Field Summary |
final public static String | ATTRIBUTE Defines "attribute" in $attribute{...}. |
final public static String | BOOLEAN Defines "boolean" in $boolean{...}. |
final public static String | BROWSER Defines "browser" in $browser{...}. |
final public static String | CONSTANT Defines "constant" in $constant{...}. |
final public static String | ESCAPE Defines "escape" in $escape{...}. |
final public static String | HAS_FACET Defines "hasFacet" in $hasFacet{...}. |
final public static String | HAS_PROPERTY Defines "hasProperty" in $hasProperty{...}. |
final public static String | INT Defines "int" in $int{...}. |
final public static String | METHOD_BINDING Defines "methodBinding" in $methodBinding{...}. |
final public static String | PROPERTY Defines "property" in $property{...}. |
final public static String | REQUEST_PARAMETER Defines "requestParameter" in $requestParameter{...}. |
final public static String | RESOURCE Defines "resource" in $resource{...}. |
final public static String | SESSION Defines "session" in $session{...}. |
final public static String | STYLE Defines "style" in $style{...}. |
final public static String | SUB_END The ')' character marks the end of the data content for a String
substitution. |
final public static String | SUB_START The '$' character marks the beginning of a substituion in a String. |
final public static String | SUB_TYPE_DELIM The '(' character marks the beginning of the data content of a String
substitution. |
final public static String | THEME Defines "theme" in $theme{...}. |
final public static String | THEME_JS Defines "themeScript" in $themeScript{...}. |
final public static String | THIS Defines "this" in $this{...}. |
Method Summary |
public static VariableResolver.DataSource | getDataSource(String key) This method looks up the requested
VariableResolver.DataSource by the given key. |
public static void | main(String args) The main function for this class provides some simple test cases. |
public static Object | resolveVariables(FacesContext ctx, LayoutElement desc, UIComponent component, String string, String startToken, String typeDelim, String endToken) This method will substitute variables into the given String, or
return the variable if the substitution is the whole String. |
public static Object | resolveVariables(LayoutElement desc, UIComponent component, Object value) This method replaces the ${..} variables with their values. |
public static Object | resolveVariables(FacesContext ctx, LayoutElement desc, UIComponent component, Object value) This method replaces the ${..} variables with their attribute values. |
public static void | setDataSource(String key, VariableResolver.DataSource dataSource) |