001: /*
002: * Copyright 2002-2005 the original author or authors.
003: *
004: * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005: * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006: * You may obtain a copy of the License at
007: *
008: * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
009: *
010: * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011: * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012: * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013: * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014: * limitations under the License.
015: */
017: package info.jtrac.wicket;
019: import info.jtrac.domain.Field;
020: import info.jtrac.domain.Role;
021: import info.jtrac.domain.Space;
022: import info.jtrac.domain.State;
023: import info.jtrac.domain.WorkflowRenderer;
024: import java.util.ArrayList;
025: import java.util.List;
026: import java.util.Map;
027: import org.apache.wicket.behavior.SimpleAttributeModifier;
028: import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebMarkupContainer;
029: import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebPage;
030: import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label;
031: import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Button;
032: import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form;
033: import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.link.Link;
034: import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.list.ListItem;
035: import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.list.ListView;
037: /**
038: * space roles and workflow form
039: */
040: public class SpacePermissionsPage extends BasePage {
042: private WebPage previous;
043: private Space space;
045: public SpacePermissionsPage(Space space, WebPage previous) {
046: this .space = space;
047: this .previous = previous;
048: add(new SpacePermissionsForm("form"));
049: }
051: /**
052: * wicket form
053: */
054: private class SpacePermissionsForm extends Form {
056: private JtracFeedbackMessageFilter filter;
058: public SpacePermissionsForm(String id) {
060: super (id);
061: // label / heading =================================================
062: add(new Label("label", space.getName() + " ("
063: + space.getPrefixCode() + ")"));
064: // states colspan ==================================================
065: final Map<Integer, String> statesMap = space.getMetadata()
066: .getStates();
067: SimpleAttributeModifier statesColspan = new SimpleAttributeModifier(
068: "colspan", (statesMap.size() - 1) + "");
069: add(new WebMarkupContainer("statesColspan")
070: .add(statesColspan));
071: // fields colspan ==================================================
072: final List<Field> fields = space.getMetadata()
073: .getFieldList();
074: SimpleAttributeModifier fieldsColspan = new SimpleAttributeModifier(
075: "colspan", fields.size() + "");
076: add(new WebMarkupContainer("fieldsColspan")
077: .add(fieldsColspan));
078: // add state =======================================================
079: add(new Button("addState") {
080: @Override
081: public void onSubmit() {
082: setResponsePage(new SpaceStatePage(space, -1,
083: previous));
084: }
085: });
086: // add state =======================================================
087: add(new Button("addRole") {
088: @Override
089: public void onSubmit() {
090: setResponsePage(new SpaceRolePage(space, null,
091: previous));
092: }
093: });
094: // states col headings =============================================
095: final List<Integer> stateKeysNoNew = new ArrayList(
096: statesMap.keySet());
097: stateKeysNoNew.remove(State.NEW);
098: add(new ListView("stateHeads", stateKeysNoNew) {
099: protected void populateItem(ListItem listItem) {
100: Integer stateKey = (Integer) listItem
101: .getModelObject();
102: listItem.add(new Label("state", statesMap
103: .get(stateKey)));
104: }
105: });
106: // fields col headings =============================================
107: add(new ListView("fieldHeads", fields) {
108: protected void populateItem(ListItem listItem) {
109: Field f = (Field) listItem.getModelObject();
110: listItem.add(new Label("field", f.getLabel()));
111: }
112: });
113: // rows init =======================================================
114: List<Integer> stateKeys = new ArrayList(statesMap.keySet());
115: final List<Role> roles = new ArrayList(space.getMetadata()
116: .getRoleList());
117: final SimpleAttributeModifier rowspan = new SimpleAttributeModifier(
118: "rowspan", roles.size() + "");
119: final SimpleAttributeModifier yes = new SimpleAttributeModifier(
120: "src", "../resources/status-green.gif");
121: final SimpleAttributeModifier no = new SimpleAttributeModifier(
122: "src", "../resources/status-grey.gif");
123: final SimpleAttributeModifier readonly = new SimpleAttributeModifier(
124: "src", "../resources/field-readonly.gif");
125: final SimpleAttributeModifier mandatory = new SimpleAttributeModifier(
126: "src", "../resources/field-mandatory.gif");
127: final SimpleAttributeModifier optional = new SimpleAttributeModifier(
128: "src", "../resources/field-optional.gif");
129: final SimpleAttributeModifier hidden = new SimpleAttributeModifier(
130: "src", "../resources/field-hidden.gif");
131: final SimpleAttributeModifier altClass = new SimpleAttributeModifier(
132: "class", "alt");
133: //==================================================================
134: add(new ListView("states", stateKeys) {
