponent = getPaintComponent(false);
0198: renderComponent.setFont(defaultFont);
0199: int width = renderComponent.getPreferredSize().width;
0200: return width;
0201: }
0203: public void render(Graphics g, Font defaultFont,
0204: Color defaultColor, Color backgroundColor, int width,
0205: int height, boolean selected) {
0206: Component renderComponent = getPaintComponent(selected);
0207: renderComponent.setFont(defaultFont);
0208: renderComponent.setForeground(defaultColor);
0209: renderComponent.setBackground(backgroundColor);
0210: renderComponent.setBounds(0, 0, width, height);
0211: ((CsmPaintComponent) renderComponent).paintComponent(g);
0212: }
0214: protected static String getTypeName(CsmType typ) {
0215: // return typ.format(false);
0216: return typ.getText().toString();
0217: }
0219: /**
0220: * Used for testing only
0221: * @return a string representation of the object.
0222: */
0223: public String toString() {
0224: Component comp = getPaintComponent(false);
0225: return comp != null ? comp.toString() : ""; //NOI18N
0226: }
0228: protected int convertCsmModifiers(CsmObject obj) {
0229: return CsmUtilities.getModifiers(obj);
0230: }
0232: public static final String COMPLETION_SUBSTITUTE_TEXT = "completion-substitute-text"; //NOI18N
0234: static String toAdd;
0236: public void processKeyEvent(KeyEvent evt) {
0237: if (evt.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_TYPED) {
0238: Completion completion = Completion.get();
0239: switch (evt.getKeyChar()) {
0240: case ' ':
0241: if (evt.getModifiers() == 0) {
0242: completion.hideCompletion();
0243: completion.hideDocumentation();
0244: }
0245: break;
0246: case ';':
0247: case ',':
0248: case '+':
0249: case '-':
0250: case '=':
0251: case '/':
0252: case '*':
0253: case '%':
0254: case ':':
0255: completion.hideCompletion();
0256: completion.hideDocumentation();
0257: break;
0258: case '.':
0259: if (defaultAction((JTextComponent) evt.getSource(),
0260: Character.toString(evt.getKeyChar()))) {
0261: evt.consume();
0262: break;
0263: }
0264: }
0265: }
0266: }
0268: public CharSequence getSortText() {
0269: return getItemText();
0270: }
0272: public CharSequence getInsertPrefix() {
0273: return getItemText();
0274: }
0276: public CompletionTask createDocumentationTask() {
0277: return null;
0278: // return new AsyncCompletionTask(new JavaCompletionProvider.DocQuery(this),
0279: // org.netbeans.editor.Registry.getMostActiveComponent());
0280: }
0282: public CompletionTask createToolTipTask() {
0283: return null;
0284: }
0286: public static void setEnableInstantSubstitution(boolean enable) {
0287: CsmResultItem.enableInstantSubstitution = enable;
0288: }
0290: public boolean instantSubstitution(JTextComponent c) {
0291: if (CsmResultItem.enableInstantSubstitution) {
0292: Completion completion = Completion.get();
0293: completion.hideCompletion();
0294: completion.hideDocumentation();
0295: defaultAction(c);
0296: return true;
0297: } else {
0298: return false;
0299: }
0300: }
0302: public void defaultAction(JTextComponent component) {
0303: Completion completion = Completion.get();
0304: completion.hideCompletion();
0305: completion.hideDocumentation();
0306: defaultAction(component, "");
0307: }
0309: boolean defaultAction(JTextComponent component, String addText) {
0310: int substOffset = substituteOffset;
0311: if (substOffset == -1) {
0312: substOffset = component.getCaret().getDot();
0313: }
0314: CsmResultItem.toAdd = addText;
0315: if (substituteText(component, substOffset, component.getCaret()
0316: .getDot()
0317: - substOffset, false)) {
0318: CsmIncludeResolver inclResolver = CsmIncludeResolver
0319: .getDefault();
0320: BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument) component.getDocument();
0321: Object ob = getAssociatedObject();
0322: if (CsmKindUtilities.isCsmObject(ob)) {
0323: CsmFile currentFile = CsmUtilities.getCsmFile(doc,
0324: false);
0325: if (!inclResolver.isObjectVisible(currentFile,
0326: (CsmObject) ob)) {
0327: String include = inclResolver.getIncludeDirective(
0328: currentFile, (CsmObject) ob);
0330: if (include.length() != 0) {
0331: insertInclude(
0332: component,
0333: currentFile,
0334: include,
0335: include.charAt(include.length() - 1) == '>');
0336: }
0337: }
0338: } else {
0339: System.err.println("not yet handled object " + ob);
0340: }
0341: return true;
0342: } else {
0343: return false;
0344: }
0346: }
0348: // Inserts include derctive into document
