0001: /*
0002: *****************************************************************************
0003: * Copyright (C) 2000-2004, International Business Machines Corporation and *
0004: * others. All Rights Reserved. *
0005: *****************************************************************************
0006: */
0007: package com.ibm.rbm;
0009: import javax.swing.*;
0010: import java.awt.*;
0011: import java.awt.event.*;
0012: import java.io.*;
0013: import java.util.*;
0015: import org.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl;
0016: import org.apache.xml.serialize.*;
0017: import org.w3c.dom.*;
0019: import com.ibm.rbm.gui.RBManagerGUI;
0021: /**
0022: * RBReporter is a fully functional application that runs separate from RBManager.
0023: * The report produces statistically based reports on specified resource bundles,
0024: * and it allows the user to set time intervals at which those reports will be
0025: * generated. For more information on command line arguments and usage see the
0026: * comments for the main() method.
0027: *
0028: * @author Jared Jackson
0029: * @see com.ibm.rbm.RBManager
0030: */
0031: public class RBReporter extends JFrame {
0033: // ** COMPONENTS **
0034: JLabel statusLabel; // Indicates if the reported is running
0035: JButton statusButton; // Button for toggling the reporter on/off
0036: JLabel nextReportLabel; // Indicates date/time of next report
0037: JLabel lastReportLabel; // Indicates date/time of last report
0038: JTextField bundleField; // Indicates input base class file
0039: JTextField directoryField; // Indicates output directory
0040: JCheckBox textCheck; // Is text report generated?
0041: JCheckBox htmlCheck; // Is HTML report generated?
0042: JCheckBox xmlCheck; // Is XML report generated?
0043: JCheckBox scanCheck; // Is code scan performed?
0044: JTextField textField; // Text report file name
0045: JTextField htmlField; // HTML report file name
0046: JTextField xmlField; // XML report file name
0047: JTextField scanField; // XML scanner file location
0048: JComboBox textCombo; // Text report detail level
0049: JComboBox htmlCombo; // HTML report detail level
0050: JComboBox xmlCombo; // XML report detail level
0051: JRadioButton sequentialRadio; // Report at sequential interval?
0052: JRadioButton definedRadio; // Report at defined time?
0053: JComboBox valueCombo; // Number of units to wait between reports
0054: JComboBox unitCombo; // Units of time
0055: JComboBox hourCombo; // Defined time to report -- hours
0056: JComboBox minuteCombo; // Defined time to report -- minutes
0057: JComboBox dayCombo; // Defined time to report -- day
0059: // ** File Chooser **
0060: JFileChooser bundleFileChooser = new JFileChooser();
0061: JFileChooser directoryFileChooser = new JFileChooser();
0062: JFileChooser scanFileChooser = new JFileChooser();
0064: // ** DATA **
0065: Date lastReport = null;
0066: Date nextReport = null;
0067: boolean running = false;
0068: /** For generating a report */
0069: RBManager rbm;
0071: private RBReporter(boolean makeVisible) {
0072: try {
0073: // Get the look and feel from preferences
0074: try {
0075: String laf = Preferences.getPreference("lookandfeel");
0076: if (!laf.equals(""))
0077: UIManager.setLookAndFeel(laf);
0078: } catch (Exception e) {
0079: }
0080: // Get the locale from preferences
0081: if (!Preferences.getPreference("locale").equals("")) {
0082: String localeStr = Preferences.getPreference("locale");
0083: String language = Resources.getLanguage(localeStr);
0084: String country = Resources.getCountry(localeStr);
0085: String variant = Resources.getVariant(localeStr);
0086: if (language == null || language.equals("")
0087: || language.length() > 3)
0088: language = "en";
0089: if (country == null)
0090: country = new String();
0091: if (variant == null)
0092: Resources.setLocale(new Locale(language, country));
0093: else
0094: Resources.setLocale(new Locale(language, country,
0095: variant));
0096: }
0097: Resources.initBundle();
0098: } catch (Exception e) {
0099: e.printStackTrace();
0100: }
0101: initComponents();
0102: setVisible(makeVisible);
0103: Thread reportThread = new Thread() {
0104: public void run() {
0105: if (nextReport != null
0106: && (nextReport.compareTo(new Date()) <= 0)) {
0107: try {
0108: generateReports();
0109: } catch (IOException ioe) {
0110: }
0111: }
0112: if (nextReport == null)
0113: nextReport = generateNextReportDate();
0114: updateStatusComponents();
0115: updateDateFields();
0116: while (true) {
0117: if (running
0118: && (nextReport.compareTo(new Date()) < 0)) {
0119: try {
0120: generateReports();
0121: } catch (IOException ioe) {
0122: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, ioe
0123: .getMessage(), Resources
0124: .getTranslation("error"),
0125: JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
0126: }
0127: }
0128: try {
0129: sleep(1000);
0130: } catch (Exception e) {
0131: e.printStackTrace(System.err);
0132: }
0133: }
0134: }
0135: };
0136: reportThread.start();
0137: }
0139: // Called when a report should be generated. Does not check if it should be generated
0140: private void generateReports() throws IOException {
0141: File baseFile = new File(bundleField.getText());
0142: if (baseFile == null || !baseFile.isFile())
0143: throw new IOException("Specified input file is unusable");
0144: File directory = new File(directoryField.getText());
0145: rbm = new RBManager(baseFile);
0147: if (rbm == null)
0148: throw new IOException(
0149: "Unable to load the resource bundle file");
0150: if (directory == null || !directory.isDirectory())
0151: throw new IOException(
0152: "Specified output directory is unusable");
0153: RBReporterScanner scanner = null;
0154: if (scanCheck.isSelected()) {
0155: scanner = new RBReporterScanner((Bundle) rbm.getBundles()
0156: .elementAt(0), new File(scanField.getText()));
0157: scanner.performScan();
0158: }
0159: if (textCheck.isSelected()) {
0160: File textFile = new File(directory, textField.getText());
0161: String textReport = getAllLanguageReports(textCombo
0162: .getSelectedIndex() == 0);
0163: if (scanCheck.isSelected()) {
0164: // Add file scan information
0165: StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
0166: buffer.append("\n\nCode Scan Results:\n\n");
0167: buffer.append("\n\tNumber of unique resources found: "
0168: + scanner.getNumberResourcesFound());
0169: buffer
0170: .append("\n\tNumber of resources missing from bundle: "
0171: + scanner.getNumberMissingResources());
0172: // Missing resources from the bundle
0173: buffer.append("\n\tMissing Resources: ");
0174: Vector v = scanner.getMissingResources();
0175: for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
0176: ScanResult result = (ScanResult) v.elementAt(i);
0177: if (textCombo.getSelectedIndex() == 0) {
0178: buffer.append("\n\t\t" + result.getName()
0179: + " (" + result.getOccurances().size()
0180: + " Occurances)");
0181: buffer.append("\n\t\t\t"
0182: + result.getOccurances());
0183: } else {
0184: buffer.append((i == 0 ? "" : ", ")
0185: + result.getName() + " ("
0186: + result.getOccurances().size()
0187: + " Occurances)");
0188: }
0189: }
