001: /**
002: * JOnAS: Java(TM) Open Application Server
003: * Copyright (C) 2005 Bull S.A.
004: * Contact: jonas-team@objectweb.org
005: *
006: * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
007: * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
008: * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
009: * version 2.1 of the License, or 1any later version.
010: *
011: * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
012: * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
014: * Lesser General Public License for more details.
015: *
016: * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
017: * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
018: * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
019: * USA
020: *
021: * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
022: * $Id: F_JonasAdminNavigation.java 7381 2005-09-14 16:00:02Z kemlerp $
023: * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
024: */package org.objectweb.jonas.jonasadmin.test.navigation;
026: import java.io.IOException;
027: import java.util.Vector;
029: import junit.framework.TestSuite;
031: import org.objectweb.jonas.jonasadmin.test.util.JonasAdminAuth;
032: import org.objectweb.jonas.jonasadmin.test.util.JonasAdminFiles;
033: import org.objectweb.jonas.jonasadmin.test.util.JonasAdminTestCase;
034: import org.objectweb.jonas.jonasadmin.test.util.JonasAdminTree;
035: import org.objectweb.jonas.jonasadmin.test.util.JonasAdminUtils;
036: import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
038: import com.meterware.httpunit.HttpException;
039: import com.meterware.httpunit.HttpNotFoundException;
040: import com.meterware.httpunit.HttpUnitOptions;
041: import com.meterware.httpunit.TableCell;
042: import com.meterware.httpunit.WebLink;
043: import com.meterware.httpunit.WebResponse;
044: import com.meterware.httpunit.WebTable;
046: /**
047: * Define a class to test the JOnAS Admin console
048: * Test all links, content title, selected tree item
049: * @author kemlerp
050: *
051: */
052: public class F_JonasAdminNavigation extends JonasAdminTestCase {
054: /**
056: */
057: private static final int HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE = 200;
059: /**
061: */
062: private static final String EAR_LINK_NAME = "Applications (EAR)";
064: /**
065: * URL of the bean alarm record
066: */
067: private static final String URL_JONASADMIN_ALARM_RECORD = "/jonasAdmin/EditEjbEnt.do?select=jonas:j2eeType=EntityBean,name=AlarmRecord,EJBModule=alarm,J2EEApplication=alarm,J2EEServer=jonas";
069: /**
070: * URL of the synchronize button
071: */
072: private static final String URL_JONASADMIN_SYNCHRONIZE = "/jonasAdmin/ExecuteEjb.do?action=synchronize";
074: /**
075: * URL of the reduce instance button
076: */
077: private static final String URL_JONASADMIN_REDUCE = "/jonasAdmin/ExecuteEjb.do?action=reduceCache";
079: /**
080: * URL of the reduce pool instance button
081: */
082: private static final String URL_JONASADMIN_REDUCE_POOL = "/jonasAdmin/ExecuteEjb.do?action=reducePool";
084: /**
085: * URL of the new group instance button
086: */
087: private static final String URL_JONASADMIN_NEW_GROUP = "/jonasAdmin/EditNewGroupMemoryRealm.do?action=create";
089: /**
090: * URL of the new user instance button
091: */
092: private static final String URL_JONASADMIN_NEW_USER = "/jonasAdmin/EditNewUserMemoryRealm.do?action=create";
094: /**
095: * Class value of the selected tree control
096: */
097: private static final String CLASS_TREE_CONTROL_SELECTED = "tree-control-selected";
099: /**
100: * Name of the property navigation.mbean
101: */
102: private static final String NAVIGATION_MBEAN = "navigation.mbean";
104: /**
105: * Name of the property navigation.link
106: */
107: private static final String NAVIGATION_LINK = "navigation.link";