0349: private void insertInclude(JTextComponent component,
0350: CsmFile currentFile, String include, boolean isSystem) {
0351: BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument) component.getDocument();
0352: CsmInclude lastInclude = null;
0353: boolean isLastIncludeTypeMatch = false;
0354: for (CsmInclude inc : currentFile.getIncludes()) {
0355: if (inc.isSystem() == isSystem) {
0356: lastInclude = inc;
0357: isLastIncludeTypeMatch = true;
0358: } else {
0359: if (lastInclude == null
0360: || (!isLastIncludeTypeMatch && !isSystem)) {
0361: lastInclude = inc;
0362: }
0363: }
0364: }
0365: doc.atomicLock();
0366: try {
0367: if (lastInclude != null) {
0368: if (isLastIncludeTypeMatch) {
0369: doc.insertString(lastInclude.getEndOffset(), "\n"
0370: + include, null); // NOI18N
0371: } else if (!isSystem) {
0372: doc.insertString(lastInclude.getEndOffset(), "\n\n"
0373: + include, null); // NOI18N
0374: } else {
0375: doc.insertString(lastInclude.getStartOffset(),
0376: include + "\n\n", null); // NOI18N
0377: }
0378: } else {
0379: TokenSequence<CppTokenId> ts;
0380: ts = CndLexerUtilities
0381: .getCppTokenSequence(component, 0);
0382: if (ts != null) {
0383: int offset = getIncludeOffsetFromTokenSequence(ts);
0384: if (offset == 0) {
0385: doc.insertString(offset, "\n" + include
0386: + "\n\n", null); // NOI18N
0387: } else {
0388: doc.insertString(offset, "\n\n" + include
0389: + "\n", null); // NOI18N
0390: }
0391: }
0392: }
0393: } catch (BadLocationException e) {
0394: // Can't update
0395: } finally {
0396: doc.atomicUnlock();
0397: }
0398: }
0400: // Finds place for include insertion in case if there is no other includes in document
0401: private int getIncludeOffsetFromTokenSequence(
0402: TokenSequence<CppTokenId> ts) {
0403: ts.moveStart();
0404: if (!ts.moveNext()) {
0405: return 0;
0406: }
0407: while (ts.token().id().equals(CppTokenId.WHITESPACE)
0408: || ts.token().id().equals(CppTokenId.NEW_LINE)) {
0409: if (!ts.moveNext()) {
0410: return 0;
0411: }
0412: }
0413: if (ts.token().id().equals(CppTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT)
0414: || ts.token().id().equals(CppTokenId.DOXYGEN_COMMENT)) {
0415: if (!ts.moveNext()) {
0416: return 0;
0417: }
0418: int firstCommentEndOffset = ts.offset();
0419: int newLineNumber = 0;
0420: while (ts.token().id().equals(CppTokenId.WHITESPACE)
0421: || ts.token().id().equals(CppTokenId.NEW_LINE)) {
0422: if (ts.token().id().equals(CppTokenId.NEW_LINE)) {
0423: newLineNumber++;
0424: }
0425: if (!ts.moveNext()) {
0426: return 0;
0427: }
0428: }
0429: if (ts.token().id().equals(CppTokenId.BLOCK_COMMENT)
0430: || ts.token().id().equals(
0431: CppTokenId.DOXYGEN_COMMENT)) {
0432: return firstCommentEndOffset;
0433: } else {
0434: if (newLineNumber > 1) {
0435: return firstCommentEndOffset;
0436: }
0437: return 0;
0438: }
0439: }
0440: return 0;
0441: }
0443: protected String getReplaceText() {
0444: return getItemText();
0445: }
0447: public int getSortPriority() {
0448: return this .priority;
0449: }
0451: public static class FileLocalVariableResultItem extends
0452: VariableResultItem {
0454: public FileLocalVariableResultItem(CsmVariable fld, int priotity) {
0455: super (fld, priotity);
0456: }
0458: protected CsmPaintComponent.FieldPaintComponent createPaintComponent() {
0459: return new CsmPaintComponent.FileLocalVariablePaintComponent();
0460: }
0461: }
0463: public static class GlobalVariableResultItem extends
0464: VariableResultItem {
0466: public GlobalVariableResultItem(CsmVariable fld, int priotity) {
0467: super (fld, priotity);
0468: }
0470: protected CsmPaintComponent.FieldPaintComponent createPaintComponent() {
0471: return new CsmPaintComponent.GlobalVariablePaintComponent();
0472: }
0473: }
0475: public static class LocalVariableResultItem extends
0476: VariableResultItem {
0478: public LocalVariableResultItem(CsmVariable fld, int priotity) {
0479: super (fld, priotity);
0480: }
0482: protected CsmPaintComponent.FieldPaintComponent createPaintComponent() {
0483: return new CsmPaintComponent.LocalVariablePaintComponent();
0484: }
0485: }
0487: public static class FieldResultItem extends VariableResultItem {
0489: public FieldResultItem(CsmField fld, int priotity) {
0490: super (fld, priotity);
0491: }
0493: protected CsmPaintComponent.FieldPaintComponent createPaintComponent() {
0494: return new CsmPaintComponent.FieldPaintComponent();
0495: }
0496: }