0190: // Bundle resources not found in the code
0191: buffer
0192: .append("\n\tNumber of potentially unused resources in bundle: "
0193: + scanner.getNumberUnusedResources());
0194: v = scanner.getUnusedResources();
0195: for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
0196: ScanResult result = (ScanResult) v.elementAt(i);
0197: if (textCombo.getSelectedIndex() == 0) {
0198: buffer.append("\n\t\t" + result.getName()
0199: + " (Group: " + result.getGroupName()
0200: + ")");
0201: } else {
0202: buffer.append((i == 0 ? "" : ", ")
0203: + result.getName());
0204: }
0205: }
0207: textReport = textReport + buffer.toString();
0208: }
0209: FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(textFile);
0210: fw.write(textReport);
0211: fw.flush();
0212: fw.close();
0213: }
0214: if (htmlCheck.isSelected()) {
0215: File htmlFile = new File(directory, htmlField.getText());
0216: Document htmlReport = getHTMLReportz(htmlCombo
0217: .getSelectedIndex() == 0);
0218: if (scanCheck.isSelected()) {
0219: // Add file scan information
0220: Element html_elem = htmlReport.getDocumentElement();
0221: NodeList nl = html_elem.getElementsByTagName("BODY");
0222: Element body_elem = (Element) nl.item(0);
0223: Element h2_elem = htmlReport.createElement("H2");
0224: Text h2_text = htmlReport
0225: .createTextNode("Code Scan Results");
0226: Element block_elem = htmlReport
0227: .createElement("BLOCKQUOTE");
0228: Element p1_elem = htmlReport.createElement("P");
0229: Element p2_elem = htmlReport.createElement("P");
0230: Element p3_elem = htmlReport.createElement("P");
0231: Text p1_text = htmlReport
0232: .createTextNode("Number of unique resources found: "
0233: + scanner.getNumberMissingResources());
0234: Text p2_text = htmlReport
0235: .createTextNode("Number of resources missing from bundle: "
0236: + scanner.getNumberMissingResources());
0237: Text p3_text = htmlReport
0238: .createTextNode("Number of potentially unused resources in bundle: "
0239: + scanner.getNumberUnusedResources());
0241: h2_elem.appendChild(h2_text);
0242: p1_elem.appendChild(p1_text);
0243: p2_elem.appendChild(p2_text);
0244: p3_elem.appendChild(p3_text);
0245: block_elem.appendChild(p1_elem);
0246: block_elem.appendChild(p2_elem);
0247: block_elem.appendChild(p3_elem);
0248: body_elem.appendChild(h2_elem);
0249: body_elem.appendChild(block_elem);
0251: // Missing resources from the bundle
0252: Text missing_text = null;
0253: Vector v = scanner.getMissingResources();
0254: if (htmlCombo.getSelectedIndex() == 0) {
0255: Element ul_elem = htmlReport.createElement("UL");
0256: missing_text = htmlReport
0257: .createTextNode("Missing Resources:");
0258: ul_elem.appendChild(missing_text);
0259: for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
0260: ScanResult result = (ScanResult) v.elementAt(i);
0261: Element li_elem = htmlReport
0262: .createElement("LI");
0263: Element br_elem = htmlReport
0264: .createElement("BR");
0265: Text t1_text = htmlReport.createTextNode(result
0266: .getName()
0267: + " ("
0268: + result.getOccurances().size()
0269: + " Occurances)");
0270: Text t2_text = htmlReport.createTextNode(result
0271: .getOccurances().toString());
0272: li_elem.appendChild(t1_text);
0273: li_elem.appendChild(br_elem);
0274: li_elem.appendChild(t2_text);
0275: ul_elem.appendChild(li_elem);
0276: }
0277: p2_elem.appendChild(ul_elem);
0278: } else {
0279: StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
0280: buffer.append("Missing Resources: ");
0281: for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
0282: ScanResult result = (ScanResult) v.elementAt(i);
0283: buffer.append((i == 0 ? "" : ", ")
0284: + result.getName() + " ("
0285: + result.getOccurances().size()
0286: + " Occurances)");
0287: }
0288: missing_text = htmlReport.createTextNode(buffer
0289: .toString());
0290: Element br_elem = htmlReport.createElement("BR");
0291: p2_elem.appendChild(br_elem);
0292: p2_elem.appendChild(missing_text);
0293: }
0294: // Bundle resources not found in the code
0295: Text unused_text = null;
0296: v = scanner.getUnusedResources();
0297: if (htmlCombo.getSelectedIndex() == 0) {
0298: Element ul_elem = htmlReport.createElement("UL");
0299: unused_text = htmlReport
0300: .createTextNode("Unused Resources:");
0301: ul_elem.appendChild(unused_text);
0302: for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
0303: ScanResult result = (ScanResult) v.elementAt(i);
0304: Element li_elem = htmlReport
0305: .createElement("LI");
0306: Text t1_text = htmlReport.createTextNode(result
0307: .getName()
0308: + " (Group: "
0309: + result.getGroupName()
0310: + ")");
0311: li_elem.appendChild(t1_text);
0312: ul_elem.appendChild(li_elem);
0313: }
0314: p3_elem.appendChild(ul_elem);
0315: } else {
0316: StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
0317: buffer.append("Unused Resources: ");
0318: for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
0319: ScanResult result = (ScanResult) v.elementAt(i);
0320: buffer.append((i == 0 ? "" : ", ")
0321: + result.getName());
0322: }
0323: unused_text = htmlReport.createTextNode(buffer
0324: .toString());
0325: Element br_elem = htmlReport.createElement("BR");
0326: p3_elem.appendChild(br_elem);
0327: p3_elem.appendChild(unused_text);
0328: }
0329: }
0330: FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(htmlFile);
0331: OutputFormat of = new OutputFormat(htmlReport);
0332: of.setIndenting(true);
0333: of.setEncoding("ISO-8859-1");
0334: HTMLSerializer serializer = new HTMLSerializer(fw, of);
0335: serializer.serialize(htmlReport);
0336: }
0337: if (xmlCheck.isSelected()) {
0338: File xmlFile = new File(directory, xmlField.getText());
0339: Document xmlReport = getXMLReportz(xmlCombo
0340: .getSelectedIndex() == 0);
0341: if (scanCheck.isSelected()) {
0342: // Add file scan information
0343: Element root = xmlReport.getDocumentElement();
0344: Element code_scan_elem = xmlReport
0345: .createElement("CODE_SCAN");
0346: Element unique_elem = xmlReport
0347: .createElement("UNIQUE_RESOURCES");
0348: Element missing_elem = xmlReport
0349: .createElement("MISSING_RESOURCES");
0350: Element unused_elem = xmlReport
0351: .createElement("UNUSED_RESOURCES");
0352: Element unique_total_elem = xmlReport
0353: .createElement("TOTAL");
0354: Element missing_total_elem = xmlReport
0355: .createElement("TOTAL");
0356: Element unused_total_elem = xmlReport
0357: .createElement("TOTAL");
0358: Text unique_total_text = xmlReport
0359: .createTextNode(String.valueOf(scanner
0360: .getNumberMissingResources()));
0361: Text missing_total_text = xmlReport
0362: .createTextNode(String.valueOf(scanner
0363: .getNumberMissingResources()));
0364: Text unused_total_text = xmlReport
0365: .createTextNode(String.valueOf(scanner
0366: .getNumberUnusedResources()));
0368: unique_total_elem.appendChild(unique_total_text);
0369: missing_total_elem.appendChild(missing_total_text);
0370: unused_total_elem.appendChild(unused_total_text);
0371: unique_elem.appendChild(unique_total_elem);
0372: missing_elem.appendChild(missing_total_elem);
0373: unused_elem.appendChild(unused_total_elem);
0374: code_scan_elem.appendChild(unique_elem);
