Status servlet shows some current information about the servlet
system and it's database connections and server-side tasks
author: Michael Nash since: Expresso 2 as a servlet Expresso 4 as a controller
Shows the currently installed packages on the system
Parameters: request - The controllerRequest object Parameters: response - The controllerResponse object throws: ControllerException - upon Error throws: NonHandleableException - upon Fatal Error
Display the status information
Parameters: request - Standard request object Parameters: response - Standard response object throws: ControllerException - If an uncaught exception occurs throws: NonHandleableException - upon fatal error
Fill out the context information as s
Parameters: request - The ControllerRequest object Parameters: response - The ControllerResponse Object Parameters: contextName - The data context to show the data for throws: ControllerException - upon error throws: DBException - upon data access error
Show all the packages that are installed
Parameters: request - the ControllerRequest object Parameters: response - the ControllerResponse object throws: ControllerException - upon error
Adds the transitions to switch between 'show' states
Parameters: request - The controllerRequest object Parameters: response - the ControllerResponse object throws: ControllerException - upon error
Methods inherited from com.jcorporate.expresso.core.controller.DBController