0498: public static class MacroResultItem extends CsmResultItem {
0499: private String macName;
0500: private List params;
0501: private static CsmPaintComponent.MacroPaintComponent macroPaintComp = null;
0503: public MacroResultItem(CsmMacro mac, int priotity) {
0504: super (mac, priotity);
0505: this .macName = mac.getName().toString();
0506: this .params = mac.getParameters();
0507: }
0509: private String getName() {
0510: return macName;
0511: }
0513: private List getParams() {
0514: return params;
0515: }
0517: public String getItemText() {
0518: return getName();
0519: }
0521: protected CsmPaintComponent.MacroPaintComponent createPaintComponent() {
0522: return new CsmPaintComponent.MacroPaintComponent();
0523: }
0525: public Component getPaintComponent(boolean isSelected) {
0526: if (macroPaintComp == null) {
0527: macroPaintComp = createPaintComponent();
0528: }
0529: CsmMacro mac = (CsmMacro) getAssociatedObject();
0530: macroPaintComp.setName(getName());
0531: macroPaintComp.setParams(getParams());
0532: macroPaintComp.setSelected(isSelected);
0533: return macroPaintComp;
0534: }
0535: }
0537: public abstract static class VariableResultItem extends
0538: CsmResultItem {
0540: private String typeName;
0541: private Color typeColor;
0542: private String fldName;
0543: private int modifiers;
0544: private boolean isDeprecated;
0546: private static CsmPaintComponent.FieldPaintComponent fieldComponent = null;
0547: private static CsmPaintComponent.FieldPaintComponent globVarComponent = null;
0548: private static CsmPaintComponent.FieldPaintComponent localVarComponent = null;
0549: private static CsmPaintComponent.FieldPaintComponent fileLocalVarComponent = null;
0551: public VariableResultItem(CsmVariable fld, int priotity) {
0552: super (fld, priotity);
0553: this .fldName = fld.getName().toString();
0554: this .modifiers = convertCsmModifiers(fld);
0555: this .typeName = getTypeName(fld.getType());
0556: this .typeColor = getTypeColor(fld.getType());
0557: }
0559: public String getItemText() {
0560: return fldName;
0561: }
0563: abstract protected CsmPaintComponent.FieldPaintComponent createPaintComponent();
0565: public java.awt.Component getPaintComponent(boolean isSelected) {
0566: CsmPaintComponent.FieldPaintComponent comp = null;
0567: assert (CsmKindUtilities.isCsmObject(getAssociatedObject())) : "must be csm object"; //NOI18N
0568: CsmObject var = (CsmObject) getAssociatedObject();
0569: if (CsmKindUtilities.isField(var)) {
0570: if (fieldComponent == null) {
0571: fieldComponent = createPaintComponent();
0572: }
0573: comp = fieldComponent;
0574: } else if (CsmKindUtilities.isGlobalVariable(var)) {
0575: if (globVarComponent == null) {
0576: globVarComponent = createPaintComponent();
0577: }
0578: comp = globVarComponent;
0579: } else if (CsmKindUtilities.isFileLocalVariable(var)) {
0580: if (fileLocalVarComponent == null) {
0581: fileLocalVarComponent = createPaintComponent();
0582: }
0583: comp = fileLocalVarComponent;
0584: } else {
0585: assert (CsmKindUtilities.isLocalVariable(var)) : "support only global var, local var, file local var and class fields"; //NOI18N
0586: if (localVarComponent == null) {
0587: localVarComponent = createPaintComponent();
0588: }
0589: comp = localVarComponent;
0590: }
0591: comp.setTypeName(typeName);
0592: comp.setName(fldName);
0593: comp.setTypeColor(typeColor);
0594: comp.setModifiers(modifiers);
0595: comp.setSelected(isSelected);
0597: return comp;
0598: }
0599: }
0601: public static class FileLocalFunctionResultItem extends
0602: MethodResultItem {
0603: public FileLocalFunctionResultItem(CsmFunction mtd,
0604: CsmCompletionExpression substituteExp, int priotity) {
0605: super (mtd, substituteExp, priotity);
0606: }
0608: protected CsmPaintComponent.ConstructorPaintComponent createPaintComponent() {
0609: return new CsmPaintComponent.FileLocalFunctionPaintComponent();
0610: }
0611: }
0613: public static class GlobalFunctionResultItem extends
0614: MethodResultItem {
0615: public GlobalFunctionResultItem(CsmFunction mtd,
0616: CsmCompletionExpression substituteExp, int priotity) {
0617: super (mtd, substituteExp, priotity);
0618: }
0620: protected CsmPaintComponent.ConstructorPaintComponent createPaintComponent() {
0621: return new CsmPaintComponent.GlobalFunctionPaintComponent();
0622: }
0623: }
0625: public static class MethodResultItem extends ConstructorResultItem {
0627: private static CsmPaintComponent.MethodPaintComponent mtdComponent = null;