0375: code_scan_elem.appendChild(missing_elem);
0376: code_scan_elem.appendChild(unused_elem);
0377: root.appendChild(code_scan_elem);
0378: // Missing resources from the bundle
0379: Vector v = scanner.getMissingResources();
0380: for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
0381: ScanResult result = (ScanResult) v.elementAt(i);
0382: Element item_elem = xmlReport
0383: .createElement("RESOURCE");
0384: item_elem.setAttribute("NAME", result.getName());
0385: if (xmlCombo.getSelectedIndex() == 0) {
0386: Vector occ_v = result.getOccurances();
0387: for (int j = 0; j < occ_v.size(); j++) {
0388: Occurance occ = (Occurance) occ_v
0389: .elementAt(j);
0390: Element occ_elem = xmlReport
0391: .createElement("OCCURANCE");
0392: occ_elem.setAttribute("FILE_NAME", occ
0393: .getFileName());
0394: occ_elem.setAttribute("FILE_PATH", occ
0395: .getFilePath());
0396: occ_elem.setAttribute("LINE_NUMBER", String
0397: .valueOf(occ.getLineNumber()));
0398: item_elem.appendChild(occ_elem);
0399: }
0400: }
0401: missing_elem.appendChild(item_elem);
0402: }
0403: // Bundle resources not found in the code
0404: v = scanner.getUnusedResources();
0405: for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
0406: ScanResult result = (ScanResult) v.elementAt(i);
0407: Element item_elem = xmlReport
0408: .createElement("RESOURCE");
0409: item_elem.setAttribute("NAME", result.getName());
0410: item_elem.setAttribute("GROUP", result
0411: .getGroupName());
0412: unused_elem.appendChild(item_elem);
0413: }
0414: }
0415: FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(xmlFile);
0416: OutputFormat of = new OutputFormat(xmlReport);
0417: of.setIndenting(true);
0418: of.setEncoding("ISO-8859-1");
0419: XMLSerializer serializer = new XMLSerializer(fw, of);
0420: serializer.serialize(xmlReport);
0421: }
0423: lastReport = new Date();
0424: nextReport = generateNextReportDate();
0425: updateDateFields();
0426: if (!isVisible()) {
0427: System.out.println("RBReporter: Generated report at "
0428: + lastReport.toString());
0429: System.out.println("RBReporter: Next report at "
0430: + nextReport.toString());
0431: }
0432: }
0434: // Assumes the last report was just generated, and computes the next report time accordingly
0435: private Date generateNextReportDate() {
0436: Date retDate = null;
0437: GregorianCalendar now = new GregorianCalendar();
0438: if (sequentialRadio.isSelected()) {
0439: int value = Integer.parseInt(valueCombo.getSelectedItem()
0440: .toString());
0441: if (unitCombo.getSelectedIndex() == 0)
0442: now.add(Calendar.MINUTE, value);
0443: else if (unitCombo.getSelectedIndex() == 1)
0444: now.add(Calendar.HOUR, value);
0445: else if (unitCombo.getSelectedIndex() == 2)
0446: now.add(Calendar.DATE, value);
0447: retDate = now.getTime();
0448: } else if (definedRadio.isSelected()) {
0449: int hour = Integer.parseInt(hourCombo.getSelectedItem()
0450: .toString());
0451: int minute = Integer.parseInt(minuteCombo.getSelectedItem()
0452: .toString());
0453: int day = dayCombo.getSelectedIndex();
0455: GregorianCalendar then = new GregorianCalendar();
0456: then.set(Calendar.HOUR, hour);
0457: then.set(Calendar.MINUTE, minute);
0458: then.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
0460: if (then.getTime().compareTo(now.getTime()) <= 0)
0461: then.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);
0462: if (day > 0 && day <= 7) {
0463: // Make sure we are at the right day
0464: boolean rightDay = false;
0465: while (!rightDay) {
0466: int weekDay = then.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
0467: if ((day == 1 && weekDay == Calendar.MONDAY)
0468: || (day == 2 && weekDay == Calendar.TUESDAY)
0469: || (day == 3 && weekDay == Calendar.WEDNESDAY)
0470: || (day == 4 && weekDay == Calendar.THURSDAY)
0471: || (day == 5 && weekDay == Calendar.FRIDAY)
0472: || (day == 6 && weekDay == Calendar.SATURDAY)
0473: || (day == 7 && weekDay == Calendar.SUNDAY))
0474: rightDay = true;
0475: else
0476: then.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);
0477: }
0478: }
0479: retDate = then.getTime();
0480: }
0481: RBManagerGUI.debugMsg("Next Date: " + retDate.toString());
0482: return retDate;
0483: }
0485: /**
0486: * Returns a string based text report about all of the language files on record
0487: */
0488: public String getAllLanguageReports(boolean detailed) {
0489: String retStr = new String();
0490: retStr = "Resource Bundle Report: " + rbm.getBaseClass();
0491: retStr += "\nReport Generated: "
0492: + (new Date()).toString() + "\n\n";
0493: Vector bundles = rbm.getBundles();
0494: for (int i = 0; i < bundles.size(); i++) {
0495: retStr += getLanguageReport(detailed, (Bundle) bundles
0496: .elementAt(i));
0497: }
0498: return retStr;
0499: }
0501: private String getLanguageReport(boolean detailed, Bundle dict) {
0502: if (dict == null) return "";
0503: String retStr = new String();
0504: retStr += "\nLanguage: " + (dict.language == null ? dict.encoding : dict.language);
0505: retStr += (dict.country == null ? "" : " - Country: " + dict.country);
0506: retStr += (dict.variant == null ? "" : " - Variant: " + dict.variant);
0507: retStr += "\n";
0508: retStr += " Number of NLS items in the file: " + dict.allItems.size() + "\n";
0510: int untranslated = 0;
0511: String untransStr = new String();
0512: Enumeration enum = dict.allItems.elements();
0513: while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
0514: BundleItem tempItem = (BundleItem)enum.nextElement();
0515: if (tempItem.isTranslated()) continue;
0516: untranslated++;
0517: untransStr += " " + tempItem.getKey();
0518: }
0519: retStr += " Number of NLS items not translated: " + untranslated;
0520: if (detailed) {
0521: retStr += "\n Untranslated NLS keys: " + untransStr;
0522: }
0524: return retStr;
0525: }
0527: /**
0528: * Returns an XHTML formatted report on the status of the currently opened resource bundle
0529: */
0530: public Document getHTMLReportz(boolean detailed) {
0531: Document html = new DocumentImpl();
0532: Element root = html.createElement("HTML");
0533: html.appendChild(root);
0534: Element head_elem = html.createElement("HEAD");
0535: Element title_elem = html.createElement("TITLE");
0536: Text title_text = html
0537: .createTextNode("Resource Bundle Report - "
0538: + rbm.getBaseClass());
0539: Element body_elem = html.createElement("BODY");
0540: Element center1_elem = html.createElement("CENTER");
0541: Element h1_elem = html.createElement("H1");
0542: Element center2_elem = html.createElement("CENTER");
0543: Element h3_elem = html.createElement("H1");
0544: Text title1_text = html
0545: .createTextNode("Resource Bundle Report: "
0546: + rbm.getBaseClass());
0547: Text title2_text = html.createTextNode("Report Generated: "
0548: + (new Date()).toString());
0549: Vector bundles = rbm.getBundles();
0551: title_elem.appendChild(title_text);
0552: head_elem.appendChild(title_elem);
0553: h1_elem.appendChild(title1_text);
0554: h3_elem.appendChild(title2_text);
0555: center1_elem.appendChild(h1_elem);
0556: center2_elem.appendChild(h3_elem);
0557: body_elem.appendChild(center1_elem);
0558: body_elem.appendChild(center2_elem);
0559: root.appendChild(head_elem);
