Classloader for the filesystem pool. Attaches itself as a listener to
each file a class has been loaded from. If such a file is deleted, modified
or renamed clears the global variable that holds "current" classloader, so
on next request for current one new is created.
author: Jaroslav Tulach
public void fileAttributeChanged(org.openide.filesystems.FileAttributeEvent fe)(Code)
Fired when a file attribute has been changed.
Parameters: fe - the event describing context where action has taken place,the name of attribute and old and new value.
public void fileChanged(org.openide.filesystems.FileEvent fe)(Code)
Fired when a file has been changed.
Parameters: fe - the event describing context where action has taken place
public void fileDataCreated(org.openide.filesystems.FileEvent fe)(Code)
Fired when a new file has been created. This action can only be
listened in folders containing the created file up to the root of
file system.
Parameters: fe - the event describing context where action has taken place
public void fileDeleted(org.openide.filesystems.FileEvent fe)(Code)
Fired when a file has been deleted.
Parameters: fe - the event describing context where action has taken place
public void fileFolderCreated(org.openide.filesystems.FileEvent fe)(Code)
Fired when a new folder has been created. This action can only be
listened in folders containing the created file up to the root of
file system.
Parameters: fe - the event describing context where action has taken place
public void fileRenamed(org.openide.filesystems.FileRenameEvent fe)(Code)
Fired when a file has been renamed.
Parameters: fe - the event describing context where action has taken placeand the original name and extension.
This method gets called when a bound property is changed.
Parameters: evt - A PropertyChangeEvent object describing the event source and the property that has changed.