| java.lang.Object org.netbeans.modules.vmd.api.codegen.MultiGuardedSection
MultiGuardedSection | final public class MultiGuardedSection (Code) | | author: David Kaspar |
close | public void close()(Code) | | |
findNextPartOfMultiGuardedSectionAfter | static GuardedSection findNextPartOfMultiGuardedSectionAfter(StyledDocument document, Object[] info)(Code) | | |
isGuarded | public boolean isGuarded()(Code) | | |
isPartOfMultiGuardedSection | public static boolean isPartOfMultiGuardedSection(GuardedSection section)(Code) | | |
matches | public static boolean matches(GuardedSection section, String multiGuardedID, int index)(Code) | | |
matches | public static boolean matches(GuardedSection section, String multiGuardedID, String editableID)(Code) | | |
parsePartOfMultiGuardedSection | static Object[] parsePartOfMultiGuardedSection(GuardedSection section)(Code) | | Parses the section name.
Parameters: section - the guarded section the array of 3 objects: multiGuardedID:String, index:Integer, editableID:String |
switchToEditable | public void switchToEditable(String editableSectionID)(Code) | | |
switchToGuarded | public void switchToGuarded()(Code) | | |