Method Summary |
protected void | _updateInterpreterClassPath(JavaInterpreter interpreter) Adds a classpath to the given interpreter. |
public synchronized void | addBuildDirectoryClassPath(File f) Adds the given path to the classpath shared by ALL Java interpreters. |
public synchronized void | addDebugInterpreter(String name, String className) Adds a named JavaDebugInterpreter to the list of interpreters. |
public synchronized void | addExternalFilesClassPath(File f) Adds the given path to the classpath shared by ALL Java interpreters. |
public synchronized void | addExtraClassPath(File f) Adds the given path to the classpath shared by ALL Java interpreters. |
public synchronized void | addInterpreter(String name, Interpreter interpreter) Adds a named interpreter to the list of interpreters. |
public synchronized void | addJavaInterpreter(String name) Adds a named DynamicJavaAdapter to list of interpreters. |
public synchronized void | addProjectClassPath(File f) Adds the given file to the classpath shared by ALL Java interpreters. |
public synchronized void | addProjectFilesClassPath(File f) Adds the given path to the classpath shared by ALL Java interpreters. |
public void | classFileError(ClassFileError e) Notifies the main JVM that JUnitTestManager has encountered an illegal class file. |
public List<String> | findTestClasses(List<String> classNames, List<File> files) Sets up a JUnit test suite in the Interpreter JVM and finds which classes are really TestCases classes (by
loading them). |
Interpreter | getActiveInterpreter() Returns the current active interpreter. |
public List<File> | getAugmentedClassPath() |
public synchronized Iterable<File> | getClassPath() |
public File | getFileForClassName(String className) Called when the JUnitTestManager wants to open a file that is not currently open. |
InterpreterData | getInterpreter(String name) |
Hashtable<String, InterpreterData> | getInterpreters() Gets the hashtable containing the named interpreters. |
public synchronized JavaInterpreter | getJavaInterpreter(String name) |
public static String | getStackTrace(Throwable t) Gets the stack trace from the given exception, stripping off the bottom parts of the trace that are internal
to the interpreter. |
public synchronized String | getVariableClassName(String var) Gets the class name of a variable in the current interpreter. |
public synchronized String | getVariableToString(String var) Gets the string representation of the value of a variable in the current interpreter. |
protected void | handleStart(MasterRemote mainJVM) Actions to perform when this JVM is started (through its superclass, AbstractSlaveJVM). |
public void | interpret(String s) Interprets the given string of source code in the active interpreter. |
public void | interpret(String s, String interpreterName) Interprets the given string of source code with the given interpreter. |
public void | interpret(String input, InterpreterData interpreter) Interprets the given string of source code with the given interpreter. |
public void | junitJVMReady() |
public void | nonTestCase(boolean isTestAll) Notifies Main JVM that JUnit has been invoked on a non TestCase class. |
protected void | quitFailed(Throwable th) This method is called if the interpreterJVM cannot be exited (likely because of a modified security manager. |
public void | removeInterpreter(String name) Removes the interpreter with the given name, if it exists. |
public boolean | runTestSuite() Runs JUnit test suite already cached in the Interpreter JVM. |
public synchronized boolean | setActiveInterpreter(String name) |
public void | setPackageScope(String s) Sets the package scope for the current active interpreter, if it is a JavaInterpreter. |
public synchronized void | setPrivateAccessible(boolean allow) Sets the interpreter to allow access to private members. |
public void | setShowMessageOnResetFailure(boolean show) Parameters: show - Whether to show a message if a reset operation fails. |
public synchronized boolean | setToDefaultInterpreter() Sets the default interpreter to be active. |
public void | testEnded(String testName, boolean wasSuccessful, boolean causedError) Notifies that a particular test has ended. |
public void | testStarted(String testName) Notifies that a particular test has started. |
public void | testSuiteEnded(JUnitError[] errors) Notifies that a full suite of tests has finished running. |
public void | testSuiteStarted(int numTests) Notifies that a suite of tests has started running. |