| com.ibm.icu.dev.test.TestFmwk com.ibm.icu.dev.test.cldr.TestCLDRVsICU
TestCLDRVsICU | public class TestCLDRVsICU extends TestFmwk (Code) | | This is a file that runs the CLDR tests for ICU4J, to verify that ICU4J implements them
1. for this to work right, you have to have downloaded the CLDR data, and
then set the CLDR directory correctly, using
2. You probably also need to increase memory, eg with -Xmx512m
3. For speed, you should also use -DCLDR_DTD_CACHE=C:\cldrcache\, where
C:\cldrcache\ is a temp directory to keep the program from hitting the net for
each file access.
4. You may use other environment variables to narrow what you test. Eg
-DXML_MATCH=".*" -DTEST_MATCH="zone.*" -DZONE_MATCH="(?!America/Argentina).*"
a. -DXML_MATCH="de.*" (or whatever regex you want) to just
test certain locales.
b. -DTEST_MATCH="zone.*" (or whatever regex you want) to just test collation, numbers, etc.
c. -DZONE_MATCH=".*Moscow.*" (to only test certain zones)
author: medavis |
Inner Class :abstract public class Handler | |
Inner Class :class NullHandler extends Handler | |
DEBUG | final static boolean DEBUG(Code) | | |
DateFormatValues | static int[] DateFormatValues(Code) | | |
RegisteredHandlers | Map RegisteredHandlers(Code) | | |
addHandler | public void addHandler(String name, Handler handler)(Code) | | |
Fields inherited from com.ibm.icu.dev.test.TestFmwk | protected TestParams params(Code)(Java Doc)
Methods inherited from com.ibm.icu.dev.test.TestFmwk | protected boolean assertEquals(String message, boolean expected, boolean actual)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean assertEquals(String message, long expected, long actual)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean assertEquals(String message, float expected, float actual, double error)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean assertEquals(String message, double expected, double actual, double error)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean assertEquals(String message, Object expected, Object actual)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean assertFalse(String message, boolean condition)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean assertNotEquals(String message, Object expected, Object actual)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean assertNotNull(String message, Object actual)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean assertNotSame(String message, Object expected, Object actual)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean assertNull(String message, Object actual)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean assertSame(String message, Object expected, Object actual)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean assertTrue(String message, boolean condition)(Code)(Java Doc) protected int checkArray(String msg, String array, String expected)(Code)(Java Doc) protected int checkArray(String msg, Locale array, String expected)(Code)(Java Doc) protected int checkArray(String msg, ULocale array, String expected)(Code)(Java Doc) protected Random createRandom()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void fail(String message)(Code)(Java Doc) protected static synchronized java.util.Date getDate(int year, int month, int dom)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String getDescription()(Code)(Java Doc) protected int getErrorCount()(Code)(Java Doc) public PrintWriter getErrorLogPrintWriter()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getInclusion()(Code)(Java Doc) public PrintWriter getLogPrintWriter()(Code)(Java Doc) protected String getMethodDescription(String name)(Code)(Java Doc) protected TestFmwk getSubtest(String prefix) throws TestFmwkException(Code)(Java Doc) protected Target getTargets(String targetName)(Code)(Java Doc) public String getTranslitTestFilter()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void handleException(Throwable e)(Code)(Java Doc) public static String hex(char[] s)(Code)(Java Doc) public static String hex(byte[] s)(Code)(Java Doc) public static String hex(char ch)(Code)(Java Doc) public static String hex(int ch)(Code)(Java Doc) public static String hex(String s)(Code)(Java Doc) public static String hex(StringBuffer s)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void init() throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isDateAtLeast(int year, int month, int day)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isMemTracking()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isModularBuild()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isQuick()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isTiming()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isVerbose()(Code)(Java Doc) public void msg(String message, int level, boolean incCount, boolean newln)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean noData()(Code)(Java Doc) public static String prettify(String s)(Code)(Java Doc) public static String prettify(StringBuffer s)(Code)(Java Doc) public Target resolveTarget(TestParams params)(Code)(Java Doc) public Target resolveTarget(TestParams params, String targetPath)(Code)(Java Doc) public void run(String[] args)(Code)(Java Doc) public int run(String[] args, PrintWriter log)(Code)(Java Doc) public int runTests(TestParams params, String[] tests)(Code)(Java Doc) protected TimeZone safeGetTimeZone(String id)(Code)(Java Doc) public void usage()(Code)(Java Doc) public static void usage(PrintWriter pw, String className)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean validate()(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean validateMethod(String name)(Code)(Java Doc)