0628: private static CsmPaintComponent.MethodPaintComponent globFunComponent = null;
0629: private String typeName;
0630: private Color typeColor;
0631: private String mtdName;
0633: public MethodResultItem(CsmFunction mtd,
0634: CsmCompletionExpression substituteExp, int priotity) {
0635: super (mtd, substituteExp, priotity);
0636: typeName = CsmResultItem.getTypeName(mtd.getReturnType());
0637: mtdName = mtd.getName().toString();
0638: typeColor = CsmResultItem.getTypeColor(mtd.getReturnType());
0639: }
0641: public String getName() {
0642: return mtdName;
0643: }
0645: public String getItemText() {
0646: return getName();
0647: }
0649: public String getTypeName() {
0650: return typeName;
0651: }
0653: public void setTypeName(String typeName) {
0654: this .typeName = typeName;
0655: }
0657: public Color getTypeColor() {
0658: return typeColor;
0659: }
0661: public void setTypeColor(Color typeColor) {
0662: this .typeColor = typeColor;
0663: }
0665: protected CsmPaintComponent.ConstructorPaintComponent createPaintComponent() {
0666: return new CsmPaintComponent.MethodPaintComponent();
0667: }
0669: public Component getPaintComponent(boolean isSelected) {
0670: CsmPaintComponent.MethodPaintComponent comp = null;
0671: assert (CsmKindUtilities.isCsmObject(getAssociatedObject())) : "must be csm object"; //NOI18N
0672: CsmObject mtd = (CsmObject) getAssociatedObject();
0673: if (CsmKindUtilities.isMethod(mtd)) {
0674: if (mtdComponent == null) {
0675: mtdComponent = (CsmPaintComponent.MethodPaintComponent) createPaintComponent();
0676: }
0677: comp = mtdComponent;
0678: } else {
0679: assert (CsmKindUtilities.isGlobalFunction(mtd)) : "support only global fun and class methods"; //NOI18N
0680: if (globFunComponent == null) {
0681: globFunComponent = (CsmPaintComponent.MethodPaintComponent) createPaintComponent();
0682: }
0683: comp = globFunComponent;
0684: }
0686: comp.setName(getName());
0687: comp.setModifiers(getModifiers());
0688: comp.setTypeName(getTypeName());
0689: comp.setTypeColor(getTypeColor());
0690: comp.setParams(getParams());
0691: comp.setExceptions(getExceptions());
0692: comp.setSelected(isSelected);
0693: return comp;
0694: }
0695: }
0697: public static class ConstructorResultItem extends CsmResultItem {
0699: private CsmFunction ctr;
0700: private CsmCompletionExpression substituteExp;
0701: private List params = new ArrayList();
0702: private List excs = new ArrayList();
0703: private int modifiers;
0704: private static CsmPaintComponent.ConstructorPaintComponent ctrComponent = null;
0705: private int activeParameterIndex = -1;
0706: private int varArgIndex = -1;
0708: public ConstructorResultItem(CsmFunction ctr,
0709: CsmCompletionExpression substituteExp, int priotity) {
0710: super (ctr, priotity);
0711: this .ctr = ctr;
0712: this .substituteExp = substituteExp;
0713: this .modifiers = convertCsmModifiers(ctr);
0714: CsmParameter[] prms = (CsmParameter[]) ctr.getParameters()
0715: .toArray(new CsmParameter[0]);
0716: for (int i = 0; i < prms.length; i++) {
0717: CsmParameter prm = (CsmParameter) prms[i];
0718: CsmType type = prm.getType();
0719: if (type == null) {
0720: // only var args parameters could have null types
0721: assert (prm.isVarArgs());
0722: params.add(new ParamStr("", "", prm.getName()
0723: .toString(), true, KEYWORD_COLOR)); //NOI18N
0724: varArgIndex = i;
0725: } else {
0726: // XXX may be need full name as the first param
0727: // FIXUP: too expensive to call getClassifier here!
0728: String strFullName = type.getText().toString();// type.getClassifier().getName();
0729: params
0730: .add(new ParamStr(strFullName, type
0731: .getText().toString(), prm
0732: .getName().toString(), false,
0733: TYPE_COLOR /*getTypeColor(type.getClassifier())*/));
0734: }
0735: }
0736: // TODO
0737: // CsmClass excepts[] = ctr.getExceptions();
0738: // for (int i=0; i<excepts.length; i++) {
0739: // CsmClass ex = (CsmClass) excepts[i];
0740: // excs.add(new ExcStr(ex.getName(), getTypeColor(ex)));
0741: // }
0743: }
0745: public CsmCompletionExpression getExpression() {
0746: return this .substituteExp;
0747: }
0749: int getActiveParameterIndex() {
0750: return activeParameterIndex;
0751: }
0753: /**
0754: * If set to value different than -1 it marks that
0755: * this component renders an outer enclosing constructor/method
0756: * and the given index is the index of the active parameter
0757: * which is being completed as an inner expression.