109: /**
110: * Name of the property navigation.contentTitle
111: */
112: private static final String NAVIGATION_CONTENT_TITLE = "navigation.contentTitle";
114: /**
115: * Name of the property navigation.selectedItem
116: */
117: private static final String NAVIGATION_SELECTED_ITEM = "navigation.selectedItem";
119: /**
120: * Name of the property navigation.titleTomThumb
121: */
122: private static final String NAVIGATION_TITLE_TOM_THUMB = "navigation.titleTomThumb";
124: /**
125: * Name of the property navigation.rarInEar
126: */
127: private static final String NAVIGATION_RAR_IN_EAR = "navigation.rarInEar";
129: /**
130: * Time of beginning testAllLinks
131: */
132: private String beginTime;
134: /**
135: * Time of ending testAllLinks
136: */
137: private String endTime;
139: /**
140: * Constructor with a specified name
141: * @param s name
142: */
143: public F_JonasAdminNavigation(String s) {
144: super (s, URL_JONASADMIN);
145: }
147: /**
148: * Main method
149: * @param args the arguments
150: */
151: public static void main(String[] args) {
153: String testtorun = null;
154: // Get args
155: for (int argn = 0; argn < args.length; argn++) {
156: String sArg = args[argn];
157: if (sArg.equals("-n")) {
158: testtorun = args[++argn];
159: }
160: }
161: if (testtorun == null) {
162: junit.textui.TestRunner.run(suite());
163: } else {
164: junit.textui.TestRunner.run(new F_JonasAdminNavigation(
165: testtorun));
166: }
167: }
169: /**
170: * Get a new TestSuite for this class
171: * @return a new TestSuite for this class
172: */
173: public static TestSuite suite() {
174: return new TestSuite(F_JonasAdminNavigation.class);
175: }
177: /**
178: * Setup need for these tests
179: * jonasAdmin is required
180: * @throws Exception if it fails
181: */
182: protected void setUp() throws Exception {
183: super .setUp();
185: // Get time
186: beginTime = getTime();
188: if (wc.getCurrentPage().getURL() == null) {
189: useWar("jonasAdmin");
190: // login to jonas admin
191: try {
192: JonasAdminAuth.doValidAuth(wc, url);
193: } catch (Exception e) {
194: fail("authentification failed : " + e);
195: }
196: } else {
197: // if there was an error, the connection must be restablished
198: try {
199: wc.getFrameContents(FRAME_TREE);
200: } catch (Exception e) {
201: wc.getResponse(urlLogOut);
202: // login to jonas admin
203: try {
204: JonasAdminAuth.doValidAuth(wc, url);
205: } catch (Exception auth) {
206: fail("authentification failed : " + auth);
207: }
208: }
209: }
210: undeployAllEar();
211: undeployAllJar();
213: useEar("autoload/mejb");
214: }
216: /**
217: * Test all about the navigation
218: * @throws Exception if error occurs
219: *
220: */
221: public void testAll() throws Exception {
223: Vector viewedURLs = new Vector();
224: WebResponse wr;
226: viewedURLs.add(URL_JONASADMIN);
228: // Disable errors of javascript
229: HttpUnitOptions.setExceptionsThrownOnScriptError(false);
230: // Disable exception thrown on error status
231: HttpUnitOptions.setExceptionsThrownOnErrorStatus(false);
233: // add links
234: // deploy ear
235: if (jProp.isEar()) {
236: useEar("alarm");
237: if (jProp.isResource()) {
238: if (configFile != null) {
239: if (configFile.get(NAVIGATION_RAR_IN_EAR).equals(
240: "on")) {
241: useEar("earsample");
242: }
243: } else {
244: useEar("earsample");
245: }
246: }
247: // Reload the page
248: wc.getResponse(getAbsoluteUrl(URL_JONASADMIN));
249: }
251: // Get the frame "tree"
252: WebResponse treeFrame = wc.getFrameContents(FRAME_TREE);
254: // Open tree
255: try {
256: treeFrame = JonasAdminTree.openTree(treeFrame, wc);
257: } catch (IOException e) {
258: fail("failed to open tree. " + e);
259: }
261: // When EJB service is actived
262: if (jProp.isEjb()) {
