| org.tigris.scarab.om.BaseIssue org.tigris.scarab.om.Issue
All known Subclasses: org.tigris.scarab.util.word.IssueSearch,
Inner Class :public static class FederatedId implements Serializable | |
Method Summary | |
public void | addActivity(Activity activity) Returns limited list of Activity objects associated with this Issue. | public void | addAttributeValue(AttributeValue aval) | public ActivitySet | addComment(Attachment attachment, ScarabUser user) Adds a comment to an issue and passes null as the activity set
to create a new one. | public ActivitySet | addComment(ActivitySet activitySet, Attachment attachment, ScarabUser user) Adds a comment to an issue. | public synchronized void | addFile(Attachment attachment, ScarabUser user) Adds an attachment file to this issue. | public ActivitySet | addUrl(Attachment attachment, ScarabUser user) Adds a url to an issue and passes null as the activity set
to create a new one. | public ActivitySet | addUrl(ActivitySet activitySet, Attachment attachment, ScarabUser user) Adds a url to an issue. | public void | addVote(ScarabUser user) | public ActivitySet | assignUser(ActivitySet activitySet, ScarabUser assignee, ScarabUser assigner, Attribute attribute, Attachment attachment) Assigns user to issue. | protected ActivitySet | attachActivitySet(ActivitySet activitySet, ScarabUser user, Attachment attachment, Integer activitySetType) Sets an ActivitySet as the lastActivitySet of an Issue. | protected ActivitySet | attachActivitySet(ActivitySet activitySet, ScarabUser user, Attachment attachment) | protected ActivitySet | attachActivitySet(ActivitySet activitySet, ScarabUser user) | public ActivitySet | changeUserAttributeValue(ActivitySet activitySet, ScarabUser assignee, ScarabUser assigner, AttributeValue oldAttVal, Attribute newAttr, Attachment attachment) Used to change a user attribute value from one user attribute
to a new one. | public boolean | containsMinimumAttributeValues() Describe containsMinimumAttributeValues method here. | public void | deleteIssue(ScarabUser user) If the user has permission to delete ISSUES in this module,
it wil mark this issue as DELETED. | public void | deleteItem(ScarabUser user) Checks if user has permission to delete issue template. | public ActivitySet | deleteUser(ActivitySet activitySet, ScarabUser assignee, ScarabUser assigner, AttributeValue attVal, Attachment attachment) Used to delete a user attribute value. | public ActivitySet | doAddDependency(ActivitySet activitySet, Depend depend, Issue childIssue, ScarabUser user) | public ActivitySet | doChangeDependencyType(ActivitySet activitySet, Depend oldDepend, Depend newDepend, ScarabUser user) changes the dependency type as well as. | public ActivitySet | doChangeUrlDescription(ActivitySet activitySet, ScarabUser user, Attachment attachment, String oldDescription) Given a specific attachment object allow us to update
the information in it. | public ActivitySet | doChangeUrlUrl(ActivitySet activitySet, ScarabUser user, Attachment attachment, String oldUrl) Given a specific attachment object allow us to update
the information in it. | public String | doCheckAttributeValueWorkflow(HashMap newAttVals, ScarabUser user) This method is used with the setAttributeValues() method to
Make sure that workflow is valid. | public String | doCheckAttributeValueWorkflow(HashMap newAttVals, Attachment attachment, ScarabUser user) This method is used with the setAttributeValues() method to
Make sure that workflow is valid. | public String | doCheckInitialAttributeValueWorkflow(HashMap newValues, ScarabUser user) This method is used with the setInitialAttributeValues() method to
Make sure that workflow is valid for the initial values of a new issue. | public ActivitySet | doDeleteDependency(ActivitySet activitySet, Depend oldDepend, ScarabUser user) Deletes a specific dependency on this issue. | public ActivitySet | doDeleteUrl(ActivitySet activitySet, Attachment attachment, ScarabUser user) If the URL hasn't changed, it will return a valid ActivitySet
otherwise it returns null. | public ActivitySet | doEditComment(ActivitySet activitySet, String newComment, Attachment attachment, ScarabUser user) If the comment hasn't changed, it will return a valid ActivitySet
