| java.lang.Object Language.SourceSentencesParser
SourceSentencesParser | public class SourceSentencesParser (Code) | | parse sentences to translate in the sourcecode
the method ParseWholeSourceAndSaveInFile should be runned at each new release
to allow translations. It produces a file named english_sentences.vec
used by TranslationEditor
ConvertSystemPathToJavaPath | public static String ConvertSystemPathToJavaPath(String sysPath)(Code) | | replace / with .
GetNumberOfReturnUpToPosition | public static int GetNumberOfReturnUpToPosition(String content, int position)(Code) | | used to retrieve line number from absolute char position, needed for the dummy exception
ParseWholeSourceAndSaveInFile | public static String ParseWholeSourceAndSaveInFile(File sourceDir, StringBuffer warningBuffer)(Code) | | this parses the whole source code for sentences and writes them in a vector file
named Language/english_sentences.vec
a termination status message |
ReadEnglishSentencesVectorFromJarFile | public static Vector ReadEnglishSentencesVectorFromJarFile() throws Exception(Code) | | is used to read the "english_sentences.vec" from the jarfile
when the translation editor merge the language files with the
sentences file.
ReadEnglishSourceCodeSentencesFromFile | public static Vector ReadEnglishSourceCodeSentencesFromFile()(Code) | | if stored previously, read the sentences
collectStringsToTranslate | public Vector collectStringsToTranslate(File file, String basePath, StringBuffer warningBuffer)(Code) | | collect all strings called with Languge.Translate() in the sourcecode
a vector of Sentence objects |
collectStringsToTranslateRecurse | public Vector collectStringsToTranslateRecurse(File base, String baseString, StringBuffer warningBuffer)(Code) | | collect all strings called with Languge.Translate() in the sourcecode
LIMITATION : actually not supported are:
multiline ""+"" and comments in the sentence
a vector of sentences |