0758: */
0759: void setActiveParameterIndex(int activeParamIndex) {
0760: this .activeParameterIndex = activeParamIndex;
0761: }
0763: public int getModifiers() {
0764: return modifiers;
0765: }
0767: public String getName() {
0768: // TODO review the output
0769: return ctr.getName().toString();
0770: }
0772: public List getParams() {
0773: return params;
0774: }
0776: public List getExceptions() {
0777: return excs;
0778: }
0780: public int getCurrentParamIndex() {
0781: int idx = 0;
0782: if (substituteExp != null
0783: && substituteExp.getExpID() == CsmCompletionExpression.METHOD_OPEN) {
0784: idx = substituteExp.getParameterCount() - 1;
0785: }
0786: if (varArgIndex > -1 && varArgIndex < idx) {
0787: idx = varArgIndex;
0788: }
0789: return idx;
0790: }
0792: public List createParamsList() {
0793: List ret = new ArrayList();
0794: for (Iterator it = getParams().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
0795: StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
0796: ParamStr ps = (ParamStr) it.next();
0797: sb.append(ps.getSimpleTypeName());
0798: if (ps.isVarArg()) {
0799: sb.append("..."); // NOI18N
0800: } else {
0801: String name = ps.getName();
0802: if (name != null && name.length() > 0) {
0803: sb.append(" "); // NOI18N
0804: sb.append(name);
0805: }
0806: }
0807: if (it.hasNext()) {
0808: sb.append(", "); // NOI18N
0809: }
0810: ret.add(sb.toString());
0811: }
0812: return ret;
0813: }
0815: @Override
0816: public boolean substituteText(JTextComponent c, int offset,
0817: int len, boolean shift) {
0819: if (true) {
0820: BaseDocument doc = (BaseDocument) c.getDocument();
0821: String text = null;
0822: boolean addParams = true;
0823: // CsmCompletionExpression exp = substituteExp;
0824: // while(exp != null) {
0825: //// if (exp.getExpID() == CsmCompletionExpression.IMPORT) {
0826: //// addParams = false;
0827: //// break;
0828: //// }
0829: // exp = exp.getParent();
0830: // }
0832: switch ((substituteExp != null) ? substituteExp
0833: .getExpID() : -1) {
0834: case CsmCompletionExpression.METHOD:
0835: // no subst
0836: break;
0838: case CsmCompletionExpression.METHOD_OPEN:
0839: int parmsCnt = params.size();
0840: if (parmsCnt == 0) {
0841: if (getActiveParameterIndex() == -1) { // not showing active parm
0842: try {
0843: int fnwpos = Utilities
0844: .getFirstNonWhiteFwd(doc,
0845: offset + len);
0846: if (fnwpos > -1
0847: && doc.getChars(fnwpos, 1)[0] == ')') { // NOI18N
0848: text = doc.getText(offset + len,
0849: fnwpos + 1 - offset - len);
0850: len = fnwpos + 1 - offset;
0851: }
0852: } catch (BadLocationException e) {
0853: }
0854: if (text == null) {
0855: text = ")";
0856: } // NOI18N
0857: }
0859: } else { // one or more parameters
0860: int activeParamIndex = getActiveParameterIndex();
0861: if (activeParamIndex != -1) { // Active parameter being shown
0862: boolean substed = false;
0863: if (activeParamIndex < parmsCnt) {
0864: String paramName = ((ParamStr) params
0865: .get(activeParamIndex))
0866: .getName();
0867: if (paramName != null) {
0868: try {
0869: // Fill in the parameter's name
0870: doc.insertString(c
0871: .getCaretPosition(),
0872: paramName, null);
0873: substed = true;
0874: } catch (BadLocationException e) {
0875: // Can't insert
0876: }
0877: }
0878: }
0879: return substed;
0880: }
0881: int ind = substituteExp.getParameterCount() - 1;
0882: boolean addSpace = CodeStyle.getDefault(doc)
0883: .spaceAfterComma();
0884: try {
0885: if (addSpace
0886: && (ind == 0 || (offset > 0 && Character
0887: .isWhitespace(DocumentUtilities
0888: .getText(doc,
0889: offset - 1,
0890: 1)
0891: .charAt(0))))) {
0892: addSpace = false;
0893: }
0894: } catch (BadLocationException e) {
0895: }
0897: boolean isVarArg = parmsCnt > 0 ? ((ParamStr) params
0898: .get(parmsCnt - 1)).isVarArg()
0899: : false;
0900: if (ind < parmsCnt || isVarArg) {
0901: text = addSpace ? " " : ""; // NOI18N
0902: }
0903: }
0904: break;
0906: default:
0907: text = getItemText();
0908: boolean addSpace = CodeStyle.getDefault(doc)
0909: .spaceBeforeMethodCallParen();//getFormatSpaceBeforeParenthesis();
0910: boolean addClosingParen = false;
0911: Formatter f = doc.getFormatter();
0912: if (f instanceof ExtFormatter) {
0913: Object o = ((ExtFormatter) f)
0914: .getSettingValue(SettingsNames.PAIR_CHARACTERS_COMPLETION);
0915: o = Settings
0916: .getValue(
0917: doc.getKitClass(),
0919: if ((o instanceof Boolean)
0920: && ((Boolean) o).booleanValue()) {
0921: addClosingParen = true;
0922: }
0923: }
0925: if (addParams) {
0926: String paramsText = null;
0927: try {
0928: int fnwpos = Utilities.getFirstNonWhiteFwd(
0929: doc, offset + len);
0930: if (fnwpos > -1
0931: && fnwpos <= Utilities.getRowEnd(
0932: doc, offset + len)
0933: && doc.getChars(fnwpos, 1)[0] == '(') { // NOI18N
0934: paramsText = doc.getText(offset + len,
0935: fnwpos + 1 - offset - len);
0936: if (addSpace && paramsText.length() < 2) {
0937: text += ' ';
0938: } // NOI18N
0939: len = fnwpos + 1 - offset;