otherwise it returns null. | public ActivitySet | doRemoveAttachment(ActivitySet activitySet, MutableBoolean physicallyDeleted, Attachment attachment, ScarabUser user) Remove the attachment. | public synchronized ActivitySet | doSaveFileAttachments(ScarabUser user) Adds an attachment file to this issue. | public synchronized ActivitySet | doSaveFileAttachments(ActivitySet activitySet, ScarabUser user) Adds an attachment file to this issue. | public List | getActivitiesWithNullEndDate(Attribute attribute) | public List | getActivity() Returns list of Activity objects associated with this Issue. | public List | getActivity(int limit) Returns limited list of Activity objects associated with this Issue. | public List | getActivity(boolean fullHistory) Returns limited list of Activity objects associated with this Issue. | public ActivitySet | getActivitySet(ScarabUser user, Attachment attachment, Integer type) Creates a new ActivitySet object for the issue. | public ActivitySet | getActivitySet(ScarabUser user, Integer type) Creates a new ActivitySet object for the issue. | public List | getActivitySets() Returns a list of ActivitySet objects associated to this issue. | public Map | getAllAttributeValuesMap() AttributeValues that are set for this issue and
Empty AttributeValues that are relevant for the module, but have
not been set for the issue are included. | public List | getAllDependencies() | public List | getAllDependencyTypes() Returns list of all types of dependencies an issue can have
On another issue. | public Set | getAllUsersToEmail(String action) Returns users assigned to user attributes that get emailed
When issue is modified. | public HashSet | getAssociatedUsers() Returns users assigned to all user attributes. | public synchronized List | getAttachments() Overrides the super method in order to allow
us to return the unSavedAttachments if they exist. | public AttributeValue | getAttributeValue(String attributeName) | public AttributeValue | getAttributeValue(int id) | public AttributeValue | getAttributeValue(Attribute attribute) | public List | getAttributeValues(Attribute attribute) Returns the (undeleted) AttributeValues for the Attribute. | public Map | getAttributeValuesMap() | public List | getBlockedIssues() | public List | getBlockingIssues() Returns a list of issues that actually "block" this issue, i.e., that
are related via a "is blocked by" dependency, and are "blocking". | public List | getChildren() Returns list of child dependencies
i.e., related to this issue through the DEPEND table. | public List | getChildren(boolean hideDeleted) Returns list of child dependencies
i.e., related to this issue through the DEPEND table. | public List | getComments(boolean full) Returns a list of Attachment objects with type "Comment"
That are associated with this issue. | public int | getCommentsCount() Returns the total number of comments. | public int | getCommentsLimit() Gets default comments limit for this module-issue type. | public ScarabUser | getCreatedBy() The user that created the issue. | public Date | getCreatedDate() The date the issue was created. | public String | getDefaultText() This calls getDefaultTextAttributeValue() and then returns the
String value of the Attribute. | public AttributeValue | getDefaultTextAttributeValue() This method will return the AttributeValue which represents the default
text attribute. | public List | getDependantIssues() Returns a list of issues that might be blocked by this issue because if its
"is_blocked_by" dependency. | public Depend | getDependency(Issue potentialDependency) Checks to see if this issue has a dependency on the passed in issue. | public Depend | getDependency(Issue potentialDependency, boolean hideDeleted) Checks to see if this issue has a dependency on the passed in issue. | public List | getDuplicateIssues() Returns a list of issues that are related to this issue, via a "is_duplicate of"
relationship. | public List | getEligibleUsers(Attribute attribute) Users who are valid values to the attribute this issue. | public List | getExistingAttachments() | public String | getFederatedId() | public int | getHistoryLimit() Gets default history limit for this module-issue type. | public ActivitySet | getInitialActivitySet() The initial activity set from issue creation. | public static Issue | getIssueById(String id) | public static Issue | getIssueById(Issue.FederatedId fid) | public String | getIssueNewId() This method search for the new ID of a moved issue. | public ActivitySet | getLastActivitySet() The last modification made to the issue. | public List | getMatchingAttributeValuesList(Module newModule, IssueType newIssueType) Gets a list of non-user AttributeValues which match a given Module. | public List | getMatchingAttributeValuesList(String moduleId, String issueTypeId) | public ScarabUser | getModifiedBy() The last user to modify the issue. | public Date | getModifiedDate() The date issue was last modified. | public Module | getModule() Module getter. | public LinkedMap | getModuleAttributeValuesMap() Calls the overloaded version by passing 'true' so that only active
attributes will be considered. | public LinkedMap | getModuleAttributeValuesMap(boolean isActive) AttributeValues that are relevant to the issue's current module.