0560: root.appendChild(body_elem);
0562: for (int i = 0; i < bundles.size(); i++) {
0563: getHTMLLanguageReportz(html, body_elem, detailed,
0564: (Bundle) bundles.elementAt(i));
0565: }
0567: return html;
0568: }
0570: /**
0571: * Returns a HTML report as a String object on the status of the currently opened resource bundle
0572: */
0573: public String getHTMLReport(boolean detailed) {
0574: StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
0575: buffer.append("<HTML>\n<HEAD><TITLE>Resource Bundle Report - "
0576: + rbm.getBaseClass() + "</TITLE></HEAD>\n<BODY>\n");
0577: buffer.append("<CENTER><H1>Resource Bundle Report: "
0578: + rbm.getBaseClass() + "</H1></CENTER>\n");
0579: buffer.append("<CENTER><H3>Report Generated: "
0580: + (new Date()).toString() + "</H3></CENTER>\n");
0582: Vector bundles = rbm.getBundles();
0583: for (int i = 0; i < bundles.size(); i++) {
0584: buffer.append(getHTMLLanguageReport(detailed,
0585: (Bundle) bundles.elementAt(i)));
0586: }
0588: buffer.append("</BODY>\n</HTML>");
0589: return buffer.toString();
0590: }
0592: private void getHTMLLanguageReportz(Document html, Element body_elem, boolean detailed, Bundle dict) {
0593: Element h2_elem = html.createElement("H2");
0594: Text h2_text = html.createTextNode("Language: " + (dict.language == null ? dict.encoding : dict.language) +
0595: (dict.country == null ? "" : " - Country: " + dict.country) +
0596: (dict.variant == null ? "" : " - Variant: " + dict.variant));
0597: Element block_elem = html.createElement("BLOCKQUOTE");
0598: Element p_elem = html.createElement("P");
0599: Text p_text = html.createTextNode("Number of NLS items in the file: " +
0600: String.valueOf(dict.allItems.size()));
0601: Element ul_elem = html.createElement("UL");
0602: Text ul_text = html.createTextNode("Untranslated NLS keys:");
0604: h2_elem.appendChild(h2_text);
0605: p_elem.appendChild(p_text);
0606: ul_elem.appendChild(ul_text);
0607: block_elem.appendChild(p_elem);
0608: body_elem.appendChild(h2_elem);
0609: body_elem.appendChild(block_elem);
0611: int untranslated = 0;
0612: Enumeration enum = dict.allItems.elements();
0613: while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
0614: BundleItem tempItem = (BundleItem)enum.nextElement();
0615: if (tempItem.isTranslated()) continue;
0616: untranslated++;
0617: if (detailed) {
0618: Element li_elem = html.createElement("LI");
0619: Text li_text = html.createTextNode(tempItem.getKey());
0620: li_elem.appendChild(li_text);
0621: ul_elem.appendChild(li_elem);
0622: }
0623: }
0624: Element p2_elem = html.createElement("P");
0625: Text p2_text = html.createTextNode("Number of NLS items not translated: " +
0626: String.valueOf(untranslated));
0627: p2_elem.appendChild(p2_text);
0628: block_elem.appendChild(p2_elem);
0629: if (detailed) block_elem.appendChild(ul_elem);
0630: }
0632: private String getHTMLLanguageReport(boolean detailed, Bundle dict) {
0633: StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
0634: buffer.append("\n<H2>Language: " + (dict.language == null ? dict.encoding : dict.language));
0635: buffer.append(dict.country == null ? "" : " - Country: " + dict.country);
0636: buffer.append(dict.variant == null ? "" : " - Variant: " + dict.variant);
0637: buffer.append("</H2>\n");
0638: buffer.append("<BLOCKQUOTE>\n");
0640: buffer.append("<P>Number of NLS items in the file: " + String.valueOf(dict.allItems.size()) + "</P>\n");
0641: int untranslated = 0;
0642: Enumeration enum = dict.allItems.elements();
0643: StringBuffer innerBuffer = new StringBuffer();
0644: while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
0645: BundleItem tempItem = (BundleItem)enum.nextElement();
0646: if (tempItem.isTranslated()) continue;
0647: untranslated++;
0648: innerBuffer.append("<LI>" + tempItem.getKey() + "</LI>\n");
0649: }
0650: buffer.append("<P>Number of NLS items not translated: " + String.valueOf(untranslated) + "</P>\n");
0651: if (detailed) {
0652: buffer.append("<UL>Untranslated NLS keys:\n");
0653: buffer.append(innerBuffer.toString());
0654: buffer.append("</UL>\n");
0655: }
0657: buffer.append("</BLOCKQUOTE>\n");
0658: return buffer.toString();
0659: }
0661: /**
0662: * Returns an XML formatted report on the status of the currently open resource bundle
0663: */
0665: public Document getXMLReportz(boolean detailed) {
0666: Document xml = new DocumentImpl();
0667: Element root = xml.createElement("REPORT");
0668: root.setAttribute("BASECLASS", rbm.getBaseClass());
0669: root.setAttribute("DATE", (new Date()).toString());
0670: xml.appendChild(root);
0672: Vector bundles = rbm.getBundles();
0673: for (int i = 0; i < bundles.size(); i++) {
0674: root.appendChild(getXMLLanguageReportz(xml, detailed,
0675: (Bundle) bundles.elementAt(i)));
0676: }
0677: return xml;
0678: }
0680: /**
0681: * Returns an XML formatted report as a String object on the status of the currently open resource bundle
0682: */
0684: public String getXMLReport(boolean detailed) {
0685: StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
0686: buffer.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n");
0687: buffer.append("<REPORT BASECLASS=\"" + rbm.getBaseClass()
0688: + "\" DATE=\"" + (new Date()).toString() + "\">\n");
0690: Vector bundles = rbm.getBundles();
0691: for (int i = 0; i < bundles.size(); i++) {
0692: buffer.append(getXMLLanguageReport(detailed,
0693: (Bundle) bundles.elementAt(i)));
0694: }
0695: buffer.append("</REPORT>");
0696: return buffer.toString();
0697: }
0699: private Element getXMLLanguageReportz(Document xml, boolean detailed, Bundle dict) {
0700: Element lang_report_elem = xml.createElement("LANGUAGE_REPORT");
0701: Element locale_elem = xml.createElement("LOCALE");
0702: locale_elem.setAttribute("LANGUAGE", (dict.language == null ? dict.encoding : dict.language));
0703: locale_elem.setAttribute("COUNTRY", (dict.country == null ? "" : dict.country));
0704: locale_elem.setAttribute("VARIANT", (dict.variant == null ? "" : dict.variant));
0705: Element nls_total_elem = xml.createElement("NLS_TOTAL");
0706: Text nls_total_text = xml.createTextNode(String.valueOf(dict.allItems.size()));
0707: Element untranslated_total_elem = xml.createElement("UNTRANSLATED_TOTAL");
0708: Element untranslated_elem = xml.createElement("UNTRANSLATED");
0710: nls_total_elem.appendChild(nls_total_text);
0711: lang_report_elem.appendChild(locale_elem);
0712: lang_report_elem.appendChild(nls_total_elem);
0713: lang_report_elem.appendChild(untranslated_total_elem);
0714: if (detailed) lang_report_elem.appendChild(untranslated_elem);
0716: int untranslated = 0;
0717: Enumeration enum = dict.allItems.elements();
0718: while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
0719: BundleItem tempItem = (BundleItem)enum.nextElement();
0720: if (tempItem.isTranslated()) continue;
0721: untranslated++;
0722: Element resource_elem = xml.createElement("RESOURCEKEY");
0723: Text resource_text = xml.createTextNode(tempItem.getKey());
0724: resource_elem.appendChild(resource_text);
0725: untranslated_elem.appendChild(resource_elem);
0726: }
0727: Text untranslated_total_text = xml.createTextNode(String.valueOf(untranslated));