135: protected void populateItem(ListItem listItem) {
136: final boolean firstState = listItem.getIndex() == 0;
137: final String stateClass = listItem.getIndex() % 2 == 1 ? "bdr-bottom alt"
138: : "bdr-bottom";
139: final Integer stateKeyRow = (Integer) listItem
140: .getModelObject();
141: listItem.add(new ListView("roles", roles) {
142: protected void populateItem(ListItem listItem) {
143: String roleClass = listItem.getIndex() % 2 == 1 ? " alt"
144: : "";
145: String lastRole = listItem.getIndex() == roles
146: .size() - 1 ? " bdr-bottom" : "";
147: listItem.add(new SimpleAttributeModifier(
148: "class", "center" + roleClass
149: + lastRole));
150: final Role role = (Role) listItem
151: .getModelObject();
152: if (listItem.getIndex() == 0) {
153: SimpleAttributeModifier rowClass = new SimpleAttributeModifier(
154: "class", stateClass);
155: listItem.add(new Label("state",
156: statesMap.get(stateKeyRow))
157: .add(rowspan).add(rowClass));
158: WebMarkupContainer editState = new WebMarkupContainer(
159: "editState");
160: editState.add(rowspan).add(rowClass);
161: Button editStateButton = new Button(
162: "editState") {
163: @Override
164: public void onSubmit() {
165: setResponsePage(new SpaceStatePage(
166: space, stateKeyRow,
167: previous));
168: }
169: };
170: editState.add(editStateButton);
171: if (stateKeyRow == State.NEW) { // user can customize state names, even for Closed
172: editStateButton.setVisible(false);
173: }
174: listItem.add(editState);
175: } else {
176: listItem.add(new WebMarkupContainer(
177: "state").setVisible(false));
178: listItem.add(new WebMarkupContainer(
179: "editState").setVisible(false));
180: }
181: listItem.add(new Label("role", role
182: .getName()));
183: Button editRoleButton = new Button(
184: "editRole") {
185: @Override
186: public void onSubmit() {
187: setResponsePage(new SpaceRolePage(
188: space, role.getName(),
189: previous));
190: }
191: };
192: listItem.add(editRoleButton);
193: if (!firstState) {
194: editRoleButton.setVisible(false);
195: }
196: listItem.add(new ListView("stateHeads",
197: stateKeysNoNew) {
198: protected void populateItem(
199: ListItem listItem) {
200: final Integer stateKeyCol = (Integer) listItem
201: .getModelObject();
202: Button stateButton = new Button(
203: "state") {
204: @Override
205: public void onSubmit() {
206: space
207: .getMetadata()
208: .toggleTransition(
209: role
210: .getName(),
211: stateKeyRow,
212: stateKeyCol);
213: setResponsePage(new SpacePermissionsPage(
214: space, previous));
215: }
216: };
217: if (stateKeyRow == State.NEW
218: && stateKeyCol != State.OPEN) {
219: stateButton.setVisible(false);
220: }
221: State state = role.getStates().get(
222: stateKeyRow);
223: if (state != null
224: && state
225: .getTransitions()
226: .contains(
227: stateKeyCol)) {
228: stateButton.add(yes);
229: } else {
230: stateButton.add(no);
231: }
232: listItem.add(stateButton);
233: }
234: });
235: listItem.add(new ListView("fieldHeads",
236: fields) {
237: protected void populateItem(
238: ListItem listItem) {
239: if (roles.size() == 1
240: && listItem.getIndex() % 2 == 0) {
241: listItem.add(altClass);
242: }
243: final Field field = (Field) listItem
244: .getModelObject();
245: Button fieldButton = new Button(
246: "field") {
247: @Override
248: public void onSubmit() {
249: space
250: .getMetadata()
251: .switchMask(
252: stateKeyRow,
253: role
254: .getName(),
255: field
256: .getName()
257: .getText());
258: setResponsePage(new SpacePermissionsPage(
259: space, previous));
260: }
261: };
262: State state = role.getStates().get(
263: stateKeyRow);
264: int mask = state.getFields().get(
265: field.getName());
266: switch (mask) {
267: case State.MASK_MANDATORY:
268: fieldButton.add(mandatory);
269: break;
270: case State.MASK_OPTIONAL:
271: fieldButton.add(optional);
272: break;
273: case State.MASK_READONLY:
274: fieldButton.add(readonly);
275: break;
276: case State.MASK_HIDDEN:
277: fieldButton.add(hidden);
278: break;
279: default: // should never happen
280: }
281: listItem.add(fieldButton);
282: }
283: });
284: }
285: });
286: }
287: });
288: // back ============================================================
289: add(new Button("back") {
290: @Override
291: public void onSubmit() {
292: setResponsePage(new SpaceFieldListPage(space, null,
293: previous));
294: }
295: });
296: // save ============================================================
297: add(new Button("save") {
298: @Override
299: public void onSubmit() {
300: boolean isNewSpace = space.getId() == 0;
301: getJtrac().storeSpace(space);
302: // current user may be allocated to this space, and e.g. name could have changed
303: refreshPrincipal();
304: if (isNewSpace) {
305: setResponsePage(new SpaceAllocatePage(space
306: .getId(), previous));
307: } else if (previous == null) {
308: setResponsePage(new OptionsPage());
309: } else {
310: if (previous instanceof SpaceListPage) {
311: ((SpaceListPage) previous)
312: .setSelectedSpaceId(space.getId());
313: }
314: setResponsePage(previous);
315: }
316: }
317: });
318: // cancel ==========================================================
319: add(new Link("cancel") {
320: public void onClick() {
321: setResponsePage(previous);
322: }
323: });
324: WorkflowRenderer workflow = new WorkflowRenderer(space
325: .getMetadata().getRoles(), space.getMetadata()
326: .getStates());
327: add(new Label("workflow", workflow.getAsHtml())
328: .setEscapeModelStrings(false));
329: }
331: }
333: }