Empty AttributeValues that are relevant for the module, but have
not been set for the issue are included. | public static Issue | getNewInstance(Module module, IssueType issueType) | public List | getNonMatchingAttributeValuesList(Module newModule, IssueType newIssueType) Gets a list AttributeValues which the source module has,
But the destination module does not have, when doing a copy. | public List | getNonMatchingAttributeValuesList(String moduleId, String issueTypeId) | public List | getParents() Returns list of parent dependencies
i.e., related to this issue through the DEPEND table. | public List | getParents(boolean hideDeleted) Returns list of parent dependencies
i.e., related to this issue through the DEPEND table. | public List | getPrerequisiteIssues() Returns a list of issues that are blockable by this issue, via a "is_blocked_by"
relationship. | public RModuleIssueType | getRModuleIssueType() The RModuleIssueType related to this issue's module and issue type. | public List | getRelatedIssues() Returns a list of issues that are related to this issue, via a "is_related to"
relationship. | public ScarabModule | getScarabModule() Throws UnsupportedOperationException. | public IssueTemplateInfo | getTemplateInfo() Get IssueTemplateInfo by Issue Id. | public String | getUniqueId() Gets the UniqueId for this Issue. | public List | getUnsetRequiredAttrs(Module newModule, IssueType newIssueType) Get Unset required attributes in destination module / issue type. | public List | getUrls() Returns a list of Attachment objects with type "URL"
That are associated with this issue. | public AttributeValue | getUserAttributeValue(ScarabUser user, Attribute attribute) Returns the specific user's attribute value. | public List | getUserAttributeValues() Returns attribute values for user attributes. | protected Set | getUsersToEmail(String action, Issue issue, Set users) Returns the users which should be notified when this issue is
modified. | public boolean | hasEditPermission(ScarabUser user, Module module) Checks if user has permission to edit issue. | public boolean | hasEnterPermission(ScarabUser user, Module module) Checks if user has permission to enter issue. | public boolean | hasMovePermission(ScarabUser user, Module module) Checks if user has permission to move issue to destination module. | public boolean | isAttributeValue(AttributeValue attVal) | public boolean | isBlocked() An issue is blocked when it depends, via a is_blocked_by dependency,
of an issue that is currently "blocking". | public boolean | isBlockedBy(String blockingId) An issue is blocked when it depends, via a is_blocked_by dependency,
of an issue that is currently "blocking". | public boolean | isBlocking(String blockedId) | public boolean | isBlockingAnyIssue() Returns if this issue is currently blocking any other. | public boolean | isBlockingConditionTrue() Returns if the issue's BlockingCondition is fulfilled. | public boolean | isCommentsLong() Determines whether the comments list is longer than
The default limit. | public boolean | isCreatingUser(ScarabUser user) | public boolean | isHistoryLong() Determines whether the history list is longer than
The default limit. | public boolean | isHistoryLong(int limit) Determines whether the history list is longer than
The limit. | public boolean | isTemplate() Whether this issue is an enter issue template. | public Issue | move(Module newModule, IssueType newIssueType, String action, ScarabUser user, String reason, List commentAttrs, List commentUserValues) Move or copy issue to destination module. | public static List | parseIssueList(Module module, String theList) | public void | removeFile(String index) | public void | save(Connection dbCon) Removes any unset attributes and sets the issue # prior to saving
for the first time. | public ActivitySet | setAttributeValues(ActivitySet activitySet, HashMap newAttVals, Attachment attachment, ScarabUser user) Sets AttributeValues for an issue based on a hashmap of attribute values
This is data is saved to the database and the proper ActivitySet is