263: // Particular cases because of values of the session do not correspond at the page
264: // 1-"/jonasAdmin/ExecuteEjb.do?action=synchronize"
265: testParticularCase("name=AlarmRecord", "synchronize",
268: // 2-"/jonasAdmin/ExecuteEjb.do?action=reduceCache"
269: testParticularCase("name=AlarmRecord", "reduceCache",
272: // 3-"/jonasAdmin/ExecuteEjb.do?action=reducePool"
273: testParticularCase(
274: "EditEjbSbl.do?select=jonas:j2eeType=StatelessSessionBean,name=MEJB,EJBModule=mejb,J2EEApplication=mejb,J2EEServer=jonas",
276: viewedURLs);
277: }
279: // 4-"/jonasAdmin/EditNewGroupMemoryRealm.do?action=create"
280: testParticularCase("memrlm_1", "Groups.do", "action=create",
283: // 5-"/jonasAdmin/EditNewUserMemoryRealm.do?action=create"
284: testParticularCase("memrlm_1", "Users.do", "action=create",
287: // Verify all links are not viewTree.do
288: try {
289: verifyLinks(treeFrame, viewedURLs);
290: } catch (IOException e) {
291: throw new IllegalStateException(
292: "Problem to verify all links. " + e);
293: } catch (Exception e) {
294: throw new IllegalStateException(
295: "Problem to verify all links. " + e);
296: }
298: // Test MBean
299: if (configFile.get(NAVIGATION_MBEAN).equals("on")) {
300: testMBean(viewedURLs);
301: }
302: }
304: /**
305: * Verify all links in frame
306: * @param frame The frame
307: * @param viewedURLs All URLs have just been viewed
308: * @throws IOException if error occurs to get response
309: * @throws Exception if error occurs to get response
310: */
311: public void verifyLinks(WebResponse frame, Vector viewedURLs)
312: throws Exception, IOException {
314: WebLink[] links = null;
316: // Disable errors of javascript
317: HttpUnitOptions.setExceptionsThrownOnScriptError(false);
318: // Disable exception thrown on error status
319: HttpUnitOptions.setExceptionsThrownOnErrorStatus(false);
321: // Get links
322: links = frame.getLinks();
323: WebResponse wr;
325: for (int i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
326: // Verify all links are not viewTree.do and don't contain "://"
327: if (links[i].getURLString().indexOf("viewTree.do") == -1
328: && links[i].getURLString().indexOf(
329: "ListMBeanDetails.do") == -1
330: && links[i].getURLString().indexOf("://") == -1) {
331: if (!viewedURLs.contains(links[i].getURLString())) {
332: executeTests(frame, links[i], viewedURLs);
334: // Verify content frame links
335: WebResponse contentFrame = wc
336: .getFrameContents(FRAME_CONTENT);
337: verifyLinks(contentFrame, viewedURLs);
338: }
339: }
340: }
341: }
343: /**
344: * Test links and content titles for a particular case
345: * @param treeLink the link of the tree frame to click
346: * @param contentLink the link of the content frame to click
347: * @param url the url to test
348: * @param viewedURLs All URLs have just been viewed
349: * @throws Exception if an error occurs
350: */
351: private void testParticularCase(String treeLink,
352: String contentLink, String url, Vector viewedURLs)
353: throws Exception {
354: WebLink link;
355: WebResponse wr;
356: WebResponse frame;
358: frame = wc.getFrameContents(FRAME_TREE);
359: link = frame.getFirstMatchingLink(WebLink.MATCH_URL_STRING,
360: treeLink);
361: if (link == null) {
362: throw new IllegalStateException(
363: "No link found for treelink : '" + treeLink + "'.");
364: }
365: wr = link.click();
367: frame = wc.getFrameContents(FRAME_CONTENT);
368: link = frame.getFirstMatchingLink(WebLink.MATCH_URL_STRING,
369: contentLink);
371: if (link == null) {
372: throw new IllegalStateException(
373: "No link found for treelink : '" + treeLink + "'.");
374: }
375: executeTests(frame, link, viewedURLs);
376: }
378: /**
379: * Test links and content titles for a particular case
380: * @param treeLink the link of the tree frame to click
381: * @param contentLink the link of the content frame to click