0728: untranslated_total_elem.appendChild(untranslated_total_text);
0730: return lang_report_elem;
0731: }
0733: private String getXMLLanguageReport(boolean detailed, Bundle dict) {
0734: StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
0735: buffer.append("<LANGUAGE_REPORT>\n");
0737: buffer.append("\n\t<LOCALE LANGUAGE=\"" + (dict.language == null ? dict.encoding : dict.language));
0738: buffer.append("\" COUNTRY=\"" + (dict.country == null ? "" : dict.country));
0739: buffer.append("\" VARIANT=\"" + (dict.variant == null ? "" : dict.variant) + "\"/>\n");
0741: buffer.append("\t<NLS_TOTAL>" + String.valueOf(dict.allItems.size()) + "</NLS_TOTAL>\n");
0742: int untranslated = 0;
0743: Enumeration enum = dict.allItems.elements();
0744: StringBuffer innerBuffer = new StringBuffer();
0745: while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
0746: BundleItem tempItem = (BundleItem)enum.nextElement();
0747: if (tempItem.isTranslated()) continue;
0748: untranslated++;
0749: innerBuffer.append("\t\t<RESOURCEKEY>" + tempItem.getKey() + "</RESOURCEKEY>\n");
0750: }
0751: buffer.append("\t<UNTRANSLATED_TOTAL>" + String.valueOf(untranslated) + "</UNTRANSLATED_TOTAL>\n");
0752: if (detailed) {
0753: buffer.append("\t<UNTRANSLATED>\n");
0754: buffer.append(innerBuffer.toString());
0755: buffer.append("\t</UNTRANSLATED>\n");
0756: }
0758: buffer.append("</LANGUAGE_REPORT>\n");
0759: return buffer.toString();
0760: }
0762: private void updateDateFields() {
0763: if (nextReport == null)
0764: nextReportLabel.setText(Resources.getTranslation(
0765: "reporter_next_report", "--"));
0766: else
0767: nextReportLabel.setText(Resources.getTranslation(
0768: "reporter_next_report", nextReport.toString()));
0769: if (lastReport == null)
0770: lastReportLabel.setText(Resources.getTranslation(
0771: "reporter_last_report", "--"));
0772: else
0773: lastReportLabel.setText(Resources.getTranslation(
0774: "reporter_last_report", lastReport.toString()));
0775: }
0777: private void updateStatusComponents() {
0778: if (running) {
0779: statusLabel.setText(Resources
0780: .getTranslation("reporter_status_running"));
0781: statusLabel.setForeground(Color.green);
0782: statusButton.setText(Resources
0783: .getTranslation("reporter_button_stop"));
0784: } else {
0785: statusLabel.setText(Resources
0786: .getTranslation("reporter_status_stopped"));
0787: statusLabel.setForeground(Color.red);
0788: statusButton.setText(Resources
0789: .getTranslation("reporter_button_start"));
0790: }
0791: }
0793: private void setComponentsToDefaults() {
0794: if ((running && Preferences.getPreference("reporter_enabled")
0795: .equals("No"))
0796: || (!running && Preferences.getPreference(
0797: "reporter_enabled").equals("Yes")))
0798: toggleStatus();
0799: if (Preferences.getPreference("reporter_format_text_enabled") != null)
0800: textCheck.setSelected(Preferences.getPreference(
0801: "reporter_format_text_enabled").equals("Yes"));
0802: if (Preferences.getPreference("reporter_format_html_enabled") != null)
0803: htmlCheck.setSelected(Preferences.getPreference(
0804: "reporter_format_html_enabled").equals("Yes"));
0805: if (Preferences.getPreference("reporter_format_xml_enabled") != null)
0806: xmlCheck.setSelected(Preferences.getPreference(
0807: "reporter_format_xml_enabled").equals("Yes"));
0808: if (Preferences.getPreference("reporter_format_text_file") != null
0809: && !Preferences.getPreference(
0810: "reporter_format_text_file").equals(""))
0811: textField.setText(Preferences
0812: .getPreference("reporter_format_text_file"));
0813: if (Preferences.getPreference("reporter_format_html_file") != null
0814: && !Preferences.getPreference(
0815: "reporter_format_html_file").equals(""))
0816: htmlField.setText(Preferences
0817: .getPreference("reporter_format_html_file"));
0818: if (Preferences.getPreference("reporter_format_xml_file") != null
0819: && !Preferences.getPreference(
0820: "reporter_format_xml_file").equals(""))
0821: xmlField.setText(Preferences
0822: .getPreference("reporter_format_xml_file"));
0823: if (Preferences.getPreference("reporter_format_text_detail") != null
0824: && !Preferences.getPreference(
0825: "reporter_format_text_detail").equals(""))
0826: selectComboValue(textCombo, Preferences
0827: .getPreference("reporter_format_text_detail"));
0828: if (Preferences.getPreference("reporter_format_html_detail") != null
0829: && !Preferences.getPreference(
0830: "reporter_format_html_detail").equals(""))
0831: selectComboValue(htmlCombo, Preferences
0832: .getPreference("reporter_format_html_detail"));
0833: if (Preferences.getPreference("reporter_format_xml_detail") != null
0834: && !Preferences.getPreference(
0835: "reporter_format_xml_detail").equals(""))
0836: selectComboValue(xmlCombo, Preferences
0837: .getPreference("reporter_format_xml_detail"));
0838: if (Preferences.getPreference("reporter_interval").equals(
0839: "Sequential"))
0840: sequentialRadio.setSelected(true);
0841: else
0842: definedRadio.setSelected(true);
0843: if (Preferences
0844: .getPreference("reporter_interval_sequential_value") != null
0845: && !Preferences.getPreference(
0846: "reporter_interval_sequential_value")
0847: .equals(""))
0848: selectComboValue(
0849: valueCombo,
0850: Preferences
0851: .getPreference("reporter_interval_sequential_value"));
0852: if (Preferences
0853: .getPreference("reporter_interval_sequential_units") != null
0854: && !Preferences.getPreference(
0855: "reporter_interval_sequential_units")
0856: .equals(""))
0857: selectComboValue(
0858: valueCombo,
0859: Preferences
0860: .getPreference("reporter_interval_sequential_units"));
0861: if (Preferences.getPreference("reporter_interval_defined_hour") != null
0862: && !Preferences.getPreference(
0863: "reporter_interval_defined_hour").equals(""))
0864: selectComboValue(hourCombo, Preferences
0865: .getPreference("reporter_interval_defined_hour"));
0866: if (Preferences.getPreference("reporter_interval_defined_day") != null
0867: && !Preferences.getPreference(
0868: "reporter_interval_defined_day").equals(""))
0869: selectComboValue(dayCombo, Preferences
0870: .getPreference("reporter_interval_defined_day"));
0871: if (Preferences
0872: .getPreference("reporter_interval_defined_minute") != null
0873: && !Preferences.getPreference(
0874: "reporter_interval_defined_minute").equals(""))
0875: selectComboValue(minuteCombo, Preferences
0876: .getPreference("reporter_interval_defined_minute"));
0877: if (Preferences.getPreference("reporter_scan_file") != null
0878: && !Preferences.getPreference("reporter_scan_file")
0879: .equals(""))
0880: scanField.setText(Preferences
0881: .getPreference("reporter_scan_file"));
0882: if (Preferences.getPreference("reporter_perform_scan") != null)
0883: scanCheck.setSelected(Preferences.getPreference(
0884: "reporter_perform_scan").equals("Yes"));
0885: }
0887: private static void selectComboValue(JComboBox box, String value) {
0888: for (int i = 0; i < box.getItemCount(); i++) {
0889: if (box.getItemAt(i).toString().equals(value)) {
0890: box.setSelectedIndex(i);
0891: break;
0892: }
0893: }
0894: }
0896: private void saveDefaults() {
0897: // Save format options