0940: text += paramsText;
0941: toAdd = null; // do not add '.', ',', ';'
0942: }
0943: } catch (BadLocationException e) {
0944: }
0945: if (paramsText == null) {
0946: if (addSpace) {
0947: text += ' '; // NOI18N
0948: }
0949: text += '('; // NOI18N
0950: if (params.size() > 0) {
0951: selectionStartOffset = selectionEndOffset = text
0952: .length();
0953: Completion completion = Completion
0954: .get();
0955: completion.hideCompletion();
0956: completion.hideDocumentation();
0957: completion.showToolTip();
0958: }
0959: if (addClosingParen) {
0960: text += ")";
0961: } // NOI18N
0962: } else {
0963: try {
0964: int fnwpos = Utilities
0965: .getFirstNonWhiteFwd(doc,
0966: offset + len);
0967: if (fnwpos > -1
0968: && doc.getChars(fnwpos, 1)[0] == ')') { // NOI18N
0969: paramsText = doc.getText(offset
0970: + len, fnwpos + 1 - offset
0971: - len);
0972: len = fnwpos + 1 - offset;
0973: if (params.size() > 0) {
0974: selectionStartOffset = selectionEndOffset = text
0975: .length();
0976: }
0977: text += paramsText;
0978: }
0979: } catch (BadLocationException e) {
0980: }
0981: }
0982: }
0983: break;
0984: }
0986: if (text != null) {
0987: if (toAdd != null && !toAdd.equals("\n")
0988: && !"(".equals(toAdd)) // NOI18N
0989: {
0990: text += toAdd;
0991: }
0992: // Update the text
0993: doc.atomicLock();
0994: try {
0995: CharSequence textToReplace = DocumentUtilities
0996: .getText(doc, offset, len);
0997: if (CharSequenceUtilities.textEquals(text,
0998: textToReplace)) {
0999: c.setCaretPosition(offset + len);
1000: return false;
1001: }
1002: doc.remove(offset, len);
1003: doc.insertString(offset, text, null);
1004: if (selectionStartOffset >= 0) {
1005: c.select(offset + selectionStartOffset,
1006: offset + selectionEndOffset);
1007: } else if ("(".equals(toAdd)) { // NOI18N
1008: int index = text.lastIndexOf(')');
1009: if (index > -1) {
1010: c.setCaretPosition(offset + index);
1011: }
1012: }
1013: } catch (BadLocationException e) {
1014: // Can't update
1015: } finally {
1016: doc.atomicUnlock();
1017: }
1018: return true;
1019: } else {
1020: return false;
1021: }
1022: }
1023: return false;
1024: }
1026: public String getItemText() {
1027: // TODO review the output
1028: return ctr.getName().toString();
1029: }
1031: protected CsmPaintComponent.ConstructorPaintComponent createPaintComponent() {
1032: return new CsmPaintComponent.ConstructorPaintComponent();
1033: }
1035: public Component getPaintComponent(boolean isSelected) {
1036: if (ctrComponent == null) {
1037: ctrComponent = createPaintComponent();
1038: }
1039: ctrComponent.setName(getItemText());
1040: ctrComponent.setModifiers(getModifiers());
1041: ctrComponent.setParams(getParams());
1042: ctrComponent.setExceptions(getExceptions());
1043: ctrComponent.setSelected(isSelected);
1044: return ctrComponent;
1045: }
1047: }
1049: public static class NamespaceAliasResultItem extends CsmResultItem {
1051: private CsmNamespaceAlias alias;
1052: private String aliasName;
1053: private static CsmPaintComponent.NamespaceAliasPaintComponent aliasComponent;
1055: public NamespaceAliasResultItem(CsmNamespaceAlias alias,
1056: boolean displayFullNamespacePath, int priotity) {
1057: super (alias, priotity);
1058: this .alias = alias;
1059: this .aliasName = alias.getAlias().toString();
1060: }
1062: public String getItemText() {
1063: return alias.getAlias().toString();
1064: }
1066: protected CsmPaintComponent.NamespaceAliasPaintComponent createPaintComponent() {
1067: return new CsmPaintComponent.NamespaceAliasPaintComponent();
1068: }
1070: public Component getPaintComponent(boolean isSelected) {
1071: if (aliasComponent == null) {
1072: aliasComponent = createPaintComponent();
1073: }
1074: aliasComponent.setSelected(isSelected);
1075: aliasComponent.setAliasName(aliasName);
1076: return aliasComponent;
1077: }
1079: }
1081: public static class NamespaceResultItem extends CsmResultItem {
1083: private boolean displayFullNamespacePath;
1084: private CsmNamespace pkg;
1085: private String pkgName;
1086: private static CsmPaintComponent.NamespacePaintComponent pkgComponent;
1088: public NamespaceResultItem(CsmNamespace pkg,
1089: boolean displayFullNamespacePath, int priotity) {
1090: super (pkg, priotity);
1091: this .pkg = pkg;
1092: this .displayFullNamespacePath = displayFullNamespacePath;
1093: this .pkgName = pkg.getName().toString();
1094: }
1096: public String getItemText() {
1097: return displayFullNamespacePath ? pkg.getQualifiedName()
1098: .toString() : pkg.getName().toString();
1099: }
1101: protected CsmPaintComponent.NamespacePaintComponent createPaintComponent() {
1102: return new CsmPaintComponent.NamespacePaintComponent();
1103: }
1105: public Component getPaintComponent(boolean isSelected) {
1106: if (pkgComponent == null) {
1107: pkgComponent = createPaintComponent();
1108: }
1109: pkgComponent.setSelected(isSelected);
1110: pkgComponent.setNamespaceName(pkgName);
1111: pkgComponent
1112: .setDisplayFullNamespacePath(displayFullNamespacePath);
