Method Summary |
void | addRMITsToCurrentMITList(List rmits) |
void | createNewUser() This method is responsible for creating a new user. |
public AccessControlList | getACL() |
public List | getAllRModuleIssueTypes(Module module) returns a list of RModuleIssueTypes for the given module. |
public List | getAssignIssuesList() |
Map | getAssociatedUsersMap() |
List | getCopyToModules(Module currentModule) |
List | getCopyToModules(Module currentModule, String action) |
List | getCopyToModules(Module currentModule, String action, String searchString) |
IssueType | getCurrentIssueType() The current issue type which represents the issue type
selected by the user within a request. |
MITList | getCurrentMITList() |
Module | getCurrentModule() The current module which represents the module
selected by the user within a request. |
RModuleIssueType | getCurrentRModuleIssueType() The current RModuleIssueType which represents the module and issue type
selected by the user within a request. |
ReportBridge | getCurrentReport(String key) Gets an report stored in the temp hash under key. |
List | getEditableModules() Gets all modules the user has permissions to edit. |
List | getEditableModules(Module currEditModule) Gets all modules the user has permissions to edit. |
int | getEnterIssueRedirect() Returns integer representing user preference for
Which screen to return to after entering an issue. |
String | getHomePage() The template/tab to show for the home page using the current module. |
String | getHomePage(Module module) The template/tab to show for the home page in the given module. |
Locale | getLocale() Get the user's current locale. |
List | getMITLists() |
List | getModules() |
List | getModules(boolean showDeletedModules) Gets all modules which are currently associated with this user. |
Module[] | getModules(String permission) Get a list of Module 's that where a user has
the specified permission. |
Module[] | getModules(String[] permissions) Get a list of Module 's that where a user has
at least one of the permissions given. |
Module[] | getModules(String[] permissions, boolean showDeleted) Get a list of Module 's that where a user has
at least one of the permissions given. |
String | getMostRecentQuery() The most recent query entered. |
String | getName() The user's full name. |
List | getNonGlobalModules() Gets all modules the user is associated to, except the Global one. |
Locale | getPreferredLocale() Get the user's preferred locale. |
ObjectKey | getPrimaryKey() |
String | getQueryKey() |
public String | getQueryTarget() The template to show if the user is going to start a new query.
if the user has not selected a set of issue types it will return
IssueTypeList.vm. |
RModuleUserAttribute | getRModuleUserAttribute(Module module, Attribute attribute, IssueType issueType) Returns an RModuleUserAttribute object. |
List | getRModuleUserAttributes(Module module, IssueType issueType) Returns list of RModuleUserAttribute objects for this
User and Module -- the attributes the user has selected
To appear on the IssueList for this module. |
Issue | getReportingIssue(String key) Gets an issue stored in the temp hash under key. |
List | getRoleNames(Module module) |
List | getSearchableRMITs(String searchField, String searchString, String sortColumn, String sortPolarity, Module skipModule) Returns a List of RModuleIssueTypes for which the user has the
permission to search for issues. |
Map | getSelectedUsersMap() |
Object | getThreadKey() key used to keep concurrent activities by the same
user from overwriting each others state. |
public List | getUnusedRModuleIssueTypes(Module module) returns a list of RModuleIssueTypes for the given module, excluding
any that that have a corresponding MITListItem in the CurrentMITList. |
Integer | getUserId() |
boolean | hasAnyRoleIn(Module module) Determine whether the user has any role in the given module. |
public boolean | hasAnySearchableRMITs() Checks if the user can search for issues of at least one issue type
in one module. |
boolean | hasMostRecentQuery() |
boolean | hasPermission(String permission, Module module) Returns true if this user has the given permission within the given
module, false otherwise. |
boolean | hasPermission(String permission, List modules) Returns true if this user has the given permission within all the given
modules, false otherwise. |
public boolean | hasRoleInModule(Role role, Module module) |
boolean | isPasswordExpired() |
public boolean | isShowOtherModulesInIssueTypeList() Get the ShowOtherModulesInIssueTypeList value. |
public boolean | isUserAnonymous() Returns true if the user is the one set in scarab.anonymous.username, and
false otherwise. |
Object | lastEnteredIssueTypeOrTemplate() |
void | removeItemsFromCurrentMITList(String[] ids) |
void | setAssociatedUsersMap(Map associatedUsers) |
void | setCurrentIssueType(IssueType v) The current issue type which represents the issue type
selected by the user within a request. |
void | setCurrentMITList(MITList list) |
void | setCurrentModule(Module v) The current module which represents the module
selected by the user within a request. |
String | setCurrentReport(ReportBridge report) Places an report into the session that can be retrieved using the key
that is returned from the method. |
void | setCurrentReport(String key, ReportBridge report) Places an report into the session under the given key. |
void | setEnterIssueRedirect(int templateCode) Sets integer representing user preference for
Which screen to return to after entering an issue. |
void | setHomePage(String homePage) The template/tab to show for the home page. |
void | setLastEnteredIssueType(IssueType type) |
void | setLastEnteredTemplate(Issue template) |
void | setLocale(Locale newLocale) Set the user's locale to a new value. |
void | setMostRecentQuery(String queryString) The most recent query entered. |
void | setPasswordExpire() |
void | setPasswordExpire(Calendar expire) |
void | setPrimaryKey(ObjectKey v) |
void | setQueryKey(String key) |
String | setReportingIssue(Issue issue) Places an issue into the session that can be retrieved using the key
that is returned from the method. |
void | setReportingIssue(String key, Issue issue) Places an issue into the session under the given key. |
void | setSelectedUsersMap(Map selectedUsers) |
public void | setShowOtherModulesInIssueTypeList(boolean newShowOtherModulesInIssueTypeList) Set the ShowOtherModulesInIssueTypeList value. |
public void | setSingleIssueTypeQueryTarget(IssueType type, String target) Setup the users preference when entering a query for the given
issue type. |
void | setThreadKey(Integer key) key used to keep concurrent activities by the same
user from overwriting each others state. |
void | setUserId(Integer v) |
void | updateIssueListAttributes(List attributes) Updates the attributes shown in IssueList.vm
Removes any saved preferences for the current mit list or current module
and issue type. |