0898: Preferences.setPreference("reporter_format_text_enabled",
0899: (textCheck.isSelected() ? "Yes" : "No"));
0900: Preferences.setPreference("reporter_format_text_file",
0901: textField.getText());
0902: Preferences.setPreference("reporter_format_text_detail",
0903: textCombo.getSelectedItem().toString());
0904: Preferences.setPreference("reporter_format_html_enabled",
0905: (htmlCheck.isSelected() ? "Yes" : "No"));
0906: Preferences.setPreference("reporter_format_html_file",
0907: htmlField.getText());
0908: Preferences.setPreference("reporter_format_html_detail",
0909: htmlCombo.getSelectedItem().toString());
0910: Preferences.setPreference("reporter_format_xml_enabled",
0911: (xmlCheck.isSelected() ? "Yes" : "No"));
0912: Preferences.setPreference("reporter_format_xml_file", xmlField
0913: .getText());
0914: Preferences.setPreference("reporter_format_xml_detail",
0915: xmlCombo.getSelectedItem().toString());
0916: Preferences.setPreference("reporter_scan_file", scanField
0917: .getText());
0918: Preferences.setPreference("reporter_perform_scan", (scanCheck
0919: .isSelected() ? "Yes" : "No"));
0920: // Save interval options
0921: Preferences.setPreference("reporter_interval", (sequentialRadio
0922: .isSelected() ? "Sequential" : "Defined"));
0923: Preferences.setPreference("reporter_interval_sequential_value",
0924: valueCombo.getSelectedItem().toString());
0925: Preferences.setPreference("reporter_interval_sequential_units",
0926: unitCombo.getSelectedItem().toString());
0927: Preferences.setPreference("reporter_interval_defined_hour",
0928: hourCombo.getSelectedItem().toString());
0929: Preferences.setPreference("reporter_interval_defined_minute",
0930: minuteCombo.getSelectedItem().toString());
0931: Preferences.setPreference("reporter_interval_defined_day",
0932: dayCombo.getSelectedItem().toString());
0933: // Save system options
0934: Preferences.setPreference("reporter_enabled", (running ? "Yes"
0935: : "No"));
0936: // Write the preferences
0937: try {
0938: Preferences.savePreferences();
0939: } catch (IOException ioe) {
0940: // TODO: Warn of error through JOptionPane
0941: ioe.printStackTrace();
0942: }
0943: }
0945: private void toggleStatus() {
0946: if (running) {
0947: running = false;
0948: } else {
0949: running = true;
0950: }
0951: updateStatusComponents();
0952: }
0954: private void initComponents() {
0956: // File choosers
0957: bundleFileChooser
0958: .setFileFilter(new javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter() {
0959: public boolean accept(File f) {
0960: if (f.isDirectory())
0961: return true;
0963: String name = f.getName();
0964: if (!(name.toLowerCase()
0965: .endsWith(".properties")))
0966: return false;
0967: if (name.indexOf("_") > 0)
0968: return false;
0969: return true;
0970: }
0972: public String getDescription() {
0973: return Resources
0974: .getTranslation("dialog_file_filter_description");
0975: }
0976: });
0977: bundleFileChooser.setSelectedFile(new File(Preferences
0978: .getPreference("reporter_base_class_file")));
0980: directoryFileChooser
0981: .setFileFilter(new javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter() {
0982: public boolean accept(File f) {
0983: if (f.isDirectory())
0984: return true;
0985: return false;
0986: }
0988: public String getDescription() {
0989: return Resources.getTranslation("directory");
0990: }
0991: });
0992: directoryFileChooser.setSelectedFile(new File(Preferences
0993: .getPreference("reporter_output_directory")));
0995: scanFileChooser
0996: .setFileFilter(new javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter() {
0997: public boolean accept(File f) {
0998: if (f.isDirectory())
0999: return true;
1000: if (f.getName().endsWith(".xml"))
1001: return true;
1002: return false;
1003: }
1005: public String getDescription() {
1006: return Resources
1007: .getTranslation("dialog_file_filter_description_scan");
1008: }
1009: });
1010: scanFileChooser.setSelectedFile(new File(Preferences
1011: .getPreference("reporter_scan_file")));
1013: // New top level components
1014: JPanel statusPanel = new JPanel();
1015: JPanel intervalPanel = new JPanel();
1016: JPanel optionsPanel = new JPanel();
1017: JPanel formatPanel = new JPanel();
1018: Box mainBox = new Box(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS);
1019: int width = 600;
1020: int height = 600;
1021: int compHeight = 20;
1022: Dimension mainDim = new Dimension(width, height);
1024: statusPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(
1025: BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(), Resources
1026: .getTranslation("reporter_panel_status")));
1027: intervalPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(
1028: BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(), Resources
1029: .getTranslation("reporter_panel_interval")));
1030: optionsPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(
1031: BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(), Resources
1032: .getTranslation("reporter_panel_options")));
1033: formatPanel
1034: .setBorder(BorderFactory
1035: .createTitledBorder(
1036: BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(),
1037: Resources
1038: .getTranslation("reporter_panel_output_format")));
1040: // ** STATUS PANEL SETUP **
1041: JButton nowButton = new JButton(Resources
1042: .getTranslation("reporter_button_now"));
1043: Box statusBox = new Box(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS);
1044: JPanel statusPanel1 = new JPanel();
1045: JPanel statusPanel2 = new JPanel();
1046: JPanel statusPanel3 = new JPanel();
1047: JPanel statusPanel4 = new JPanel();
1048: statusButton = new JButton(Resources
1049: .getTranslation("reporter_button_start"));
1050: statusLabel = new JLabel(Resources
1051: .getTranslation("reporter_status_stopped"));
1052: nextReportLabel = new JLabel(Resources.getTranslation(
1053: "reporter_next_report", "--"));
1054: lastReportLabel = new JLabel(Resources.getTranslation(
1055: "reporter_last_report", "--"));
1056: statusLabel.setFont(new Font("serif", Font.BOLD, 14));
1057: statusLabel.setForeground(Color.red);
1058: statusPanel2.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
1059: statusPanel3.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
1060: statusPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
1062: nowButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
1063: public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) {
1064: try {
1065: generateReports();
1066: } catch (Exception e) {
1067: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e.getMessage(),
1068: Resources.getTranslation("error"),
1069: JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
1070: RBManagerGUI.debugMsg(e.toString());
1071: if (RBManagerGUI.debug)
1072: e.printStackTrace(System.err);
1073: }
1074: }
1075: });
1077: statusButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
1078: public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) {
1079: toggleStatus();
1080: }
1081: });
1083: statusPanel1.add(statusLabel);
1084: statusPanel2.add(nextReportLabel);
1085: statusPanel3.add(lastReportLabel);
1086: statusPanel4.add(nowButton);