also recorded. | public void | setFederatedId(String id) | public ActivitySet | setInitialAttributeValues(ActivitySet activitySet, Attachment attachment, HashMap newValues, ScarabUser user) Sets original AttributeValues for an new issue based on a hashmap of values
This is data is saved to the database and the proper ActivitySet is
also recorded. | public void | setModule(Module me) Use this instead of setScarabModule. | public void | setScarabModule(ScarabModule module) Throws UnsupportedOperationException. | public void | setUniqueId(String id) | public String | toString() |
GET_ACTIVITY | final protected static String GET_ACTIVITY(Code) | | |
GET_ALL_DEPENDENCY_TYPES | final protected static String GET_ALL_DEPENDENCY_TYPES(Code) | | |
GET_ALL_USERS_TO_EMAIL | final protected static String GET_ALL_USERS_TO_EMAIL(Code) | | |
GET_ASSOCIATED_USERS | final protected static String GET_ASSOCIATED_USERS(Code) | | |
GET_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES_MAP | final protected static String GET_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES_MAP(Code) | | |
GET_ATTRVALUE | final protected static String GET_ATTRVALUE(Code) | | |
GET_ATTRVALUES | final protected static String GET_ATTRVALUES(Code) | | |
GET_CHILDREN | final protected static String GET_CHILDREN(Code) | | |
GET_CLOSED_DATE | final protected static String GET_CLOSED_DATE(Code) | | |
GET_COMMENTS | final protected static String GET_COMMENTS(Code) | | |
GET_CREATED_BY | final protected static String GET_CREATED_BY(Code) | | |
GET_CREATED_DATE | final protected static String GET_CREATED_DATE(Code) | | |
GET_DEFAULT_TEXT | final protected static String GET_DEFAULT_TEXT(Code) | | |
GET_DEPENDENCY | final protected static String GET_DEPENDENCY(Code) | | |
GET_EXISTING_ATTACHMENTS | final protected static String GET_EXISTING_ATTACHMENTS(Code) | | |
GET_HISTORY_LIMIT | final protected static String GET_HISTORY_LIMIT(Code) | | |
GET_INITIAL_ACTIVITYSET | final protected static String GET_INITIAL_ACTIVITYSET(Code) | | |
GET_LAST_TRANSACTION | final protected static String GET_LAST_TRANSACTION(Code) | | |
GET_MODIFIED_BY | final protected static String GET_MODIFIED_BY(Code) | | |
GET_MODIFIED_DATE | final protected static String GET_MODIFIED_DATE(Code) | | |
GET_MODULE_ATTRVALUES_MAP | final protected static String GET_MODULE_ATTRVALUES_MAP(Code) | | |
GET_NULL_END_DATE | final protected static String GET_NULL_END_DATE(Code) | | |
GET_TEMPLATEINFO | final protected static String GET_TEMPLATEINFO(Code) | | |
GET_TEMPLATE_TYPES | final protected static String GET_TEMPLATE_TYPES(Code) | | |
GET_TRANSACTIONS | final protected static String GET_TRANSACTIONS(Code) | | |
GET_USER_ATTRIBUTEVALUE | final protected static String GET_USER_ATTRIBUTEVALUE(Code) | | |
GET_USER_ATTRIBUTEVALUES | final protected static String GET_USER_ATTRIBUTEVALUES(Code) | | |
Issue | protected Issue()(Code) | | new issues are created only when the issuetype and module are known
Or by the Peer when retrieving from db
addActivity | public void addActivity(Activity activity) throws TorqueException(Code) | | Returns limited list of Activity objects associated with this Issue.
addFile | public synchronized void addFile(Attachment attachment, ScarabUser user) throws TorqueException(Code) | | Adds an attachment file to this issue. Does not perform
a save because the issue may not have been created yet.
use the doSaveFileAttachment() to save the attachment
after the issue has been created.
attachActivitySet | protected ActivitySet attachActivitySet(ActivitySet activitySet, ScarabUser user, Attachment attachment, Integer activitySetType) throws TorqueException, ScarabException(Code) | | Sets an ActivitySet as the lastActivitySet of an Issue.
Crates and saves a new ActivitySet, if required.
Saves the Issue.
ActivitySet throws: TorqueException - |
containsMinimumAttributeValues | public boolean containsMinimumAttributeValues() throws TorqueException(Code) | | Describe containsMinimumAttributeValues method here.
a boolean value exception: Exception - if an error occurs |
deleteItem | public void deleteItem(ScarabUser user) throws TorqueException, ScarabException(Code) | | Checks if user has permission to delete issue template.
