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public class TargetFactory (Code)
The TargetFactory serves as a central mechanism to instantiate OS specific class flavors, provide OS specific file extension types, default install directories and similar functionality. In addition it provides services that are related to OS versions and flavors. For a tutorial on using some of the features in this class see the TargetFactory Tutorial.
   0.0.1 / 1/3/2002
   Elmar Grom

Field Summary
     The list of processor architecture specific prefixes.
final static  String[]CLASS_FLAVOR_PREFIX
     The os favor specific class prefixes for classes the implement different versions for various os favors.
final static  String[]CLASS_PREFIX
     The os specific class prefixes for classes that implement different versions for the various operating systems.
final public static  intGENERIC
     Used to report a non specific operating system.
final static  String[]INSTALL_PATH_FRAGMENT
     The list of default install path fragments.
final static  String[][]INSTALL_PATH_RESOURCE_KEY
     This is a list of keys to use when looking for resources that define the default install path to use.
final static  String[]LIBRARY_EXTENSION
     The extensions used for native libraries on various operating systems.
final public static  intNT
     Used to identify the Windows-NT class of operating systems in terms of an OS flavor.
final public static  intOTHER
     Nonspecific processor architecture, other than X86.
final public static  intSTANDARD
     This is the basic flavor for every operating system.
final public static  intUNIX
final public static  intWINDOWS
     Identifies Microsoft Windows.
final public static  intX
final public static  intX86
     Identifies Intel X86 based processor types.

Method Summary
public  intgetArchitecture()
     Returns an index number that identified the processor architecture of the target system.
public static  StringgetCurrentOSPrefix()
     Gets a prefix alias for the current platform.
public  StringgetDefaultInstallPath(String appName)
     Returns the system dependent default install path.
public static  TargetFactorygetInstance()
     Returns an instance of TargetFactory to use.
public  StringgetNativeLibraryExtension()
     Returns the file extension customarily used on the target OS for dynamically loadable libraries.
public  intgetOS()
     Returns the index number for the target operating system that was detected.
public  intgetOSFlavor()
     Returns the index number for the operating system flavor that was detected on the target system.
public  ObjectmakeObject(String name)
     This method returns an OS and OS flavor specific instance of the requested class.
public  booleanversionIsHigher(String version)
     Returns true if the version in the parameter string is higher than the version of the target os.

Field Detail
final static String[] CLASS_ARCHITECTURE_PREFIX(Code)
The list of processor architecture specific prefixes. The string positions correspond to the architecture indexes. The following values are leegal to use :

  • X86

final static String[] CLASS_FLAVOR_PREFIX(Code)
The os favor specific class prefixes for classes the implement different versions for various os favors. The string positions correspond to the flavor indexes. The following values are legal to use :

  • NT
  • X

final static String[] CLASS_PREFIX(Code)
The os specific class prefixes for classes that implement different versions for the various operating systems. The string positions correspond to the basic operating system indexes. The following values are legal to use :

  • MAC
  • UNIX

final public static int GENERIC(Code)
Used to report a non specific operating system.

final static String[] INSTALL_PATH_FRAGMENT(Code)
The list of default install path fragments. Depending on the operating system, a path fragment might represent either a part of the default install path or the entire path to use. For MS-Windows it is always only a part of the full install path. The string positions correspond to the basic operating system indexes. The following values are leegal to use :

  • MAC
  • UNIX

final static String[][] INSTALL_PATH_RESOURCE_KEY(Code)
This is a list of keys to use when looking for resources that define the default install path to use. The list is organized as two dimensional array of Strings. To access the array, denote the first dimension with the operating system index and the second dimension with the flavor index. For example to access the key for Windows-NT use INSTALL_PATH_RESOURCE_KEY[WINDOWS][NT] The array uses a sparse population, that is, not all array locations actually contain a key. Only locations for which a real operating system/flavor combination exists are populated. For example, there is no such thing as INSTALL_PATH_RESOURCE_KEY[UNIX][X]

final static String[] LIBRARY_EXTENSION(Code)
The extensions used for native libraries on various operating systems. The string positions correspond to the basic operating system indexes. The following values are legal to use :

