A DisplayAction represents a menu item or dialog button - depending on where and how it is
used. It has a 'displayName' and a 'description' so that it can display localized text to the
user. DisplayActions may be enabled or disabled ('enabled' property) to appear grayed-out as
menu items or buttons. A DisplyAction can be 'invoked', and thus execute custom behavior when
it is activated from a menu-pick or button-click.
DisplayAction extends the DisplayItem interface, thus it includes 'displayName', 'description',
'largeIcon', and 'smallIcon' properties.
IMPLEMENTED BY THE COMPONENT AUTHOR - This interface is designed to be implemented by
the component (bean) author. The BasicDisplayAction class can be used for convenience.
author: Joe Nuxoll version: 1.0 See Also: com.sun.rave.designtime.impl.BasicDisplayAction |