Method Summary |
public void | addAttributeOption(IssueType issueType, AttributeOption option) Adds attribute options to a module. |
public void | addIssueType(IssueType issueType) |
public RModuleAttribute | addRModuleAttribute(IssueType issueType, Attribute attribute) Adds module-attribute mapping to module. |
public RModuleOption | addRModuleOption(IssueType issueType, AttributeOption option) Adds module-attribute-option mapping to module. |
public boolean | allowsIssues() Determines whether this module accepts issues. |
public boolean | allowsMultipleVoting() Determines whether this module allows users to vote many times for
the same issue. |
public boolean | allowsNewIssues() Determines whether this module is accepting new issues. |
public int | compareTo(Object obj) Used for ordering Groups.
Parameters: obj - The Object to compare to. |
public AttributeGroup | createNewGroup(IssueType issueType) Creates new attribute group. |
public List | getActiveAttributesByName(IssueType issueType, String attributeType) gets a list of all of the active Attributes. |
public List | getAllAttributeOptions(Integer attributeId) Return the list of attribute options for attribute with given attributeId. |
public List | getAllAttributes() gets a list of all of the Attributes in this module. |
public List | getAllOptionAttributes() Return the list of option attributes (ATTRIBUTE_ID=5). |
public synchronized List | getAncestors() Returns this ModuleEntities ancestors in ascending order. |
abstract public String | getArchiveEmail() All emails related to this module will have a copy sent to
this address. |
public List | getAttributeOptions(Attribute attribute, IssueType issueType) Gets the modules list of attribute options. |
public List | getAttributes(IssueType issueType) Gets a list of attributes for this module with a specific
issue type. |
public List | getAttributes(Criteria criteria) gets a list of all of the Attributes in a Module based on the Criteria. |
public List | getAvailableAttributeOptions(Attribute attribute, IssueType issueType) gets a list of all of the Attribute options that are not
associated with this module and attribute. |
public List | getAvailableAttributes(IssueType issueType, String attributeType) |
public List | getAvailableIssueTypes() |
public List | getDedupeAttributeGroups(IssueType issueType) List of active dedupe attribute groups associated with this module. |
public List | getDedupeAttributeGroups(IssueType issueType, boolean activeOnly) List of attribute groups associated with this module. |
public List | getDedupeGroupsWithAttributes(IssueType issueType) This method is used within Wizard1.vm to get a list of attribute
groups which are marked as dedupe and have a list of attributes
in them. |
public int | getDedupeSequence(IssueType issueType) Gets the sequence where the dedupe screen fits between groups. |
public List | getDefaultRModuleUserAttributes(IssueType issueType) Returns default issue list attributes for this module. |
public ScarabUser[] | getEligibleIssueReporters() |
public ScarabUser[] | getEligibleUsers(Attribute attribute) The users who are possible candidates as values for the given
attribute. |
public Issue | getIssueById(String id) This method is useful for getting an issue object
by a String id. |
public REProgram | getIssueRegex() |
public String | getIssueRegexString() |
public List | getIssueTypes() gets a list of the Issue Types for this module. |
public List | getIssueTypes(boolean activeOnly) gets a list of the Issue Types for this module. |
public int | getLastAttribute(IssueType issueType, String attributeType) FIXME: can this be done more efficently?
gets highest sequence number for module-attribute map
so that a new RModuleAttribute can be added at the end. |
public int | getLastAttributeOption(Attribute attribute, IssueType issueType) FIXME: can this be done more efficently?
gets highest sequence number for module-attribute map
so that a new RModuleAttribute can be added at the end. |
public List | getLeafRModuleOptions(Attribute attribute, IssueType issuetype) |
public List | getLeafRModuleOptions(Attribute attribute, IssueType issueType, boolean activeOnly) |
public Locale | getLocale() Simple implementation returns the single configured default locale
from TR.props. |
abstract public Integer | getModuleId() |
public String | getName() |
public List | getNavIssueTypes() gets a list of the Issue Types for this module.
that get listed in the left navigation. |
public Issue | getNewIssue(IssueType issueType) Creates a new Issue. |
public List | getOptionTree(Attribute attribute, IssueType issueType) Gets a list of active RModuleOptions which have had their level
within the options for this module set. |
public List | getOptionTree(Attribute attribute, IssueType issueType, boolean activeOnly) Gets a list of RModuleOptions which have had their level
within the options for this module set. |
abstract public Module | getParent() |
public RModuleAttribute | getRModuleAttribute(Attribute attribute, IssueType issueType) |
public List | getRModuleAttributes(Criteria crit) Returns RModuleAttributes associated with this module through the
foreign key in the schema. |
public List | getRModuleAttributes(IssueType issueType) Overridden method. |
public List | getRModuleAttributes(IssueType issueType, boolean activeOnly) Overridden method. |
public List | getRModuleAttributes(IssueType issueType, boolean activeOnly, String attributeType) |
public RModuleIssueType | getRModuleIssueType(IssueType issueType) |
abstract public List | getRModuleIssueTypes() |
public List | getRModuleIssueTypes(String sortColumn, String sortPolarity) |
public RModuleOption | getRModuleOption(AttributeOption option, IssueType issueType) |
abstract public List | getRModuleOptions(Criteria crit) Overridden method. |
public List | getRModuleOptions(Attribute attribute, IssueType issueType) |
public List | getRModuleOptions(Attribute attribute, IssueType issueType, boolean activeOnly) |
abstract public String | getRealName() |
public List | getSavedReports(ScarabUser user) List of saved reports associated with this module and
created by this user. |
public String[] | getSystemEmail() The default address that is used to fill out either the From or
ReplyTo header on emails related to this module. |
public List | getTemplateTypes() |
public List | getUnapprovedQueries() Returns list of queries needing approval. |
public List | getUnapprovedTemplates() Returns list of enter issue templates needing approval. |
public int | getUnusedVoteCount(ScarabUser user) How many votes does the user have left to cast. |
public List | getUserAttributes(IssueType issueType) gets a list of all of the User Attributes in a Module. |
public List | getUserAttributes(IssueType issueType, boolean activeOnly) gets a list of all of the User Attributes in a Module. |
public List | getUserPermissions(IssueType issueType) gets a list of permissions associated with the User Attributes
that are active for this Module. |
abstract public ScarabUser[] | getUsers(String permission) |
abstract public ScarabUser[] | getUsers(List permissions) |
protected String | getValidationMessage(String typeName, String detail) |
public boolean | hasAttributes(IssueType issueType) Returns true if module has attributes associated with issue type. |
public boolean | includesIssueType(IssueType issueType) |
protected void | inheritFromParent(Module parentModule) sets up attributes and issue types for this module based on. |
public boolean | isEndlessLoop(Module parent) |
public boolean | isGlobalModule() |
public boolean | isInitializing() Returns true if no issue types are associated with this module, or if the module
is currently getting its initial values set. |
protected void | resetAncestors() Should be called when the parentage is modified. |
protected void | setInitialAttributesAndIssueTypes() |
public void | setName(String name) |
abstract public void | setParent(Module v) |
public void | setRmaBasedOnIssueType(RIssueTypeAttribute ria) |
public void | setRmoBasedOnIssueType(RIssueTypeOption rio) |
public void | shiftAttributeOption(Attribute attribute, IssueType issueType, int offset) |
public String | toString() |