| javaparser.ParserTreeNode javaparser.TypeNode
All known Subclasses: javaparser.ClassNode, javaparser.AnnotationDeclNode, javaparser.EnumNode,
TypeNode | abstract public class TypeNode extends ParserTreeNode implements TypeInterface,NodeWithMod(Code) | | A type is a class, an interface an enum an annotation defined
at first level of a source.
Subclasses: ClassNode, ...
getDeepestContainingAnonymousClassBlocForLocation | public AnonymousType getDeepestContainingAnonymousClassBlocForLocation(int line, int col)(Code) | | Interesting for completion: the ClassOrInterfaceBodyDeclaration tokens that are NOT subchilds type declarations
but anonymous instanciations with body.
for example new ActionListener() { ... }
this is called at completion time
getDeepestContainingTypeAt | public TypeNode getDeepestContainingTypeAt(int line, int col)(Code) | | null if none
looks in the declared subchilds, but not actually in the anonymous declared classes
getJavaFullName | abstract public String getJavaFullName()(Code) | | With the package name.
getModifiers | abstract public int[] getModifiers()(Code) | | To detect if public or static, use Utils.contains(mods, JavaParserConstants.PUBLIC)
getTypeRelativeName | public String getTypeRelativeName()(Code) | | The name without the package. Constructed from the simple name and the parents chain.
getTypeSimpleName | abstract public String getTypeSimpleName()(Code) | | Simple name, without the parent.
isPublic | abstract public boolean isPublic()(Code) | | |
terminate | public void terminate()(Code) | | Call this to help GC !