| com.icesoft.faces.el.LiteralBooleanMethodBinding
LiteralBooleanMethodBinding | public class LiteralBooleanMethodBinding extends MethodBinding implements Serializable(Code) | | The EL that Facelets uses allows for a MethodBinding with
"true" or "false" that will resolve to Boolean.TRUE or
Boolean.FALSE. The EL with JSF1.1-JSP doesn't seem so
forgiving. So we need this helper class to act as a
MethodBinding, but just return a constant Boolean value.
author: Mark Collette since: 1.6 |
LiteralBooleanMethodBinding | public LiteralBooleanMethodBinding(String svalue)(Code) | | |
getExpressionString | public String getExpressionString()(Code) | | |
getType | public Class getType(FacesContext facesContext) throws MethodNotFoundException(Code) | | |
invoke | public Object invoke(FacesContext facesContext, Object[] objects) throws EvaluationException, MethodNotFoundException(Code) | | |