Represents a component library consisting of a collection of components. This is either a
built-in or an extension component library provided by a third party.
author: Edwin Goei
Inner Class :public static class Identifier
Inner Class :public static class InitialPaletteFolder extends AbstractParent
Inner Class :public static class InitialPaletteItem extends AbstractParent
Constructor Summary
Complib() Note: to fully initialize a Complib subclass requires these steps and occur in the following
order: 1) calling the constructor 2) initCompLibManifest() 3) initPaths().
Note: to fully initialize a Complib subclass requires these steps and occur in the following
order: 1) calling the constructor 2) initCompLibManifest() 3) initPaths().
TODO Figure out how to clean this up
Convert from a ComponentLibraryConfiguration path containing relative File-s, ie. a List
each representing a path element within a component library into a List with absolute
Parameters: path - List each String representing a path element. Possibly empty, may not benull. throws: ComplibException - if not valid
Returns a ClassLoader that can be used to obtain design-time metadata for a component
library. Typically, both the runtime and design-time classes are accessible as well as
JavaHelp jars.
Return the help set file. Null means none found. "/" separated path to HelpSet file relative
to helpPath. eg. "help/my-help.hs"
the help set file. Null means none found.
This method converts relative paths from the compLibConfig and turns them into absolute file
paths in the expanded complib form.
throws: ComplibException -