  • MAC
  • UNIX

final public static int NT(Code)
Used to identify the Windows-NT class of operating systems in terms of an OS flavor. It is reported for Windows-NT, 2000 and XP.

final public static int OTHER(Code)
Nonspecific processor architecture, other than X86.

final public static int STANDARD(Code)
This is the basic flavor for every operating system.

final public static int UNIX(Code)
Identifies generic UNIX operating systems

final public static int WINDOWS(Code)
Identifies Microsoft Windows.

final public static int X(Code)
Used to identify the OS X flavor of the Mac OS

final public static int X86(Code)
Identifies Intel X86 based processor types.

Method Detail
public int getArchitecture()(Code)
Returns an index number that identified the processor architecture of the target system. an index for the processor architecture
See Also:   TargetFactory.X86
See Also:   TargetFactory.OTHER

public static String getCurrentOSPrefix()(Code)
Gets a prefix alias for the current platform. "Win_" on Windows Systems "Win_NT_" on WinNT4, 2000, XP Mac on Mac Mac_X on macosx and Unix_ a prefix alias for the current platform

public String getDefaultInstallPath(String appName)(Code)
Returns the system dependent default install path. This is typically used to suggest an istall path to the end user, when performing an installation. The default install path is assembled form the OS specific path fragment specified in INSTALL_PATH_FRAGMENT, possibly a drive letter and the application name. The user the option to define resources that define default paths which differ from the path fragments defined here. The following resource names will be recognized by this method:

  • TargetPanel.dir.macosx
  • TargetPanel.dir.unix
  • TargetPanel.dir plus the all lower case version of System.getProperty (""), with all spaces replaced by an underscore ('_').
  • TargetPanel.dir

  appName - the name of the application to install. If no specific resource has been set,then this name will be appended to the OS specific default path fragment. the default install path for the target system

public static TargetFactory getInstance()(Code)
Returns an instance of TargetFactory to use. an instance of TargetFactory.

public String getNativeLibraryExtension()(Code)
Returns the file extension customarily used on the target OS for dynamically loadable libraries. a String containing the customary library extension for the target OS.Note that the string might be empty if there no such specific extension for the target OS.

public int getOS()(Code)
Returns the index number for the target operating system that was detected. an index number for the OS
See Also:   TargetFactory.WINDOWS
See Also:   TargetFactory.UNIX
See Also:   TargetFactory.GENERIC

public int getOSFlavor()(Code)
Returns the index number for the operating system flavor that was detected on the target system. an index for the OS flavor
See Also:   TargetFactory.STANDARD
See Also:   TargetFactory.NT
See Also:   TargetFactory.X

public Object makeObject(String name) throws Exception(Code)
This method returns an OS and OS flavor specific instance of the requested class.

Class Naming Rules
Class versions must be named with the OS and OS flavor as prefix. The prefixes are simply concatenated, with the OS prefix first and the flavor prefix second. Use the following OS specific prefixes:

Operating System Prefix
Microsoft Windows Win_
Mac OS Mac_

For the different OS flavors, use these prefixes:

OS Flavor Prefix
Mac OS X X_

Naming Example:

For the class MyClass, the specific version for Windows NT must be in the same package as MyClass and the name must be Win_NT_MyClass. A version that should be instantiated for any non-NT flavor would be called Win_MyClass. This would also be the version instantiated on Windows NT if the version Win_NT_MyClass does not exist.

The Loading Process

The process is completed after the first successful attempt to load a class.
  1. load a version that is OS and OS-Flavor specific
  2. load a version that is OS specific
  3. load the base version (without OS or OS-Flavor prefix)

See the TargetFactory Tutorial for more information.

  name - the fully qualified name of the class to load without the extension. An instance of the requested class. Note that specific initialization that can not beaccomplished in the default constructor still needs to be performed before the object can beused.
  Exception - if all attempts to instantiate class fail

public boolean versionIsHigher(String version) throws Exception(Code)
Returns true if the version in the parameter string is higher than the version of the target os.
  version - the version number to compare to false if the version of the target system is higher, otherwisetrue

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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