The Customizer2 interface describes a context-aware customizer for a JavaBean. A component
author may wish to supply a customizer for their JavaBean, which is a dialog that pops up and
provides a rich set of UI controls to manipulate the configuration of the entire JavaBean. This
type of Customizer has significantly more access to the context that the JavaBean is being
designed in, and thus allows for much greater functionality.
The dialog title and icon will use the values from 'getDisplayName()' and 'getSmallIcon()'
If a Customizer2 is apply capable (isApplyCapable() returns true), the host dialog will
have three buttons: "OK", "Apply", and "Cancel" (and possibly "Help" if there is a helpKey).
The 'isModified' method will be called each time a PropertyChangeEvent is fired to check if the
"Apply" button should be enabled. When the user clicks "OK" or "Apply", the 'applyChanges'
method is called. This implies that manipulations in the dialog are not directly affecting the
DesignBean. The DesignBean should not be touched until 'applyChanges' has been called.
If a Customizer2 is NOT apply capable (isApplyCapable() returns false), the host dialog
will only have one button: "Done" (and possibly "Help" if there is a helpKey). The DesignBean
may be manipulated at will in this dialog, as it is considered to be non-stateful. When the user
clicks "Done", the 'applyChanges' method will be called.
IMPLEMENTED BY THE COMPONENT AUTHOR - This interface is designed to be implemented by
the component (bean) author.
author: Joe Nuxoll version: 1.0 See Also: java.beans.Customizer |