001: /*
003: *
004: * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
005: *
006: * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
007: * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common
008: * Development and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the
009: * "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the
010: * License. You can obtain a copy of the License at
011: * http://www.netbeans.org/cddl-gplv2.html
012: * or nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. See the License for the
013: * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the
014: * License. When distributing the software, include this License Header
015: * Notice in each file and include the License file at
016: * nbbuild/licenses/CDDL-GPL-2-CP. Sun designates this
017: * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
018: * by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
019: * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the
020: * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by
021: * your own identifying information:
022: * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]"
023: *
024: * Contributor(s):
025: *
026: * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
027: * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun
028: * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
029: *
030: * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL
031: * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding
032: * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution
033: * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a
034: * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute
035: * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or
036: * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above.
037: * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL
038: * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is
039: * made subject to such option by the copyright holder.
040: */
042: package org.netbeans.modules.visualweb.dataconnectivity.naming;
044: import org.netbeans.modules.visualweb.dataconnectivity.utils.*;
045: import java.io.File;
046: import java.io.FilenameFilter;
047: import java.io.IOException;
048: import java.net.URL;
049: import java.util.ArrayList;
050: import java.util.Collections;
051: import java.util.HashSet;
052: import java.util.Iterator;
053: import java.util.LinkedList;
054: import java.util.List;
055: import java.util.Locale;
056: import java.util.ResourceBundle;
057: import java.util.Set;
058: import java.util.jar.JarFile;
059: import javax.crypto.Cipher;
060: import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
061: import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
062: import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
063: import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
064: import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
065: import org.netbeans.api.db.explorer.ConnectionManager;
066: import org.netbeans.api.db.explorer.DatabaseConnection;
067: import org.netbeans.api.db.explorer.DatabaseException;
068: import org.netbeans.api.db.explorer.JDBCDriver;
069: import org.netbeans.api.db.explorer.JDBCDriverManager;
070: import org.netbeans.api.project.Project;
071: import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.common.NameAlreadyUsedException;
072: import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.common.ResourceRef;
073: import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.web.DDProvider;
074: import org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.dd.api.web.WebApp;
075: import org.netbeans.modules.visualweb.api.j2ee.common.RequestedJdbcResource;
076: import org.netbeans.modules.visualweb.api.j2ee.common.RequestedResource;
077: import org.netbeans.modules.visualweb.dataconnectivity.datasource.DataSourceResolver;
078: import org.netbeans.modules.visualweb.dataconnectivity.model.DataSourceInfo;
079: import org.netbeans.modules.web.api.webmodule.WebModule;
080: import org.openide.ErrorManager;
081: import org.openide.cookies.SaveCookie;
082: import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
083: import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
084: import org.openide.loaders.DataObjectNotFoundException;