1087: statusPanel4.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(7));
1088: statusPanel4.add(statusButton);
1089: statusBox.add(statusPanel1);
1090: statusBox.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(7));
1091: //statusBox.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue());
1092: statusBox.add(statusPanel2);
1093: //statusBox.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue());
1094: statusBox.add(statusPanel3);
1095: statusBox.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(7));
1096: statusBox.add(statusPanel4);
1097: statusPanel.add(statusBox, BorderLayout.CENTER);
1099: // ** OPTIONS PANEL SETUP **
1100: JLabel inputLabel = new JLabel(Resources
1101: .getTranslation("reporter_input_bundle"));
1102: JLabel outputLabel = new JLabel(Resources
1103: .getTranslation("reporter_output_directory"));
1104: JButton inputButton = new JButton(Resources
1105: .getTranslation("reporter_button_choose"));
1106: JButton outputButton = new JButton(Resources
1107: .getTranslation("reporter_button_choose"));
1108: JButton scanButton = new JButton(Resources
1109: .getTranslation("reporter_button_choose"));
1110: JButton defaultButton = new JButton(Resources
1111: .getTranslation("reporter_button_save_defaults"));
1112: JLabel textLabel = new JLabel(Resources
1113: .getTranslation("reporter_output_file"));
1114: JLabel htmlLabel = new JLabel(Resources
1115: .getTranslation("reporter_output_file"));
1116: JLabel xmlLabel = new JLabel(Resources
1117: .getTranslation("reporter_output_file"));
1118: JLabel textLabel2 = new JLabel(Resources
1119: .getTranslation("reporter_detail_level"));
1120: JLabel htmlLabel2 = new JLabel(Resources
1121: .getTranslation("reporter_detail_level"));
1122: JLabel xmlLabel2 = new JLabel(Resources
1123: .getTranslation("reporter_detail_level"));
1124: JPanel optionsPanel1 = new JPanel();
1125: JPanel optionsPanel2 = new JPanel();
1126: JPanel optionsPanelA = new JPanel();
1127: JPanel optionsPanel3 = new JPanel();
1128: JPanel optionsPanel4 = new JPanel();
1129: JPanel optionsPanel5 = new JPanel();
1130: JPanel optionsPanel6 = new JPanel();
1131: Box optionsBox = new Box(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS);
1132: Box outputBox = new Box(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS);
1134: bundleField = new JTextField(Preferences
1135: .getPreference("reporter_base_class_file"));
1136: directoryField = new JTextField(Preferences
1137: .getPreference("reporter_output_directory"));
1138: textCheck = new JCheckBox(Resources
1139: .getTranslation("reporter_format_text"));
1140: htmlCheck = new JCheckBox(Resources
1141: .getTranslation("reporter_format_html"));
1142: xmlCheck = new JCheckBox(Resources
1143: .getTranslation("reporter_format_xml"));
1144: scanCheck = new JCheckBox(Resources
1145: .getTranslation("reporter_perform_scan"), false);
1146: textField = new JTextField("report.txt");
1147: htmlField = new JTextField("report.html");
1148: xmlField = new JTextField("report.xml");
1149: scanField = new JTextField();
1150: String[] detailLevels = {
1151: Resources.getTranslation("reporter_detail_high"),
1152: Resources.getTranslation("reporter_detail_normal") };
1153: textCombo = new JComboBox(detailLevels);
1154: htmlCombo = new JComboBox(detailLevels);
1155: xmlCombo = new JComboBox(detailLevels);
1157: bundleField.setColumns(30);
1158: directoryField.setColumns(30);
1159: scanField.setColumns(30);
1160: textField.setColumns(15);
1161: htmlField.setColumns(15);
1162: xmlField.setColumns(15);
1163: Dimension checkDim = new Dimension(55, compHeight);
1164: textCheck.setPreferredSize(checkDim);
1165: htmlCheck.setPreferredSize(checkDim);
1166: xmlCheck.setPreferredSize(checkDim);
1167: optionsPanel1.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
1168: optionsPanel2.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
1169: optionsPanelA.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
1171: inputButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
1172: public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) {
1173: setInputBundle();
1174: }
1175: });
1177: outputButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
1178: public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) {
1179: setOutputBundle();
1180: }
1181: });
1183: scanButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
1184: public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) {
1185: setScanFile();
1186: }
1187: });
1189: defaultButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
1190: public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) {
1191: saveDefaults();
1192: }
1193: });
1195: optionsPanel6.add(defaultButton);
1196: optionsPanel3.add(textCheck);
1197: optionsPanel3.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5));
1198: optionsPanel3.add(textLabel);
1199: optionsPanel3.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5));
1200: optionsPanel3.add(textField);
1201: optionsPanel3.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5));
1202: optionsPanel3.add(textLabel2);
1203: optionsPanel3.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5));
1204: optionsPanel3.add(textCombo);
1205: optionsPanel4.add(htmlCheck);
1206: optionsPanel4.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5));
1207: optionsPanel4.add(htmlLabel);
1208: optionsPanel4.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5));
1209: optionsPanel4.add(htmlField);
1210: optionsPanel4.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5));
1211: optionsPanel4.add(htmlLabel2);
1212: optionsPanel4.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5));
1213: optionsPanel4.add(htmlCombo);
1214: optionsPanel5.add(xmlCheck);
1215: optionsPanel5.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5));
1216: optionsPanel5.add(xmlLabel);
1217: optionsPanel5.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5));
1218: optionsPanel5.add(xmlField);
1219: optionsPanel5.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5));
1220: optionsPanel5.add(xmlLabel2);
1221: optionsPanel5.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5));
1222: optionsPanel5.add(xmlCombo);
1223: outputBox.add(optionsPanel3);
1224: outputBox.add(optionsPanel4);
1225: outputBox.add(optionsPanel5);
1226: formatPanel.add(outputBox);
1227: optionsPanel1.add(inputLabel);
1228: optionsPanel1.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5));
1229: optionsPanel1.add(bundleField);
1230: optionsPanel1.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5));
1231: optionsPanel1.add(inputButton);
1232: optionsPanel2.add(outputLabel);
1233: optionsPanel2.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5));
1234: optionsPanel2.add(directoryField);
1235: optionsPanel2.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5));
1236: optionsPanel2.add(outputButton);
1237: optionsPanelA.add(scanCheck);
1238: optionsPanelA.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5));
1239: optionsPanelA.add(scanField);
1240: optionsPanelA.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5));
1241: optionsPanelA.add(scanButton);
1242: optionsBox.add(optionsPanel1);
