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All known Subclasses:   org.netbeans.modules.visualweb.designer.jsf.DomSynchronizer,
class FacesDndSupport (Code)
Support of DnD for FacesModel. XXX Originaly in the designer, then moved into insync, and then into designer/jsf.
   Peter Zavadsky
   Tor Norbye (old original code)

Inner Class :public interface Location
Inner Class :public interface UpdateSuspender
Inner Class :public static class DropInfo

Field Summary
final public static  intDROP_DENIED
final public static  intDROP_LINKED
final public static  intDROP_PARENTED
final public static  StringPROPERTY_DROP_TARGET
final public static  StringPROPERTY_INLINE_EDIT
final public static  StringPROPERTY_REFRESH
final public static  StringPROPERTY_SELECTED_DESIGN_BEAN

Constructor Summary
public  FacesDndSupport(JsfForm jsfForm)

Method Summary
public  voidaddPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l)
public  booleancanImport(JComponent comp, DataFlavor[] flavors, Transferable transferable)
     XXX The JComponent has to be replaced by element.
public  intcomputeActions(DesignBean droppee, Transferable transferable)
public  voidfireRefreshNeeded(boolean refreshAll)
public  String[]getClasses(DisplayItem[] items)
public static  MarkupPositiongetDefaultMarkupPositionUnderParent(DesignBean parent)
public static  DataFlavorgetImportFlavor(DataFlavor[] flavors)
     XXX This method is a consequence of not having swing component tree corresponding to css boxes, that's why we can't get in TransferHander.canImport(JComponent, DataFlavor[]) the notion above which jsf component the drag/drop is. It needs to be changed later, or at least hacked here.
public  voidhandleLinks(DesignBean droppee, List beans, UpdateSuspender updateSuspender)
public  booleanimportData(Designer designer, JComponent comp, Transferable t, Point canvasPos, Node documentPosNode, int documentPosOffset, Dimension dropSize, boolean isGrid, Element droppeeElement, DesignBean droppeeBean, DesignBean defaultParent, UpdateSuspender updateSuspender, int dropAction)
public  voidimportString(Designer designer, String string, Point canvasPos, Node documentPosNode, int documentPosOffset, Dimension dropSize, boolean isGrid, Element droppeeElement, DesignBean droppeeBean, DesignBean defaultParent, UpdateSuspender updateSuspender)
public static  booleanisImage(String extension)
public static  booleanisStylesheet(String extension)
public  voidmoveBeans(DesignBean[] beans, DesignBean parent, MarkupPosition pos, UpdateSuspender updateSuspender)
     Move the given beans to the given parent and markup position.
public  voidnotifyBeansDesigner(DesignBean[] designBeans, DesignBean select)
public  DesignBean[]pasteBeans(Transferable t, DesignBean parent, MarkupPosition pos, Point location, UpdateSuspender updateSuspender)
     Paste the beans in the given transferable to the given parent and markup position.
public  intprocessLinks(Element origElement, Class[] classes, List beans, boolean selectFirst, boolean handleLinks, boolean showLinkTarget, UpdateSuspender updateSuspender)
     Multi-function method dealing with link handling for components. I used to have separate methods which accomplished various aspects of link handling, but these would vary slightly in how they handled certain aspects and as a result inconsistent handling would result.
public  voidremovePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l)

Field Detail
final public static int DROP_DENIED(Code)
State indicating that a drop is not allowed

final public static int DROP_LINKED(Code)
State indicating that the drop is allowed and the bean will be parented by one of the beans under the cursor

final public static int DROP_PARENTED(Code)
State indicating that the drop is allowed and will cause a link

final public static String PROPERTY_DROP_TARGET(Code)

final public static String PROPERTY_INLINE_EDIT(Code)

final public static String PROPERTY_REFRESH(Code)

final public static String PROPERTY_SELECTED_DESIGN_BEAN(Code)

Constructor Detail
public FacesDndSupport(JsfForm jsfForm)(Code)
Creates a new instance of FacesDnDSupport

Method Detail
public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l)(Code)

public boolean canImport(JComponent comp, DataFlavor[] flavors, Transferable transferable)(Code)
XXX The JComponent has to be replaced by element. so it is possible to react exactly. This method indicates if a component would accept an import of the given set of data flavors prior to actually attempting to import it.
  comp - The component to receive the transfer. Thisargument is provided to enable sharing of TransferHandlers bymultiple components.
  flavors - The data formats available true if the data can be inserted into the component, false otherwise.