1113: return pkgComponent;
1114: }
1116: }
1118: public static class EnumResultItem extends CsmResultItem {
1120: private CsmEnum enm;
1121: private boolean isInterface;
1122: private int classDisplayOffset;
1123: private boolean isDeprecated;
1124: private boolean displayFQN;
1126: private static CsmPaintComponent.EnumPaintComponent enumComponent = null;
1128: public EnumResultItem(CsmEnum enm, boolean displayFQN,
1129: int priotity) {
1130: this (enm, 0, displayFQN, priotity);
1131: }
1133: public EnumResultItem(CsmEnum enm, int classDisplayOffset,
1134: boolean displayFQN, int priotity) {
1135: super (enm, priotity);
1136: this .enm = enm;
1137: this .classDisplayOffset = classDisplayOffset;
1138: this .displayFQN = displayFQN;
1139: }
1141: protected String getName() {
1142: return enm.getName().toString();
1143: }
1145: protected String getReplaceText() {
1146: String text = getItemText();
1147: if (classDisplayOffset > 0
1148: && classDisplayOffset < text.length()) { // Only the last name for inner classes
1149: text = text.substring(classDisplayOffset);
1150: }
1151: return text;
1152: }
1154: public String getItemText() {
1155: return displayFQN ? enm.getQualifiedName().toString() : enm
1156: .getName().toString();
1157: }
1159: protected CsmPaintComponent.EnumPaintComponent createPaintComponent() {
1160: return new CsmPaintComponent.EnumPaintComponent();
1161: }
1163: public Component getPaintComponent(boolean isSelected) {
1164: if (enumComponent == null) {
1165: enumComponent = createPaintComponent();
1166: }
1167: enumComponent.setSelected(isSelected);
1168: enumComponent.setFormatEnumName(getName());
1169: return enumComponent;
1170: }
1172: }
1174: public static class EnumeratorResultItem extends CsmResultItem {
1176: private CsmEnumerator enmtr;
1177: private int enumDisplayOffset;
1178: private boolean isDeprecated;
1179: private boolean displayFQN;
1181: private static CsmPaintComponent.EnumeratorPaintComponent enumtrComponent = null;
1183: public EnumeratorResultItem(CsmEnumerator enmtr,
1184: boolean displayFQN, int priotity) {
1185: this (enmtr, 0, displayFQN, priotity);
1186: }
1188: public EnumeratorResultItem(CsmEnumerator enmtr,
1189: int enumDisplayOffset, boolean displayFQN, int priotity) {
1190: super (enmtr, priotity);
1191: this .enmtr = enmtr;
1192: this .enumDisplayOffset = enumDisplayOffset;
1193: this .displayFQN = displayFQN;
1194: }
1196: protected String getName() {
1197: return enmtr.getName().toString();
1198: }
1200: protected String getReplaceText() {
1201: String text = getItemText();
1202: if (enumDisplayOffset > 0
1203: && enumDisplayOffset < text.length()) { // Only the last name for inner classes
1204: text = text.substring(enumDisplayOffset);
1205: }
1206: return text;
1207: }
1209: public String getItemText() {
1210: // TODO: do we need name of enum?
1211: return (displayFQN ? enmtr.getEnumeration()
1212: .getQualifiedName()
1213: + CsmCompletion.SCOPE : "")
1214: + enmtr.getName(); //NOI18N
1215: }
1217: protected CsmPaintComponent.EnumeratorPaintComponent createPaintComponent() {
1218: return new CsmPaintComponent.EnumeratorPaintComponent();
1219: }
1221: public Component getPaintComponent(boolean isSelected) {
1222: if (enumtrComponent == null) {
1223: enumtrComponent = createPaintComponent();
1224: }
1225: enumtrComponent.setSelected(isSelected);
1226: enumtrComponent.setFormatEnumeratorName(getName());
1227: return enumtrComponent;
1228: }
1230: }
1232: public static class ClassResultItem extends CsmResultItem {
1234: private CsmClass cls;
1235: private CsmDeclaration.Kind kind;
1236: private boolean isInterface;
1237: private int classDisplayOffset;
1238: private boolean isDeprecated;
1239: private boolean displayFQN;
1241: private static CsmPaintComponent.ClassPaintComponent clsComponent = null;
1242: private static CsmPaintComponent.StructPaintComponent structComponent = null;
1243: private static CsmPaintComponent.UnionPaintComponent unionComponent = null;
1245: public ClassResultItem(CsmClass cls, boolean displayFQN,
1246: int priotity) {
1247: this (cls, 0, displayFQN, priotity);
1248: }
1250: public ClassResultItem(CsmClass cls, int classDisplayOffset,
1251: boolean displayFQN, int priotity) {
1252: super (cls, priotity);
1253: this .cls = cls;
1254: this .kind = cls.getKind();
1255: this .classDisplayOffset = classDisplayOffset;
1256: this .displayFQN = displayFQN;
1257: }
1259: protected String getName() {
1260: return cls.isTemplate() ? ((CsmTemplate) cls)
1261: .getDisplayName().toString() : cls.getName()
1262: .toString();
1263: }
1265: protected String getReplaceText() {
1266: String text = getItemText();
1267: if (classDisplayOffset > 0
1268: && classDisplayOffset < text.length()) { // Only the last name for inner classes
1269: text = text.substring(classDisplayOffset);
1270: }
1271: return text;
1272: }
1274: public String getItemText() {
1275: return displayFQN ? cls.getQualifiedName().toString()
1276: : getName();
1277: }