Only the creating user can delete a personal template.
Only project owner or admin can delete a project-wide template.
doCheckAttributeValueWorkflow | public String doCheckAttributeValueWorkflow(HashMap newAttVals, ScarabUser user) throws TorqueException, ScarabException(Code) | | This method is used with the setAttributeValues() method to
Make sure that workflow is valid. It will return a non-null String
which is the workflow error message otherwise it will return null.
doCheckAttributeValueWorkflow | public String doCheckAttributeValueWorkflow(HashMap newAttVals, Attachment attachment, ScarabUser user) throws TorqueException, ScarabException(Code) | | This method is used with the setAttributeValues() method to
Make sure that workflow is valid. It will return a non-null String
which is the workflow error message otherwise it will return null.
doCheckInitialAttributeValueWorkflow | public String doCheckInitialAttributeValueWorkflow(HashMap newValues, ScarabUser user) throws TorqueException, ScarabException(Code) | | This method is used with the setInitialAttributeValues() method to
Make sure that workflow is valid for the initial values of a new issue.
It will return a non-null String
which is the workflow error message otherwise it will return null.
doRemoveAttachment | public ActivitySet doRemoveAttachment(ActivitySet activitySet, MutableBoolean physicallyDeleted, Attachment attachment, ScarabUser user) throws TorqueException, ScarabException(Code) | | Remove the attachment.
On return the MutableBoolean physicallyDeleted is set to true,
if the attachment file also was removed by this operation.
If the attached File still exists for any reason, physicallyDeleted
will be set to false.
Note: You can enable/disable physical deletion by setting the
environment property scarab.attachment.remove.permanent
to true/false (false is the default setting).
doSaveFileAttachments | public synchronized ActivitySet doSaveFileAttachments(ScarabUser user) throws TorqueException, ScarabException(Code) | | Adds an attachment file to this issue. Does not perform
a save because the issue may not have been created yet.
use the doSaveFileAttachment() to save the attachment
after the issue has been created.
doSaveFileAttachments | public synchronized ActivitySet doSaveFileAttachments(ActivitySet activitySet, ScarabUser user) throws TorqueException, ScarabException(Code) | | Adds an attachment file to this issue. Does not perform
a save because the issue may not have been created yet.
use the doSaveFileAttachment() to save the attachment
after the issue has been created.
getActivitiesWithNullEndDate | public List getActivitiesWithNullEndDate(Attribute attribute) throws TorqueException(Code) | | |
getActivity | public List getActivity() throws TorqueException(Code) | | Returns list of Activity objects associated with this Issue.
getActivity | public List getActivity(int limit) throws TorqueException(Code) | | Returns limited list of Activity objects associated with this Issue.
getActivity | public List getActivity(boolean fullHistory) throws TorqueException(Code) | | Returns limited list of Activity objects associated with this Issue.
If fullHistory is false, it limits it,
(this is the default)
getActivitySets | public List getActivitySets() throws TorqueException(Code) | | Returns a list of ActivitySet objects associated to this issue.
getAllAttributeValuesMap | public Map getAllAttributeValuesMap() throws TorqueException(Code) | | AttributeValues that are set for this issue and
Empty AttributeValues that are relevant for the module, but have
not been set for the issue are included.
getAllDependencies | public List getAllDependencies() throws TorqueException(Code) | | Returns the combined output from getChildren() and getParents()
getAllDependencyTypes | public List getAllDependencyTypes() throws TorqueException(Code) | | Returns list of all types of dependencies an issue can have
On another issue.
getAllUsersToEmail | public Set getAllUsersToEmail(String action) throws TorqueException(Code) | | Returns users assigned to user attributes that get emailed
When issue is modified. Plus creating user.
Adds users to email for dependant issues as well.
