| Event handlers (both Controller and View) for the
Registration screen
We handle the following Control events:
- GetRegister - uses an EventForwardingFactory to
automatically fire a RenderRegister event
- DoRegister - create the registration form, map the request
to the form and then validate it. If there weren't any errors,
store the Person record, log the user into the session, and
then fire a GetLogin event (which will cause them to be auto-
logged in). Otherwise, fire a GetRegister event (saving the
form and any validation errors in the event context so that
the RenderLogin can update the screen correctly.
We handle the following View events:
- RenderRegister - Generate the Registration screen. If the event context
contains a RegistrationForm, we repopulate the screen from the form.
If the context contains login errs, we will show those as well
We define the following Forms:
- RegistrationForm - contains 5 elements: FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME,
USER, PASSWORD, and REPASSWORD, all of which are Strings and
take NotNullValidators. In addition, registration form uses
RegistrationValidator, which validates the form by making sure
that the passwords match and the person record is not already
on file.
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