1243: optionsBox.add(optionsPanel2);
1244: optionsBox.add(optionsPanelA);
1245: optionsBox.add(formatPanel);
1246: optionsBox.add(optionsPanel6);
1247: optionsPanel.add(optionsBox);
1250: String boxArray1[] = { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8",
1251: "9", "10", "11", "12", "15", "20", "24", "25", "30" };
1252: String boxArray2[] = {
1253: Resources.getTranslation("reporter_time_minutes"),
1254: Resources.getTranslation("reporter_time_hours"),
1255: Resources.getTranslation("reporter_time_days") };
1256: String boxArray3[] = { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8",
1257: "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17",
1258: "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "0" };
1259: String boxArray4[] = { "00", "15", "30", "45" };
1260: String boxArray5[] = {
1261: Resources.getTranslation("reporter_time_everyday"),
1262: Resources.getTranslation("reporter_time_monday"),
1263: Resources.getTranslation("reporter_time_tuesday"),
1264: Resources.getTranslation("reporter_time_wednesday"),
1265: Resources.getTranslation("reporter_time_thursday"),
1266: Resources.getTranslation("reporter_time_friday"),
1267: Resources.getTranslation("reporter_time_saturday"),
1268: Resources.getTranslation("reporter_time_sunday") };
1270: JLabel colonLabel = new JLabel(":");
1271: sequentialRadio = new JRadioButton(Resources
1272: .getTranslation("reporter_interval_sequential"));
1273: definedRadio = new JRadioButton(Resources
1274: .getTranslation("reporter_interval_defined"), true);
1275: valueCombo = new JComboBox(boxArray1);
1276: unitCombo = new JComboBox(boxArray2);
1277: hourCombo = new JComboBox(boxArray3);
1278: minuteCombo = new JComboBox(boxArray4);
1279: dayCombo = new JComboBox(boxArray5);
1280: JPanel intervalPanel1 = new JPanel();
1281: JPanel intervalPanel2 = new JPanel();
1282: intervalPanel1.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
1283: intervalPanel2.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
1284: Box intervalBox = new Box(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS);
1285: intervalPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
1287: ButtonGroup bg = new ButtonGroup();
1288: bg.add(sequentialRadio);
1289: bg.add(definedRadio);
1291: intervalPanel1.add(sequentialRadio);
1292: intervalPanel1.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5));
1293: intervalPanel1.add(valueCombo);
1294: intervalPanel1.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5));
1295: intervalPanel1.add(unitCombo);
1296: intervalPanel2.add(definedRadio);
1297: intervalPanel2.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5));
1298: intervalPanel2.add(hourCombo);
1299: intervalPanel2.add(colonLabel);
1300: intervalPanel2.add(minuteCombo);
1301: intervalPanel2.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5));
1302: intervalPanel2.add(dayCombo);
1303: intervalBox.add(intervalPanel1);
1304: intervalBox.add(intervalPanel2);
1305: intervalPanel.add(intervalBox, BorderLayout.WEST);
1307: // ** MAINBOX SETUP **
1308: mainBox.removeAll();
1309: mainBox.add(statusPanel);
1310: mainBox.add(intervalPanel);
1311: mainBox.add(optionsPanel);
1313: // ** MAIN FRAME SETUP **
1314: setLocation(new java.awt.Point(25, 25));
1315: setSize(mainDim);
1316: //((JComponent)getContentPane()).setMaximumSize(dimMainMax);
1317: //((JComponent)getContentPane()).setMinimumSize(dimMainMin);
1318: //setJMenuBar(jMenuBarMain);
1319: getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
1320: getContentPane().removeAll();
1321: getContentPane().add(mainBox, BorderLayout.CENTER);
1322: setTitle(Resources.getTranslation("resource_bundle_reporter"));
1323: //validateTree();
1324: setComponentsToDefaults();
1325: nextReport = generateNextReportDate();
1326: updateDateFields();
1327: repaint();
1329: addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter() {
1330: public void windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent ev) {
1331: this WindowClosing(ev);
1332: }
1333: });
1334: }
1336: public void this WindowClosing(WindowEvent ev) {
1337: setVisible(false);
1338: dispose();
1339: System.exit(0);
1340: }
1342: private void setInputBundle() {
1343: int result = bundleFileChooser.showOpenDialog(this );
1344: if (result == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
1345: File f = bundleFileChooser.getSelectedFile();
1346: if (f != null) {
1347: bundleField.setText(f.getAbsolutePath());
1348: Preferences.setPreference("reporter_base_class_file", f
1349: .getAbsolutePath());
1350: try {
1351: Preferences.savePreferences();
1352: } catch (IOException ioe) {
1353: }
1354: }
1355: }
1356: }
1358: private void setOutputBundle() {
1359: int result = directoryFileChooser.showOpenDialog(this );
1360: if (result == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
1361: File f = directoryFileChooser.getSelectedFile();
1362: if (!f.isDirectory())
1363: f = new File(f.getParent());
1364: if (f != null) {
1365: directoryField.setText(f.getAbsolutePath());
1366: Preferences.setPreference("reporter_output_directory",
1367: f.getAbsolutePath());
1368: try {
1369: Preferences.savePreferences();
1370: } catch (IOException ioe) {
1371: }
1372: }
1373: }
1374: }
1376: private void setScanFile() {
1377: int result = scanFileChooser.showOpenDialog(this );
1378: if (result == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
1379: File f = scanFileChooser.getSelectedFile();
1380: if (f != null) {
1381: scanField.setText(f.getAbsolutePath());
1382: Preferences.setPreference("reporter_scan_file", f
1383: .getAbsolutePath());
1384: try {
1385: Preferences.savePreferences();
1386: } catch (IOException ioe) {
1387: }
1388: }
1389: }
1390: }
1392: private static String getUsage() {
1393: return "\nRBReporter Command Line Usage:\n\n"
1394: + "Default Usage (GUI): java com.ibm.rbm.RBReporter\n"
1395: + "Options Usage: java com.ibm.rbm.RBReporter [-gui | -now | -line]\n\n"
1396: + "Options: -gui Run the Graphical User Interface\n"
1397: + " -now Execute the Report Generation Immediately\n"
1398: + " -line Run the Reporter without the GUI";
1399: }
1401: public static void main(String args[]) {
1402: RBReporter reporter;
1403: if (args.length == 1) {
1404: if (args[0].equals("-gui")) {
1405: reporter = new RBReporter(true);
1406: } else if (args[0].equals("-now")) {
1407: reporter = new RBReporter(false);
1408: try {
1409: reporter.generateReports();
1410: System.out
1411: .println("RBReporter: Generation of reports successful. "
1412: + new Date());
1413: } catch (IOException ioe) {
1414: System.out
1415: .println("There was an error generating the reports...\n\n\t"
1416: + ioe.getMessage());
1417: }
1418: reporter.this WindowClosing(null);
1419: } else if (args[0].equals("-line")) {
1420: reporter = new RBReporter(false);
1421: if (!reporter.running)
1422: reporter.toggleStatus();
1423: System.out.println("RBReporter: Next Report at "
1424: + reporter.nextReport.toString());
1425: } else {
1426: System.out.println(getUsage());
1427: }
1428: } else if (args.length == 0) {
1429: reporter = new RBReporter(true);
1430: } else {
1431: System.out.println(getUsage());
1432: }
1433: }
1435: }