TabRuler is a Component which presents a user interface for
setting the leading margin, trailing margin, first line indent,
and tab types and positions.
TabRuler does not implement TextPanelListener directly; however,
it can receive updates from a MTextPanel. To have a TabRuler listen
to a panel, call listenToPanel. TabRuler responds to
user manipulation by modifying the paragraph styles on its MTextPanel
(if any).
TabRulerImpl(int baseline, int origin, MTextPanel textPanel, Component host) Create a new TabRuler.
Parameters: baseline - the y-coordinate of the ruler's baseline Parameters: origin - the x-coordinate in this Component wherethe left margin appears Parameters: textPanel - the MTextPanel to listen to.
listenToTextPanel(MTextPanel textPanel) Listen to the given MTextPanel and reflect its changes,
and update its paragraph styles when TabRuler is
Create a new TabRuler.
Parameters: baseline - the y-coordinate of the ruler's baseline Parameters: origin - the x-coordinate in this Component wherethe left margin appears Parameters: textPanel - the MTextPanel to listen to. This TabRulerwill reflect the MTextPanel's paragraph styles, and updatethe paragraph styles when manipulated.
Listen to the given MTextPanel and reflect its changes,
and update its paragraph styles when TabRuler is
Parameters: textPanel - the MTextPanel to listen to