085: import org.openide.util.Exceptions;
086: import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
087: import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
088: import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
090: /**
091: * DatabaseSettingsImporter imports JDBC drivers and connections from previous Creator/visualweb releases then registers them in DB Explorer
092: * @author John Baker
093: */
094: public class DatabaseSettingsImporter {
096: private static DatabaseSettingsImporter databaseSettingsImporter;
097: public static final String ROOT_CTX_TAG = "rootContext"; // NOI18N
098: public static final String CTX_TAG = "context"; // NOI18N
099: public static final String OBJ_TAG = "object"; // NOI18N
100: public static final String ARG_TAG = "arg"; // NOI18N
101: public static final String NAME_ATTR = "name"; // NOI18N
102: public static final String CLASS_ATTR = "class"; // NOI18N
103: public static final String VALUE_ATTR = "value"; // NOI18N
104: public static final String DRIVER_CLASS_NET = "org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver"; // NOI18N
105: private File userCtxFile;
106: private List<String[]> dataSources;
107: List<DataSourceInfo> dataSourcesInfo;
108: private List<File> driversList = new ArrayList<File>();
110: private static ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle
111: .getBundle(
112: "org.netbeans.modules.visualweb.dataconnectivity.naming.Bundle", // NOI18N
113: Locale.getDefault());
114: private static String[] destPaths = new String[] {
115: "migrated" + File.separator + "context.xml",
116: "migrated" + File.separator + "2_0" + File.separator
117: + "context.xml",
118: "migrated" + File.separator + "2_1" + File.separator
119: + "context.xml",
120: "migrated" + File.separator + "5_5" + File.separator
121: + "context.xml",
122: "migrated" + File.separator + "5_5_1" + File.separator
123: + "context.xml" };
125: private static final String HACK_WELCOME_FILE = "JSCreator_index.jsp"; // NOI18N
127: /** Creates a new instance of DatabaseImporter */
128: private DatabaseSettingsImporter() {
129: dataSources = Collections
130: .synchronizedList(new ArrayList<String[]>());
131: dataSourcesInfo = new ArrayList<DataSourceInfo>();
132: }
134: /**
135: * this class is a Singleton
136: * @return
137: */
138: public static DatabaseSettingsImporter getInstance() {
139: if (databaseSettingsImporter == null) {
140: databaseSettingsImporter = new DatabaseSettingsImporter();
141: }
142: return databaseSettingsImporter;
143: }
145: /**
146: * Obtain JDBC driver jars from previous release then register the drivers
147: * @param isStartup
148: * @return
149: */
150: public boolean locateAndRegisterDrivers() {
151: String driversPath = locateDrivers();
152: if (driversPath.equals("")) // NOI18N
153: return false;
155: registerDrivers(driversToRegister(driversPath));
156: return true;
157: }
159: private String locateDrivers() {
160: String driverLocation;
162: driverLocation = System.getProperty("netbeans.user")
163: + File.separator + "jdbc-drivers"; // NOI18N
164: File driverDir = new File(driverLocation);
165: if (driverDir == null)
166: return ""; // NOI18N
167: if (driverDir.exists())
168: return driverLocation;
169: else
170: return ""; // NOI18N
171: }
173: private File[] driversToRegister(String driversPath) {
174: File driverDir = new File(driversPath);
176: if (driverDir != null) {
177: File[] drivers = driverDir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
178: public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
179: return name.endsWith(".jar")
180: || name.endsWith(".zip"); // NOI18N
181: }
182: });
184: return drivers;
185: } else {
186: return null;
187: }
189: }
191: private synchronized JarFile prepareJar(File driverJarFile) {
192: JarFile jarFile = null;
193: try {
194: jarFile = new JarFile(driverJarFile);
195: } catch (IOException ex) {
196: Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
197: }
198: return jarFile;
199: }
201: private void registerDriver(File driverJar) {
202: String[] drivers = (String[]) DriverListUtil
203: .getDrivers()
204: .toArray(new String[DriverListUtil.getDrivers().size()]);
206: try {
207: JarFile jf = prepareJar(driverJar);
208: if (jf != null) {
209: String drv;
210: Set drvs = DriverListUtil.getDrivers();
