General "queries" or communication channels pertaining to aspects of how files
are used and related.
These queries permit a module to ascertain limited kinds of information about
files or other interesting artifacts, where the information is ultimately
supplied by a possibly unrelated module, without mandating a direct dependency.
The querier is insulated from needing to understand, much less rely on details
of, the model used by the query implementation.
Although the queries are heavily used by project-related code, they may be
both queried and implemented without any projects at all.
{@link org.netbeans.api.queries.CollocationQuery} checks whether files are
logically part of one directory tree and thus whether relative paths between
them would have any sense. {@link org.netbeans.api.queries.FileBuiltQuery} can
be used to see if a file that can be "built", currently needs to be.
{@link org.netbeans.api.queries.SharabilityQuery} checks whether a file is
intended to be important data kept in a version-control system.