01: package dinamica;
03: /**
04: * Contains error message constants for all the framework classes
05: * <br>
06: * Creation date: 10/09/2003<br>
07: * Last Update: 10/09/2003<br>
08: * (c) 2003 Martin Cordova<br>
09: * This code is released under the LGPL license<br>
10: * @author Martin Cordova (dinamica@martincordova.com)
11: */
12: class Errors {
14: /* recordset errors */
15: final static String INVALID_DATATYPE = "Invalid data type: {0} - please use only (java.sql.Types) INTEGER, BIGINT, VARCHAR, TIMESTAMP, DATE or DOUBLE.";
16: final static String FIELD_NOT_FOUND = "Field not found: {0}. The Recordset does not contain a field with this name.";
17: final static String RECNUM_OUT_OF_RANGE = "Invalid record number: {0}. The Record number must be between 0 and {1}.";
19: /* jndi errors */
20: final static String DATASOURCE_NOT_FOUND = "JDBC DataSource not found: {0}";
22: /* database error */
23: final static String DATABASE_ERROR = "JDBC Error processing query: {0}";
24: final static String INVALID_STMT_PARAMS = "Invalid prepared statement parameters. Params array size={0}. Recordset field count={1}";
26: /* template engine errors */
27: final static String INVALID_PREFIX = "Invalid prefix length: {0}";
28: final static String INVALID_MARKER = "Invalid Marker ID - must be a contiguous string of letters and numbers, no spaces or special characters: {0}";
29: final static String MARKER_UNCLOSED = "Marker is not properly closed with with a brace '}'.";
30: final static String SEQUENCE_BAD_CONFIGURATION = "SQL Sequences are not properly in WEB.XML as context parameters: {0}.";
31: final static String REPEAT_TAG_NOT_FOUND = "Repeat Section Tag not found in template: {0}.";
32: final static String REPEAT_TAG_NOT_CLOSED = "Repeat Section Tag not properly closed: {0}.";
34: }