211: Iterator it = drvs.iterator();
212: while (it.hasNext()) {
213: drv = (String) it.next();
214: if (jf.getEntry(drv.replace('.', '/') + ".class") != null) {
215: //NOI18N
216: String driverName = DriverListUtil.getName(drv);
217: if (DataSourceResolver.getInstance()
218: .findMatchingDriver(
219: DriverListUtil
220: .getDriver(driverName)) != null) {
221: break;
222: }
223: JDBCDriver driver = JDBCDriver
224: .create(driverName, driverName, drv,
225: new URL[] { driverJar.toURI()
226: .toURL() });
227: try {
228: JDBCDriverManager.getDefault().addDriver(
229: driver);
230: } catch (DatabaseException e) {
231: ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(e);
232: }
233: }
234: }
235: jf.close();
236: }
238: } catch (IOException ioe) {
239: ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ioe);
240: }
241: }
243: private void registerDrivers(File[] driverFiles) {
244: for (File drv : driverFiles) {
245: if (!driversList.contains(drv)) {
246: registerDriver(drv);
247: driversList.add(drv);
248: }
249: }
250: }
252: /**
253: * Obtain connection info from previous release's context.xml then register connections
254: * @param isStartup flag indicates that settings were migrated at startup or not
255: * @return
256: */
257: public boolean locateAndRegisterConnections(boolean isStartup) {
258: File contextFile;
259: Set<File> contextFiles = new HashSet<File>();
261: if (isStartup) {
262: destPaths = new String[] {
263: "2_0" + File.separator + "context.xml",
264: "2_1" + File.separator + "context.xml",
265: "5_5" + File.separator + "context.xml",
266: "5_5_1" + File.separator + "context.xml" };
267: contextFile = retrieveMigratedSettingsAtStartup();
268: if (contextFile != null) {
269: registerConnections(contextFile);
270: }
271: } else {
272: for (int i = 0; i < destPaths.length; i++) {
273: File ctxtFile = new File(System
274: .getProperty("netbeans.user")
275: + File.separator
276: + "config"
277: + File.separator
278: + destPaths[i]);
279: if (ctxtFile.exists()) {
280: contextFiles.add(ctxtFile);
281: }
282: }
284: registerConnections(contextFiles);
285: }
287: return true;
288: }
290: public File retrieveMigratedSettingsAtStartup() {
291: File contextReleaseRoot = new File(System
292: .getProperty("netbeans.user")
293: + File.separator + "config" + File.separator); // NOI18N
294: File[] configDirs = null;
296: configDirs = contextReleaseRoot.listFiles();
297: File contextFile = null;
298: for (int i = 0; i < configDirs.length; i++) {
299: File[] contextReleaseDirFiles = configDirs[i].listFiles();
301: if (contextReleaseDirFiles == null) {
302: return null;
303: }
304: for (File releaseDir : contextReleaseDirFiles) {
305: String fileName = releaseDir.getName();
306: if (fileName.equals("context.xml")) {
307: contextFile = contextReleaseDirFiles[i];
308: break;
309: }
310: }
311: }
313: return contextFile;
314: }
316: public Set<File> locateMigratedSettings() {
317: File contextReleaseRoot = new File(System
318: .getProperty("netbeans.user")); // NOI18N
319: File[] contextFileDirs = null;
320: Set<File> contextReleaseDirFiles = new HashSet<File>();
321: File migratedDir = new File(contextReleaseRoot
322: .getAbsolutePath()
323: + File.separator + "migrated");
325: if (migratedDir == null || !migratedDir.exists()
326: || !migratedDir.isDirectory()) {
327: return null;
328: }
330: contextFileDirs = migratedDir.listFiles();
331: for (File releaseDir : contextFileDirs) {
332: contextReleaseDirFiles.add(releaseDir);
333: }
335: return contextReleaseDirFiles;
336: }
338: private void registerConnections(File contextFile) {
339: dataSourcesInfo = createDataSourceInfoFromCtx(contextFile);
341: if (dataSourcesInfo != null) {
342: try {
343: Iterator it = dataSourcesInfo.iterator();
344: DataSourceInfo dsInfo = null;
345: DatabaseConnection dbconn = null;
346: JDBCDriver drvs = null;
347: JDBCDriver[] drvsArray = null;
349: // From each Data Source, add a connection to DB Explorer
350: while (it.hasNext()) {
351: dsInfo = ((DataSourceInfo) it.next());
352: String username = dsInfo.getUsername();
353: String password = dsInfo.getPassword();
355: // To register a Derby connection, no need to check to see if Java DB driver had been registered
356: if (dsInfo.getDriverClassName().equals(
358: if (!dsInfo.getName().equals("Travel")
359: && !dsInfo.getName().equals("VIR")
