Injection will happen through a single method for the component.
Most likely it is a method called 'inject', though that can be overridden.
author: Paul Hammant author: Aslak Hellesøy author: Jon Tirsén author: Zohar Melamed author: Jörg Schaible author: Mauro Talevi
Creates a MethodInjector
Parameters: componentKey - the search key for this implementation Parameters: componentImplementation - the concrete implementation Parameters: parameters - the parameters to use for the initialization Parameters: monitor - the component monitor used by this addAdapter Parameters: lifecycleStrategy - the component lifecycle strategy used by this addAdapter Parameters: methodName - the method name Parameters: useNames - use argument names when looking up dependencies throws: AbstractInjector.NotConcreteRegistrationException - if the implementation is not a concrete class. throws: NullPointerException - if one of the parameters is null