1279: protected CsmPaintComponent.StructPaintComponent createStructPaintComponent() {
1280: return new CsmPaintComponent.StructPaintComponent();
1281: }
1283: protected CsmPaintComponent.UnionPaintComponent createUnionPaintComponent() {
1284: return new CsmPaintComponent.UnionPaintComponent();
1285: }
1287: protected CsmPaintComponent.ClassPaintComponent createClassPaintComponent() {
1288: return new CsmPaintComponent.ClassPaintComponent();
1289: }
1291: public Component getPaintComponent(boolean isSelected) {
1292: if (kind == CsmDeclaration.Kind.STRUCT) {
1293: if (structComponent == null) {
1294: structComponent = createStructPaintComponent();
1295: }
1296: structComponent.setSelected(isSelected);
1297: structComponent.setFormatClassName(getName());
1298: return structComponent;
1299: } else if (kind == CsmDeclaration.Kind.UNION) {
1300: if (unionComponent == null) {
1301: unionComponent = createUnionPaintComponent();
1302: }
1303: unionComponent.setSelected(isSelected);
1304: unionComponent.setFormatClassName(getName());
1305: return unionComponent;
1306: } else {
1307: assert (kind == CsmDeclaration.Kind.CLASS) : "must be class kind";
1308: if (clsComponent == null) {
1309: clsComponent = createClassPaintComponent();
1310: }
1311: clsComponent.setSelected(isSelected);
1312: clsComponent.setFormatClassName(getName());
1313: return clsComponent;
1314: }
1315: }
1317: }
1319: public static class TypedefResultItem extends CsmResultItem {
1321: private CsmTypedef def;
1322: private int defDisplayOffset;
1323: private boolean isDeprecated;
1324: private boolean displayFQN;
1326: private static CsmPaintComponent.TypedefPaintComponent defComponent = null;
1328: public TypedefResultItem(CsmTypedef def, boolean displayFQN,
1329: int priotity) {
1330: this (def, 0, displayFQN, priotity);
1331: }
1333: public TypedefResultItem(CsmTypedef def, int defDisplayOffset,
1334: boolean displayFQN, int priotity) {
1335: super (def, priotity);
1336: this .def = def;
1337: this .defDisplayOffset = defDisplayOffset;
1338: this .displayFQN = displayFQN;
1339: }
1341: protected String getName() {
1342: return def.getName().toString();
1343: }
1345: protected String getReplaceText() {
1346: String text = getItemText();
1347: if (defDisplayOffset > 0
1348: && defDisplayOffset < text.length()) { // Only the last name for inner classes
1349: text = text.substring(defDisplayOffset);
1350: }
1351: return text;
1352: }
1354: public String getItemText() {
1355: return displayFQN ? def.getQualifiedName().toString() : def
1356: .getName().toString();
1357: }
1359: protected CsmPaintComponent.TypedefPaintComponent createTypedefPaintComponent() {
1360: return new CsmPaintComponent.TypedefPaintComponent();
1361: }
1363: public Component getPaintComponent(boolean isSelected) {
1364: if (defComponent == null) {
1365: defComponent = createTypedefPaintComponent();
1366: }
1367: defComponent.setSelected(isSelected);
1368: defComponent.setFormatTypedefName(getName());
1369: return defComponent;
1370: }
1372: }
1374: public static class StringResultItem extends CsmResultItem {
1376: private String str;
1377: private static CsmPaintComponent.StringPaintComponent stringComponent = null;
1379: public StringResultItem(String str, int priotity) {
1380: super (null, priotity);
1381: this .str = str;
1382: }
1384: public String getItemText() {
1385: return str;
1386: }
1388: public Component getPaintComponent(boolean isSelected) {
1389: if (stringComponent == null) {
1390: stringComponent = createStringPaintComponent();
1391: }
1392: stringComponent.setSelected(isSelected);
1393: stringComponent.setString(str);
1394: return stringComponent;
1395: }
1397: public Object getAssociatedObject() {
1398: return str;
1399: }
1401: protected CsmPaintComponent.StringPaintComponent createStringPaintComponent() {
1402: return new CsmPaintComponent.StringPaintComponent();
1403: }
1404: }
1406: // static class ParamStr {
1407: // private String type, simpleType, prm;
1408: // private Color typeColor;
1409: // public ParamStr(String type, String simpleType, String prm, Color typeColor) {
1410: // this.type = type;
1411: // this.simpleType = simpleType;
1412: // this.prm = prm;
1413: // this.typeColor = typeColor;
1414: // }
1415: //
1416: // public String getTypeName() {
1417: // return type;
1418: // }
1419: //
1420: // public String getSimpleTypeName() {
1421: // return simpleType;
1422: // }
1423: //
1424: // public String getName() {
1425: // return prm;
1426: // }
1427: //
1428: // public Color getTypeColor() {
1429: // return typeColor;
1430: // }
1431: // }
1433: // static class ExcStr {
1434: // private String name;
1435: // private Color typeColor;
1436: // public ExcStr(String name, Color typeColor) {
1437: // this.name = name;
1438: // this.typeColor = typeColor;
1439: // }
1440: //
1441: // public String getName() {
1442: // return name;
1443: // }
1444: //
1445: // public Color getTypeColor() {
1446: // return typeColor;
1447: // }
1448: // }
1450: }