360: && !dsInfo.getName().equals(
361: "JumpStartCycles")) { //NOI18N
362: drvsArray = JDBCDriverManager.getDefault()
363: .getDrivers(DRIVER_CLASS_NET);
364: dbconn = DatabaseConnection.create(
365: drvsArray[0], dsInfo.getUrl(),
366: username, username.toUpperCase(),
367: password, true);
368: ConnectionManager.getDefault()
369: .addConnection(dbconn);
370: }
371: } else {
372: drvs = DataSourceResolver.getInstance()
373: .findMatchingDriver(
374: dsInfo.getDriverClassName());
375: if (drvs != null) {
376: dbconn = DatabaseConnection.create(drvs,
377: dsInfo.getUrl(), username, username
378: .toUpperCase(), password,
379: true);
380: ConnectionManager.getDefault()
381: .addConnection(dbconn);
382: }
383: }
384: }
385: } catch (DatabaseException de) {
386: ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(
387: ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, de);
388: }
389: }
390: }
392: private void registerConnections(Set<File> contextFiles) {
393: if (contextFiles == null) {
394: return;
395: }
397: Iterator it = contextFiles.iterator();
398: while (it.hasNext()) {
399: dataSourcesInfo = createDataSourceInfoFromCtx((File) it
400: .next());
402: try {
403: Iterator itDataSource = dataSourcesInfo.iterator();
404: DataSourceInfo dsInfo = null;
405: boolean isDriverJavaDB = false;
406: DatabaseConnection dbconn = null;
407: JDBCDriver drvs = null;
408: JDBCDriver[] drvsArray = null;
410: // From each Data Source, add a connection to DB Explorer
411: while (itDataSource.hasNext()) {
412: dsInfo = ((DataSourceInfo) itDataSource.next());
413: String username = dsInfo.getUsername();
414: String password = dsInfo.getPassword();
415: isDriverJavaDB = dsInfo.getDriverClassName()
416: .equals(DRIVER_CLASS_NET);
418: // To register a Derby connection, no need to check to see if Java DB driver had been registered
419: if (dsInfo.getDriverClassName().equals(
421: if (!dsInfo.getName().equals("Travel")
422: && !dsInfo.getName().equals("VIR")
423: && !dsInfo.getName().equals(
424: "JumpStartCycles")) { //NOI18N
425: drvsArray = JDBCDriverManager.getDefault()
426: .getDrivers(DRIVER_CLASS_NET);
427: dbconn = DatabaseConnection.create(
428: drvsArray[0], dsInfo.getUrl(),
429: username, username.toUpperCase(),
430: password, true);
431: ConnectionManager.getDefault()
432: .addConnection(dbconn);
433: }
434: } else {
435: drvs = DataSourceResolver.getInstance()
436: .findMatchingDriver(
437: dsInfo.getDriverClassName());
438: if (drvs != null) {
439: dbconn = DatabaseConnection.create(drvs,
440: dsInfo.getUrl(), username, username
441: .toUpperCase(), password,
442: true);
443: ConnectionManager.getDefault()
444: .addConnection(dbconn);
445: } else if (dsInfo.getDriverClassName().equals(
446: "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver")) { //NOI18N
447: drvs = DataSourceResolver.getInstance()
448: .findMatchingDriver(
449: "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"); //NOI18N
450: dbconn = DatabaseConnection.create(drvs,
451: dsInfo.getUrl(), username, username
452: .toUpperCase(), password,
453: true);
454: ConnectionManager.getDefault()
455: .addConnection(dbconn);
456: }
457: }
458: }
459: } catch (DatabaseException de) {
460: ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(
461: ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, de);
462: }
463: }
464: }
466: static private SecretKey secretKey = null;
468: static final private char[] secretKeyHex = { 'D', '6', '0', '7',
469: '5', 'E', '2', '9', '8', 'A', '4', '9', '6', '2', '5', '1' };
471: private static SecretKey getSecretKey() {
472: if (secretKey == null) {
473: byte[] encodedKey = new byte[secretKeyHex.length / 2];
474: for (int i = 0; i < encodedKey.length; i++) {
475: encodedKey[i] = hexToByte(secretKeyHex[i * 2],
476: secretKeyHex[i * 2 + 1]);
477: }
478: secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(encodedKey, "DES"); // NOI18N
479: }
481: return secretKey;
482: }
484: private static final String hexString = "0123456789ABCDEF"; // NOI18N
486: private static byte hexToByte(char char1, char char2) {
487: return (byte) ((hexString.indexOf(char1) << 4) + hexString
488: .indexOf(char2));
489: }
491: private String decryptPassword(String password) {
493: if (password == null) {
494: return null;
495: }
497: try {
