| java.lang.Object info.jtrac.util.UserUtils
UserUtils | public class UserUtils (Code) | | routines to filter User, UserSpaceRoles collections etc
convertToItemUserList | public static List<ItemUser> convertToItemUserList(List<UserSpaceRole> userSpaceRoles)(Code) | | used to init backing form object in wicket corresponding to ItemUser / notifyList
filterUsersAbleToTransitionFrom | public static List<User> filterUsersAbleToTransitionFrom(List<UserSpaceRole> userSpaceRoles, Space space, int state)(Code) | | This is a rather 'deep' concept, first of course you need to restrict the next possible
states that an item can be switched to based on the current state and the workflow defined.
But what about who all it can be assigned to? This will be the set of users who fall into roles
that have permissions to transition FROM the state being switched to. Ouch.
This is why the item_view / history update screen has to be Ajaxed so that the drop
down list of users has to dynamically change based on the TO state
getSpaceNamesMap | public static Map<Long, String> getSpaceNamesMap(User user)(Code) | | used to prepare drop down lists for the search screen in the ui