dinamica |
Java Source File Name | Type | Comment |
AbstractChartPlugin.java | Class | |
AbstractExcelOutput.java | Class | Base class to produce Excel output modules (hand made reports)
based on the Apache POI v3 open source component.
This super class provides several common utility methods, including
methods to retrieve images from URLs (local or remotes), which can be
used to insert charts into the document by reusing a server-side chart Action,
or to insert another dinamically generated image, like a BarCode. |
AbstractModule.java | Class | |
AbstractPDFOutput.java | Class | Base class to produce PDF output modules (hand made reports)
based on the powerful IText-PDF open source component.
This super class provides several common utility methods, including
the abiity to auto-read the report header, footer and title from web.xml
or config.xml, and to retrieve images from URLs (local or remotes), which is
used to insert charts into the PDF document by reusing a server-side chart Action,
or to insert another dinamically generated image, like a BarCode. |
AbstractValidator.java | Class | Base class to create reusable Validator services. |
Base64.java | Class | A very fast and memory efficient class to encode and decode to and from BASE64 in full accordance
with RFC 2045.
On Windows XP sp1 with 1.4.2_04 and later ;), this encoder and decoder is about 10 times faster
on small arrays (10 - 1000 bytes) and 2-3 times as fast on larger arrays (10000 - 1000000 bytes)
compared to sun.misc.Encoder()/Decoder() .
On byte arrays the encoder is about 20% faster than Jakarta Commons Base64 Codec for encode and
about 50% faster for decoding large arrays. |
BlobOutput.java | Class | Generic output module to print blob contents,
like images, pdfs and other types of documents
saved in database columns of type BLOB or equivalent. |
BlobOutputPGSQL.java | Class | Output module to print blob contents stored in PostgreSQL database (v8.0.3),
like images, pdfs and other types of documents
saved in columns of type "bytea". |
ChartOutput.java | Class | Specific Output Plugin for server-side charting using the JFreeChart
LGPL component - every available chart type is also base on a plugin
architecture (AbstracChartPlugin). |
Config.java | Class | |
Controller.java | Class | Central controller to dispatch all requests
recevied by a Web Application built with this framework.
This class represents the Coordinator of all activities in
the application, it is the base for the advanced MVC mechanism implemented
by this framework. |
DataOutput.java | Class | DataOutput
Output module that serializes the internal HashMap
object mantained by the Transaction object, which
does contain all the published Recordsets. |
Db.java | Class | Core-level framework class: Text Generator.
Encapsulates the JDBC API most common operations
with safe and efficient code. |
DeleteRecordPaged.java | Class | Deletes record from recordset stored in session
and then executes whatever queries as defined in
config.xml. |
ErrorHandler.java | Class | |
Errors.java | Class | |
FormatPluginParser.java | Class | |
GenericChart.java | Class | Generic Transaction used for server-side Chart Actions.
This Transaction class will read some specific elements from
config.xml in order to set the values of the chart configuration
recordset used by the ChartOutput class. |
GenericExcelOutput.java | Class | Genera un archivo excel (Apache POI) con el contenido de un recordset,
se basa en una clase generica del framework. |
GenericOutput.java | Class | Base class to create Output classes. |
GenericTableManager.java | Class | Generic Transaction to execute one or more simple
action queries like INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE.
This module requires one or more extra elements in config.xml
called "query", containing the filename of the SQL file
to load and execute. |
GenericTransaction.java | Class | Base class to program business transaction services (read/write). |
GetBlob.java | Class | Generic Blob reader.
This Transaction publishes a Recordset with the
information required by the BlobOutput module
to print a blob column's content, whether it is an image or
a document. |
GetVersion.java | Class | |
HGridOutput.java | Class | Prints recordset in tabular format using
horizontal direction, meaning that each row
from the recordset will fill a cell until
the maximum nimber of cells is reached, then
a new row will be appended to the table. |
HGridPagedOutput.java | Class | Prints recordset in tabular format using
horizontal direction, meaning that each row
from the recordset will fill a cell until
the maximum nimber of cells is reached, then
a new row will be appended to the table. |
IFormatPlugin.java | Interface | Interface that MUST be implemented
by custom formatters. |
IRecordsetProvider.java | Interface | |
IRowEvent.java | Interface | This interface may be implemented by classes
that need to make very custom modifications the the
generated rows when producing a table with the TemplateEngine
class. |
IServiceWrapper.java | Interface | IServiceWrapper
Interface that defines methods that will be invoked
before and after the invocation of the service() method
in any descendant of the GenericTransaction class. |
Jndi.java | Class | |
Marker.java | Class | Represents a field marker in a text template. |
MasterDetailOutput.java | Class | Generic output module to print master/detail html reports.
It will require a published recordset called "group-master.sql"
and will consume a Transaction that is a subclass of MasterDetailReader. |
MasterDetailReader.java | Class | Base class to create your own Transaction classes
for master/detail reports. |
PagingControls.java | Class | Generic transaction to provide a recordset
containing the fields required to "paint"
navigation controls for paged views. |
PDFPageEvents.java | Class | PDF reports utility class.
Generic class to intercept IText page events and
print custom footer text and Page X of Y using IText
template object.
Footer looks like:
[FooterText - DateTime] ...... |
PerformanceFilter.java | Class | Servlet filter to generate a performance log
according to the configured filter map and
the init parameter "limit". |
Record.java | Class | |
Recordset.java | Class | Core-level framework class: Recordset - General purpose, tabular data structure.
Represents a disconnected recordset, a kind of multi-purpose ResultSet
without connection to the database, much like
the famous ADO disconnected recordset from VB6,
can be created from a SQL query or manufactured
by code to represent any tabular data. |
RecordsetException.java | Class | |
RecordsetField.java | Class | |
RequestValidationException.java | Class | |
RSSConsumer.java | Class | Retrieves an XML document (RSS feed) and parse the elements
to produce a Recordset.
This class can read RSS feeds given a URL passed to it as a configuration element named "url" in config.xml
or as a request parameter named "url", and then publishes a Recordset named "rss_feed"
that can be printed into the template body as any other recordset. |
SaveBlob.java | Class | Generic transaction class that saves uploaded file
into blob column in database table via JDBC prepared statements.
The SQL will be preprocessed to set all
the required static values, the BLOB data will
be sent to the server using a prepared statement.
Plase consult the Dinamica BLOB How-to (cat-blob.pdf)
to learn about required table structure and available
blob management facilities. |
SetLanguage.java | Class | Receives a request parameter that MUST be named "locale"
and set a session attribute named "dinamica.user.locale"
containing a Locale object initialized with the language
code (en, es, it, etc). |
SimpleMail.java | Class | Utility class to send mail using SMTP (JavaMail).
Provides very simple methods for sending text based emails. |
SortRS.java | Class | Sort recordset in memory, request should include two mandatory
parameters: rs and colname. |
StringUtil.java | Class | Core-level framework class: String and Date basic utility methods. |
SysInfo.java | Class | Collect JRE info and test default database connection defined in web.xml,
publish recordset with id "sysinfo" containing collected information. |
TemplateEngine.java | Class | Core-level framework class: Text Generator.
Generates text output (html, xml, sql, etc) given
a template with some special markers that will be replaced
by data (supplied from recordsets). |
TemplateSegment.java | Class | |
ValidatorUtil.java | Class | |