498: char[] hexChars = password.toCharArray();
500: byte[] encryptedBytes = new byte[hexChars.length / 2];
501: for (int i = 0; i < encryptedBytes.length; i++) {
502: encryptedBytes[i] = hexToByte(hexChars[i * 2],
503: hexChars[i * 2 + 1]);
504: }
505: Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES"); // NOI18N
506: cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, getSecretKey());
507: byte[] passwordBytes = cipher.doFinal(encryptedBytes);
508: return new String(passwordBytes);
509: } catch (Exception e) {
510: ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(
511: ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e);
512: return "";
513: }
514: }
516: private DataSourceInfo createDataSourceInfo(String[] dataSource) {
517: String dsName = dataSource[0];
518: String driverClassName = dataSource[1];
519: String driverUrl = dataSource[2];
520: String username = dataSource[3];
521: String password = dataSource[4];
523: // create data source info
524: password = decryptPassword(password);
526: if (driverClassName.equals(DRIVER_CLASS_NET)) { // NOI18N
527: int oldPortLoc = driverUrl.indexOf(":21527"); // NOI18N
528: if (oldPortLoc != -1) { // NOI18N
529: String beginURL = driverUrl.substring(0, oldPortLoc);
530: String endURL = driverUrl.substring(driverUrl
531: .lastIndexOf(":21527") + 6, driverUrl.length()); // NOI18N
532: driverUrl = beginURL + ":1527" + endURL; // NOI18N
533: }
534: }
535: return new DataSourceInfo(dsName, driverClassName, driverUrl,
536: "", username, password);
537: }
539: private ArrayList<DataSourceInfo> createDataSourceInfoFromCtx(
540: File contextFile) {
541: ArrayList<DataSourceInfo> dsInfo = new ArrayList<DataSourceInfo>();
543: try {
544: userCtxFile = contextFile;
545: parseContextFile();
546: } catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) {
547: Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
548: } catch (SAXException ex) {
549: Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
550: } catch (IOException ex) {
551: Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
552: }
554: // extract data source info from each datasource ArrayList
556: String[] dataSource = new String[5];
558: synchronized (dataSources) {
559: Iterator itDss = dataSources.iterator();
560: while (itDss.hasNext()) {
561: dataSource = (String[]) itDss.next();
562: dsInfo.add(createDataSourceInfo(dataSource));
563: }
564: }
566: return dsInfo;
567: }
569: private void storeArgs(ArrayList args) {
570: String[] dsItems = new String[5];
572: Iterator it = args.iterator();
573: int i = 0;
574: int cnt = 0;
575: while (it.hasNext()) {
576: // exclude unneeded items of data source
577: if ((cnt == 1) || (cnt == 2) || (cnt == 3) || (cnt == 6))
578: it.next();
579: else
580: dsItems[i++] = (String) it.next();
582: cnt++;
583: }
585: dataSources.add(dsItems);
586: }
588: private synchronized void parseContextFile()
589: throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException,
590: IllegalArgumentException, IOException {
591: SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
592: factory.setNamespaceAware(true);
593: factory.setValidating(false);
594: SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser();
595: final ArrayList storArgs = new ArrayList();
597: parser.parse(userCtxFile, new DefaultHandler() {
598: private String objectName;
599: private String className;
600: private int tagCount = 0;
601: ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>();
603: public void startElement(String uri, String localName,
604: String qName, Attributes attributes)
605: throws SAXException {
607: if (qName.equals(OBJ_TAG)) {
608: objectName = attributes.getValue(NAME_ATTR);
610: if (objectName != null) {
611: if (!args.isEmpty()) {
612: storeArgs(args);
613: }
615: args.clear();
616: args.add(objectName);
617: }
619: } else if (qName.equals("arg")) { // NOI18N
620: String valueValue = attributes.getValue(VALUE_ATTR);
621: args.add(valueValue);
622: }
623: }
625: public void endDocument() {
626: if (!args.isEmpty()) {
627: storeArgs(args);
628: }
629: }
630: });
631: }
633: public List<DataSourceInfo> getDataSourcesInfo() {
634: return dataSourcesInfo;
635: }
637: private WebApp getWebApp(FileObject f) {
638: WebApp webApp = null;
640: if (f != null) {
641: // Make sure, we see any user/editor changes.
