| javax.swing.JDialog tide.export.JarCreationDialog
JarCreationDialog | public class JarCreationDialog extends JDialog (Code) | | Todo: classpath check if indexing or jnlp.
Cool: one click to create,sign pack and publish. example:
javaws http://snowmail.sn.funpic.de/tide/tide.jnlp
[July2006] found in the JDK guides:
Pack200 rearranges the contents of the resultant JAR file. The jarsigner hashes the contents of the class file
and stores the hash in an encrypted digest in the manifest. When the unpacker runs on a packed packed, the contents
of the classes will be rearranged and thus invalidate the signature. Therefore, the JAR file must be normalized first
using pack200 and unpack200, and thereafter signed.
(Here's why this works: Any reordering the packer does of any classfile structures is idempotent, so the second packing
does not change the orderings produced by the first packing. Also, the unpacker is guaranteed by the JSR 200 specification
to produce a specific bytewise image for any given transmission ordering of archive elements.)
[Feb2008] added quiet mode.