public int computeActions(DesignBean droppee, Transferable transferable)(Code)

public void fireRefreshNeeded(boolean refreshAll)(Code)

public String[] getClasses(DisplayItem[] items)(Code)

public static MarkupPosition getDefaultMarkupPositionUnderParent(DesignBean parent)(Code)

public static DataFlavor getImportFlavor(DataFlavor[] flavors)(Code)
XXX This method is a consequence of not having swing component tree corresponding to css boxes, that's why we can't get in TransferHander.canImport(JComponent, DataFlavor[]) the notion above which jsf component the drag/drop is. It needs to be changed later, or at least hacked here. For that reason this method usage is not sufficient for correct evaluation. Try to find a flavor that can be used to import a Transferable. The set of usable flavors are tried in the following order:
  1. First, an attempt is made to find a flavor matching the content type of the EditorKit for the component.
  2. Second, an attempt to find a text/plain flavor is made.
  3. Third, an attempt to find a flavor representing a String reference in the same VM is made.
  4. Lastly, DataFlavor.stringFlavor is searched for.

public void handleLinks(DesignBean droppee, List beans, UpdateSuspender updateSuspender)(Code)
Handle links where the target is a possibly nonvisual bean so has no element

public boolean importData(Designer designer, JComponent comp, Transferable t, Point canvasPos, Node documentPosNode, int documentPosOffset, Dimension dropSize, boolean isGrid, Element droppeeElement, DesignBean droppeeBean, DesignBean defaultParent, UpdateSuspender updateSuspender, int dropAction)(Code)

public void importString(Designer designer, String string, Point canvasPos, Node documentPosNode, int documentPosOffset, Dimension dropSize, boolean isGrid, Element droppeeElement, DesignBean droppeeBean, DesignBean defaultParent, UpdateSuspender updateSuspender)(Code)

public static boolean isImage(String extension)(Code)
Return true if the extension indicates that this is an image

public static boolean isStylesheet(String extension)(Code)

public void moveBeans(DesignBean[] beans, DesignBean parent, MarkupPosition pos, UpdateSuspender updateSuspender)(Code)
Move the given beans to the given parent and markup position.

public void notifyBeansDesigner(DesignBean[] designBeans, DesignBean select)(Code)

public DesignBean[] pasteBeans(Transferable t, DesignBean parent, MarkupPosition pos, Point location, UpdateSuspender updateSuspender)(Code)
Paste the beans in the given transferable to the given parent and markup position.

public int processLinks(Element origElement, Class[] classes, List beans, boolean selectFirst, boolean handleLinks, boolean showLinkTarget, UpdateSuspender updateSuspender)(Code)
Multi-function method dealing with link handling for components. I used to have separate methods which accomplished various aspects of link handling, but these would vary slightly in how they handled certain aspects and as a result inconsistent handling would result. Thus, all the logic is handled by the same method -- both "previewing" what links are available as well as actually handling the linking. The flags control the behaviors.
  origElement - The first/innermost element to start with when searchingthe bean hierarchy for DesignBean and MarkupMouseRegions willing to linkthe given beans or bean classes.
  classes - Array of classes to be checked for link eligibility. This isseparate from beans because we often want to check if linking is possiblebefore we actually have created beans -- such as when we're about todrag & drop. Obviously in this case we can't perform linking. Thisparameter can be null but then beans must not be null.
  beans - Can be null, but if not, should correspond exactly to the classesparameter -- same length, same order, etc. This list must be specifiedif handleLinks is true; you can't link on just class names.
  selectFirst - If set, don't ask the user which target to use if there are multiplepossibilities; just pick the first one. If not set, all eligible link handlersin the parent chain up from the original element will be checked, and if more thanone is willing to link, the user will be presented with a list and asked to choose.
  handleLinks - If true, actually perform the linking.
  showLinkTarget - If true, highlihght the link target and region. Also sets therecentDropTarget field. DROP_DENIED if no beans/classes were linkable for any mouse regions orDesignBeans; otherwise returns DROP_LINKED. If showLinkTarget is set, recentDropTargetwill be set to the most recent such eligible DesignBean.

public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l)(Code)

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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