642: try {
643: DataObject deployDescDO = DataObject.find(f);
644: SaveCookie saveCookie = (SaveCookie) deployDescDO
645: .getCookie(SaveCookie.class);
647: if (saveCookie != null) {
648: try {
649: saveCookie.save();
650: } catch (IOException e) {
651: ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(
652: ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e);
653: }
654: }
655: } catch (DataObjectNotFoundException e) {
656: ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(
657: ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e);
658: }
660: try {
661: webApp = DDProvider.getDefault().getDDRoot(f);
662: } catch (Exception e) {
663: // Ok do nothing for now.
664: ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(
665: ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e);
666: }
667: }
669: return webApp;
670: }
672: /**
673: * updateWebXml updates the resource reference with the datasources used in the project
674: * @param project
675: * @param ress
676: *
677: */
678: public void updateWebXml(Project project,
679: List<RequestedResource> ress) {
680: WebModule wmod = WebModule.getWebModule(project
681: .getProjectDirectory());
682: FileObject deployDescFO = wmod.getDeploymentDescriptor();
683: WebApp webApp = getWebApp(deployDescFO);
684: boolean needWrite = false;
686: ResourceRef[] rscRefs = webApp.getResourceRef();
687: List<RequestedResource> reqList = new LinkedList<RequestedResource>();
688: Iterator itRess = ress.iterator();
689: while (itRess.hasNext()) {
690: reqList.add((RequestedResource) itRess.next());
691: }
693: // Resource Refs
694: if (rscRefs == null) {
695: rscRefs = new ResourceRef[0];
696: } // end of if (refs == null)
698: for (int i = 0; i < rscRefs.length; i++) {
699: boolean found = false;
700: Iterator it = reqList.iterator();
702: while (it.hasNext()) {
703: RequestedResource r = (RequestedResource) it.next();
705: if (rscRefs[i].getResRefName().equals(
706: r.getResourceName())) {
707: found = true;
708: it.remove();
710: break;
711: } // end of if (refs[i].getResRefName().
712: // equals(r.getResourceName()))
713: } // end of while (it.hasNext())
714: } // end of for (int i = 0; i < refs.length; i++)
716: // Add the refs to the deployment descriptor
717: Iterator it = reqList.iterator();
718: while (it.hasNext()) {
719: RequestedResource r = (RequestedResource) it.next();
721: if (r instanceof RequestedJdbcResource) {
722: RequestedJdbcResource jr = (RequestedJdbcResource) r;
724: try {
725: webApp
726: .addBean(
727: "ResourceRef", // NOI18N
728: new String[] { "ResRefName", // NOI18N
729: "Description", // NOI18N
730: "ResType", // NOI18N
731: "ResAuth" }, // NOI18N
732: new Object[] {
733: jr.getResourceName(),
734: "Visual Web generated DataSource Reference", // NOI18N
735: "javax.sql.DataSource", // NOI18N
736: "Container" }, // NOI18N
737: "ResRefName"); // NOI18N
738: } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
739: // This should really not happen
740: ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(
741: ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e);
742: } // end of try-catch
743: catch (NameAlreadyUsedException ne) {
744: // Why did the code above not find it?
745: ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(
746: ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, ne);
747: } // end of catch
749: needWrite = true;
750: } // end of if (r instanceof RequestedJdbcResource)
751: } // end of while (it.hasNext())
753: if (needWrite) {
754: try {
755: webApp.write(deployDescFO);
756: } catch (IOException e) {
757: // Do nothing for now.
758: e.printStackTrace();
759: }
760: }
761: }
762: }