See Also: Issue.getUsersToEmail |
getAssociatedUsers | public HashSet getAssociatedUsers() throws TorqueException(Code) | | Returns users assigned to all user attributes.
getAttachments | public synchronized List getAttachments() throws TorqueException(Code) | | Overrides the super method in order to allow
us to return the unSavedAttachments if they exist.
getAttributeValues | public List getAttributeValues(Attribute attribute) throws TorqueException(Code) | | Returns the (undeleted) AttributeValues for the Attribute.
getAttributeValuesMap | public Map getAttributeValuesMap() throws TorqueException(Code) | | AttributeValues that are set for this Issue
getBlockedIssues | public List getBlockedIssues() throws TorqueException(Code) | | Returns a list of issues currently BLOCKED by this issue
throws: TorqueException - |
getBlockingIssues | public List getBlockingIssues() throws TorqueException(Code) | | Returns a list of issues that actually "block" this issue, i.e., that
are related via a "is blocked by" dependency, and are "blocking".
getChildren | public List getChildren() throws TorqueException(Code) | | Returns list of child dependencies
i.e., related to this issue through the DEPEND table.
getChildren | public List getChildren(boolean hideDeleted) throws TorqueException(Code) | | Returns list of child dependencies
i.e., related to this issue through the DEPEND table.
getComments | public List getComments(boolean full) throws TorqueException(Code) | | Returns a list of Attachment objects with type "Comment"
That are associated with this issue.
getCommentsCount | public int getCommentsCount() throws TorqueException(Code) | | Returns the total number of comments.
getCommentsLimit | public int getCommentsLimit() throws TorqueException(Code) | | Gets default comments limit for this module-issue type.
getCreatedBy | public ScarabUser getCreatedBy() throws TorqueException(Code) | | The user that created the issue.
a ScarabUser value |
getCreatedDate | public Date getCreatedDate() throws TorqueException(Code) | | The date the issue was created.
a Date value exception: TorqueException - if an error occurs |
getDefaultText | public String getDefaultText() throws TorqueException(Code) | | This calls getDefaultTextAttributeValue() and then returns the
String value of the Attribute. This method is used to get the
subject of an email. if no text attribute value is found it
will use the first ActivitySet comment.
getDefaultTextAttributeValue | public AttributeValue getDefaultTextAttributeValue() throws TorqueException(Code) | | This method will return the AttributeValue which represents the default
text attribute.
the AttributeValue to use as the email subject, or nullif no suitable AttributeValue could be found. |
getDependantIssues | public List getDependantIssues() throws TorqueException(Code) | | Returns a list of issues that might be blocked by this issue because if its
"is_blocked_by" dependency.
throws: TorqueException - |
getDependency | public Depend getDependency(Issue potentialDependency) throws TorqueException(Code) | | Checks to see if this issue has a dependency on the passed in issue.
or if the passed in issue has a dependency on this issue.
getDependency | public Depend getDependency(Issue potentialDependency, boolean hideDeleted) throws TorqueException(Code) | | Checks to see if this issue has a dependency on the passed in issue.
or if the passed in issue has a dependency on this issue.
Parameters: potentialDependency - the issue for which we are determining if there is aparent or child dependency to this issue Parameters: hideDeleted - true if deleted issues are omitted from the search |
getDuplicateIssues | public List getDuplicateIssues() throws TorqueException(Code) | | Returns a list of issues that are related to this issue, via a "is_duplicate of"
throws: TorqueException - |
getEligibleUsers | public List getEligibleUsers(Attribute attribute) throws TorqueException, ScarabException(Code) | | Users who are valid values to the attribute this issue.
if a user has already
been assigned to this issue, they will not show up in this list.
use module.getEligibleUsers(Attribute) to get a complete list.
a List value |
getExistingAttachments | public List getExistingAttachments() throws TorqueException(Code) | | Get attachments that are not deleted
getFederatedId | public String getFederatedId() throws TorqueException(Code) | | |
getHistoryLimit | public int getHistoryLimit() throws TorqueException(Code) | | Gets default history limit for this module-issue type.
The default is 5.
getInitialActivitySet | public ActivitySet getInitialActivitySet() throws TorqueException(Code) | | The initial activity set from issue creation.
a ActivitySet value exception: Exception - if an error occurs |
getIssueNewId | public String getIssueNewId() throws TorqueException(Code) | | This method search for the new ID of a moved issue.
throws: TorqueException - |
getLastActivitySet | public ActivitySet getLastActivitySet() throws TorqueException(Code) | | The last modification made to the issue.
a ScarabUser value |
getMatchingAttributeValuesList | public List getMatchingAttributeValuesList(Module newModule, IssueType newIssueType) throws TorqueException(Code) | | Gets a list of non-user AttributeValues which match a given Module.
