Method Summary |
public Object | clone() Overrides default implementation. |
public Object | cloneSQLObject() All SQL objects are cloneable. |
public String | getDisplayName() Gets display name of this object. |
public GUIInfo | getGUIInfo() Gets GUI-related attributes for this instance in the form of a GuiInfo instance. |
public String | getName() Gets name of this object. |
public SourceTable | getSourceTable() Gets source table associated with this instance. |
public void | parseXML(Element xmlElement) Populates the member variables and collections of this SQLObject instance, parsing
the given DOM Element as the source for reconstituting its contents. |
public void | secondPassParse(Element element) Parses elements which require a second round of parsing to resolve their
references. |
public void | setSourceTable(SourceTable sTable) Sets source table for this object to the given instance. |
public String | toXMLString(String prefix) Generates XML document representing this object's content, using the given String
as a prefix for each line. |