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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » IDE » DrJava » edu.rice.cs.drjava.model 
The model package is responsible for the majority of the logic and state in DrJava. It is independent of the presentation, allowing different user interfaces to be created for the same codebase. The interfaces and classes in this package maintain the state of all open documents, interface to the compiler and interaction components, and communicate with the user interface through public methods and GlobalModelListeners.

GlobalModel's Role

The GlobalModel is the central point of DrJava, coordinating all components and communicating with the user interface.

To maintain state, the GlobalModel keeps a list of the OpenDefinitionsDocuments, each of which is responsible for its own DefinitionsDocument object and document specific actions on that object, such as saving and compiling.

The GlobalModel also provides a set of public methods which allow it to communicate with the user interface. This gives the ui package access to the OpenDefinitionsDocuments, compiler, console, and interactions code.

To keep the user interface up-to-date, the GlobalModel fires events to all GlobalModelListeners which have registered with it. Events are fired after actions which can affect the user interface, such as the opening, saving, and closing of files, or the starting and ending of compilation or interaction.


  • The compiler package provides an interface between the model and the available compilers, allowing DrJava to compile documents and maintain any errors produced as a result.
  • The definitions package provides the model of the documents and editor kit, as well as the reducedmodel package for lightweight representation of a document for easy parenthesis matching and similar syntactic features.
  • The repl package contains the classes used for the Interactions window, allowing the dynamic execution of Java code from within DrJava.

Java Source File NameTypeComment
AbstractDJDocument.javaClass Class containing code shared between the DefinitionsDocument and the InteractionsDJDocument.
AbstractGlobalModel.javaClass In simple terms, a DefaultGlobalModel without an interpreter, compiler, junit testing, debugger or javadoc.
AlreadyOpenException.javaClass Indicates that the file attempting to be opened is already open.
ClassAndInterfaceFinderTest.javaClass ClassAndInterfaceFinderTest for unit testing ClassAndInterfaceFinder.
ClipboardHistoryModel.javaClass Model class for clipboard history.
DefaultGlobalModel.javaClass Handles the bulk of DrJava's program logic.
DefaultLightWeightParsingControl.javaClass Default light-weight parsing control.
DJDocument.javaInterface Interface to be collectively shared by the Definitions Document, Open Definitions Document, and the Interactions Document.
DocumentRegion.javaInterface Interface for region data.
DummyGlobalModel.javaClass Concrete implementation of GlobalModel that always throws UnsupportedOperation exceptions.
DummyGlobalModelListener.javaClass A dummy GlobalModelListener that does nothing.
DummyGlobalModelTest.javaClass DummyGetDocumentsTest for unit testing DummyGetDocuments.
DummyOpenDefDocTest.javaClass DummyOpenDefDocTest for unit testing DummyOpenDefDoc.
EventNotifier.javaClass Base class for all component-specific EventNotifiers.
EventNotifierTest.javaClass Tests the functionality of the class that notifies listeners of a global model.
FileGroupingState.javaInterface This state pattern is used by the global model to store any information pertaining to the currently open project.
FileMovedException.javaClass Special FileMovedException to signify when a document's file no longer exists on disk where it once was.
FileSaveSelector.javaInterface An interface to give GlobalModel a file to save a document to.
Finalizable.javaInterface A listener that may be added to classes that implement the Finalizable interface.
FinalizationEvent.javaClass Objects of this type are given to those listening for finalization.
FinalizationListener.javaInterface A listener that may be added to classes that implement the Finalizable interface.
FindReplaceMachine.javaClass Implementation of logic of find/replace over a document.
FindReplaceMachineTest.javaClass Tests the FindReplaceMachine.
FindResult.javaClass Returned to FindMachineDialog with the location of the found string (or -1 if the string was not found) as well as a flag indicating whether the machine wrapped around the end of the document.
GlobalEventNotifier.javaClass Keeps track of all listeners to the model, and has the ability to notify them of some event.

This class has a specific role of managing GlobalModelListeners.

GlobalIndentTest.javaClass Tests the indenting functionality on the level of the GlobalModel.
GlobalModel.javaInterface Handles the bulk of DrJava's program logic.
GlobalModelCompileErrorsTest.javaClass Tests to ensure that compilation fails when expected, and that the errors are reported correctly.
GlobalModelCompileIOTest.javaClass Tests to ensure that compilation interacts with files correctly.
GlobalModelCompileSuccessOptionsTest.javaClass Tests to ensure that compilation succeeds when expected.
GlobalModelCompileSuccessTest.javaClass Tests to ensure that compilation succeeds when expected.
GlobalModelCompileSuccessTestCase.javaClass Tests to ensure that compilation succeeds when expected.
GlobalModelCompileTest.javaClass Tests to ensure that compilation behaves correctly in border cases.
GlobalModelIOTest.javaClass Test I/O functions of the global model.
GlobalModelJUnitTest.javaClass A test of Junit testing support in the GlobalModel.
GlobalModelListener.javaInterface An interface for responding to events generated by the GlobalModel.
GlobalModelOtherTest.javaClass A test on the GlobalModel that does deals with everything outside of simple file operations, e.g., compile, quit.
GlobalModelTestCase.javaClass Base class for tests over the GlobalModel . This class provides a number of convenience methods for testing the GlobalModel.
ILoadDocuments.javaInterface This interface encapsulates the behavior of a document loader.
JDKToolsLibrary.javaClass The class that provides methods for interfacing to facilities in tools.jar that do not have published interfaces (or did not have published interfaces at the time DrJava was originally written).
LightWeightParsingControl.javaInterface Light-weight parsing control.
LightWeightParsingListener.javaInterface Light-weight parsing visitor.
MovingDocumentRegion.javaClass Class for a document region that can move with changes in the document; its text, however, remains constant.
MultiThreadedTestCase.javaClass TestCase which can fail if another thread causes an error or failure.
MultiThreadedTestCaseTest.javaClass Tests for MultiThreadedTestCase.
OpenDefinitionsDocument.javaInterface Interface for the GlobalModel's handler of an open DefinitionsDocument.
RegionManager.javaInterface Interface for a region manager.
RegionManagerListener.javaInterface Any class which wants to listen to DocumentRegion events fired by a RegionManager should implement this interface and use RegionManager's addListener() method.
SimpleDocumentRegion.javaClass Class for a simple document region.
SingleDisplayModel.javaInterface A GlobalModel that enforces invariants associated with having one active document at a time. Invariants:
  1. SingleDisplayModel.getOpenDefinitionsDocuments will always return an array of at least size 1.
  2. (follows from previous) If there is ever no document in the model, a new one will be created.
  3. There is always exactly one active document, which can be get/set via SingleDisplayModel.getActiveDocument and SingleDisplayModel.setActiveDocument .
Other functions added by this class:
  1. When calling SingleDisplayModel.openFile , if there is currently only one open document, and it is untitled and unchanged, it will be closed after the new document is opened.
SingleDisplayModelTest.javaClass Test functions of the single display model.
StaticDocumentRegion.javaClass Class for a document region that remains static all the time and does not respond to changes in the document.
TestDocGetter.javaClass Test implementation of the document fetching methods in the GlobalModel interface.
TestDocGetterTest.javaClass JUnit test class for testing TestDocGetter. | Contact Us
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