It is used in the MoveIssue2.vm template
getMatchingAttributeValuesList | public List getMatchingAttributeValuesList(String moduleId, String issueTypeId) throws TorqueException(Code) | | |
getModifiedBy | public ScarabUser getModifiedBy() throws TorqueException(Code) | | The last user to modify the issue.
a ScarabUser value |
getModifiedDate | public Date getModifiedDate() throws TorqueException(Code) | | The date issue was last modified.
a ScarabUser value |
getModule | public Module getModule() throws TorqueException(Code) | | Module getter. Use this method instead of getScarabModule().
a Module value |
getModuleAttributeValuesMap | public LinkedMap getModuleAttributeValuesMap() throws TorqueException(Code) | | Calls the overloaded version by passing 'true' so that only active
attributes will be considered.
See Also: Issue.getModuleAttributeValuesMap(boolean) |
getModuleAttributeValuesMap | public LinkedMap getModuleAttributeValuesMap(boolean isActive) throws TorqueException(Code) | | AttributeValues that are relevant to the issue's current module.
Empty AttributeValues that are relevant for the module, but have
not been set for the issue are included. The values are ordered
according to the module's preference
Parameters: isActive - TRUE if only active attributes need to be consideredand FALSE if both active and inactive attributes need to be considered |
getNewInstance | public static Issue getNewInstance(Module module, IssueType issueType) throws TorqueException(Code) | | Gets an issue associated to a Module
getNonMatchingAttributeValuesList | public List getNonMatchingAttributeValuesList(Module newModule, IssueType newIssueType) throws TorqueException(Code) | | Gets a list AttributeValues which the source module has,
But the destination module does not have, when doing a copy.
It is used in the MoveIssue2.vm template
getNonMatchingAttributeValuesList | public List getNonMatchingAttributeValuesList(String moduleId, String issueTypeId) throws TorqueException(Code) | | |
getParents | public List getParents() throws TorqueException(Code) | | Returns list of parent dependencies
i.e., related to this issue through the DEPEND table.
getParents | public List getParents(boolean hideDeleted) throws TorqueException(Code) | | Returns list of parent dependencies
i.e., related to this issue through the DEPEND table.
getPrerequisiteIssues | public List getPrerequisiteIssues() throws TorqueException(Code) | | Returns a list of issues that are blockable by this issue, via a "is_blocked_by"
throws: TorqueException - |
getRModuleIssueType | public RModuleIssueType getRModuleIssueType() throws TorqueException(Code) | | The RModuleIssueType related to this issue's module and issue type.
a RModuleIssueType if this issue's module andissue type are not null, otherwise return null. |
getRelatedIssues | public List getRelatedIssues() throws TorqueException(Code) | | Returns a list of issues that are related to this issue, via a "is_related to"
throws: TorqueException - |
getScarabModule | public ScarabModule getScarabModule()(Code) | | Throws UnsupportedOperationException. Use
getModule() instead.
a ScarabModule value |
getTemplateInfo | public IssueTemplateInfo getTemplateInfo() throws TorqueException(Code) | | Get IssueTemplateInfo by Issue Id.
getUniqueId | public String getUniqueId() throws TorqueException(Code) | | Gets the UniqueId for this Issue.
getUnsetRequiredAttrs | public List getUnsetRequiredAttrs(Module newModule, IssueType newIssueType) throws TorqueException(Code) | | Get Unset required attributes in destination module / issue type.
getUrls | public List getUrls() throws TorqueException(Code) | | Returns a list of Attachment objects with type "URL"
That are associated with this issue.
getUserAttributeValues | public List getUserAttributeValues() throws TorqueException(Code) | | Returns attribute values for user attributes.
getUsersToEmail | protected Set getUsersToEmail(String action, Issue issue, Set users) throws TorqueException(Code) | | Returns the users which should be notified when this issue is
modified. The set contains those users associated with user
attributes for this issue, plus the creator of the issue.
