| javax.swing.JDialog tide.editor.completions.AttributeCompletionDialog
AttributeCompletionDialog | public class AttributeCompletionDialog extends JDialog implements CompletionDialog(Code) | | Fields and methods of class (and constructors).
Also used to complete the packages as in "java.lang." .
MODAL DIALOG. must be set visible by the caller !
caretRewind | public int caretRewind(Code) | | |
docOffset | final int docOffset(Code) | | |
fontSize | final int fontSize(Code) | | |
showArgDialog | public boolean showArgDialog(Code) | | |
specialCompletionPrepend | String specialCompletionPrepend(Code) | | |
wasClosed | boolean wasClosed(Code) | | |
AttributeCompletionDialog | public AttributeCompletionDialog(JFrame owner, int x, int y, SimpleDocument doc, int docOffset, String title, boolean _viewOnlyPublicItems)(Code) | | |
addFactoryBarForCTRLSpaceCompletion | public void addFactoryBarForCTRLSpaceCompletion()(Code) | | Local variables.
Adds the buttons to create "new named instance" very useful for long names...
press JInterna and CTRL+space and you'll get a nice piece of code.
addFactoryBarForPointCompletion | public void addFactoryBarForPointCompletion()(Code) | | Offers creating a named variable for the return type.
For example after "this."
cancelDialog | public void cancelDialog()(Code) | | |
clear | public void clear()(Code) | | Should always be called to clear mem at end.
getSelectionAndClear | public String getSelectionAndClear()(Code) | | Without "."
getSpecialCompletionPrepend | public String getSpecialCompletionPrepend()(Code) | | |
selectAndQuit | public void selectAndQuit()(Code) | | |