Parameters: action - Parameters: issue - Usually a reference to this or a dependent issue. Parameters: users - The list of users to append to, ornull to create a new list. |
hasEditPermission | public boolean hasEditPermission(ScarabUser user, Module module) throws TorqueException(Code) | | Checks if user has permission to edit issue.
hasEnterPermission | public boolean hasEnterPermission(ScarabUser user, Module module) throws TorqueException(Code) | | Checks if user has permission to enter issue.
hasMovePermission | public boolean hasMovePermission(ScarabUser user, Module module) throws TorqueException(Code) | | Checks if user has permission to move issue to destination module.
isBlocked | public boolean isBlocked() throws TorqueException(Code) | | An issue is blocked when it depends, via a is_blocked_by dependency,
of an issue that is currently "blocking". Whenever an issue is blocked, some transitions
might not be availaible.
isBlockedBy | public boolean isBlockedBy(String blockingId) throws TorqueException(Code) | | An issue is blocked when it depends, via a is_blocked_by dependency,
of an issue that is currently "blocking". Whenever an issue is blocked, some transitions
might not be availaible.
isBlocking | public boolean isBlocking(String blockedId) throws TorqueException(Code) | | |
isBlockingAnyIssue | public boolean isBlockingAnyIssue() throws TorqueException(Code) | | Returns if this issue is currently blocking any other.
throws: TorqueException - |
isBlockingConditionTrue | public boolean isBlockingConditionTrue() throws TorqueException(Code) | | Returns if the issue's BlockingCondition is fulfilled.
isCommentsLong | public boolean isCommentsLong() throws TorqueException(Code) | | Determines whether the comments list is longer than
The default limit.
isCreatingUser | public boolean isCreatingUser(ScarabUser user) throws TorqueException(Code) | | |
isHistoryLong | public boolean isHistoryLong() throws TorqueException(Code) | | Determines whether the history list is longer than
The default limit.
isHistoryLong | public boolean isHistoryLong(int limit) throws TorqueException(Code) | | Determines whether the history list is longer than
The limit.
isTemplate | public boolean isTemplate()(Code) | | Whether this issue is an enter issue template.
parseIssueList | public static List parseIssueList(Module module, String theList) throws TorqueException, DataSetException(Code) | | Parameters: module - The current module. Parameters: theList - A textual representation of the list of issuesto parse. Parameters: The - parsed list of issue identifiers. |
removeFile | public void removeFile(String index) throws TorqueException(Code) | | Remove an attachment file
Parameters: index - starts with 1 because velocityCount start from 1but ArrayList starts from 0 |
save | public void save(Connection dbCon) throws TorqueException(Code) | | Removes any unset attributes and sets the issue # prior to saving
for the first time. Calls super.save()
If the issue does not have an idCount then the next
available ID is allocated.
If the issue has a non-zero idCount, this value is honoured.
WARNING: do not set the idCount to an existing ID!
The nominated value is ignored if it is not at least as high as the
next available ID.
Parameters: dbCon - a DBConnection value exception: TorqueException - if an error occurs |
setAttributeValues | public ActivitySet setAttributeValues(ActivitySet activitySet, HashMap newAttVals, Attachment attachment, ScarabUser user) throws TorqueException, ScarabException(Code) | | Sets AttributeValues for an issue based on a hashmap of attribute values
This is data is saved to the database and the proper ActivitySet is
also recorded.
Parameters: activitySet - ActivitySet instance Parameters: newAttVals - A map of attribute Id's vs new AttributeValues Parameters: attachment - Attachment to the issue Parameters: user - User responsible for this activity ActivitySet object containing the changes made to the issue throws: TorqueException - when the workflow has an error to report |
setInitialAttributeValues | public ActivitySet setInitialAttributeValues(ActivitySet activitySet, Attachment attachment, HashMap newValues, ScarabUser user) throws TorqueException, ScarabException(Code) | | Sets original AttributeValues for an new issue based on a hashmap of values
This is data is saved to the database and the proper ActivitySet is
also recorded.
throws: TorqueException - when the workflow has an error to report |
setModule | public void setModule(Module me) throws TorqueException(Code) | | Use this instead of setScarabModule. Note: module cannot be new.
setScarabModule | public void setScarabModule(ScarabModule module)(Code) | | Throws UnsupportedOperationException. Use
setModule(Module) instead.
setUniqueId | public void setUniqueId(String id)(Code) | | NoOp for intake's benefit