382: * @param contentLink2 the second link of the content frame to click
383: * @param url the url to test
384: * @param viewedURLs All URLs have just been viewed
385: * @throws Exception if an error occurs
386: */
387: private void testParticularCase(String treeLink,
388: String contentLink, String contentLink2, String url,
389: Vector viewedURLs) throws Exception {
391: WebLink link;
392: WebResponse wr;
393: WebResponse frame;
395: frame = wc.getFrameContents(FRAME_TREE);
396: link = frame.getFirstMatchingLink(WebLink.MATCH_URL_STRING,
397: treeLink);
398: if (link == null) {
399: throw new IllegalStateException(
400: "No link found for treelink : '" + treeLink + "'.");
401: }
402: wr = link.click();
404: frame = wc.getFrameContents(FRAME_CONTENT);
405: link = frame.getFirstMatchingLink(WebLink.MATCH_URL_STRING,
406: contentLink);
407: if (link == null) {
408: throw new IllegalStateException(
409: "No link found for contentLink : '" + contentLink
410: + "'.");
411: }
412: wr = link.click();
414: frame = wc.getFrameContents(FRAME_CONTENT);
415: link = frame.getFirstMatchingLink(WebLink.MATCH_URL_STRING,
416: contentLink2);
417: if (link == null) {
418: throw new IllegalStateException(
419: "No link found for contentLink2 : '" + contentLink2
420: + "'.");
421: }
423: executeTests(frame, link, viewedURLs);
424: }
426: /**
427: * call the tests
428: * @param frame The frame where the link is
429: * @param link A no null link
430: * @param viewedURLs All URLs have just been viewed
431: * @throws SAXException If an error occurs
432: */
433: private void executeTests(WebResponse frame, WebLink link,
434: Vector viewedURLs) throws SAXException {
436: WebResponse wr;
437: try {
438: wr = link.click();
439: // To check if the link is correct
440: if (configFile.get(NAVIGATION_LINK).equals("on")) {
441: testLinks(wr);
442: }
443: } catch (HttpNotFoundException e) {
444: if (configFile.get(NAVIGATION_LINK).equals("on")) {
445: fail("failed to click : link = " + link.getText()
446: + ", URL = " + link.getURLString()
447: + ", page = " + viewedURLs.lastElement() + ". "
448: + e);
449: }
450: } catch (HttpException e) {
451: if (configFile.get(NAVIGATION_LINK).equals("on")) {
452: fail("failed to click : link = " + link.getText()
453: + ", URL = " + link.getURLString()
454: + ", page = " + viewedURLs.lastElement() + ". "
455: + e);
456: }
457: } catch (IOException e) {
458: if (configFile.get(NAVIGATION_LINK).equals("on")) {
459: fail("failed to click : link = " + link.getText()
460: + ", URL = " + link.getURLString()
461: + ", page = " + viewedURLs.lastElement() + ". "
462: + e);
463: }
464: }
466: // To check if the content title is correct
467: if (configFile.get(NAVIGATION_CONTENT_TITLE).equals("on")) {
468: testContentTitle(link.getURLString());
469: }
471: // To check if the selected item is correct for links of the tree frame
472: if (frame.getFrameName().equalsIgnoreCase(FRAME_TREE)) {
473: if (configFile.get(NAVIGATION_SELECTED_ITEM).equals("on")) {
474: testTreeSelected(link.getURLString());
475: }
476: }
478: // To check if the title tom thumb is correct
479: if (configFile.get(NAVIGATION_TITLE_TOM_THUMB).equals("on")) {
480: testTitleTomThumb(link.getURLString());
481: }
483: // Add URL to viewed URLs
484: viewedURLs.add(link.getURLString());
485: }
487: /**
488: * Test if the response is a success
489: * @param wr
490: */
491: private void testLinks(WebResponse wr) {
492: assertEquals("a code of 200 (success) should be returned. ",
493: HTTP_SUCCESS_CODE, wr.getResponseCode());
494: }
496: /**
497: * Test jonasAdmin content titles
498: * @param url The url of the link that was clicked
499: * @throws SAXException if an error occurs when getElementsWithAttribute is called
500: */
501: private void testContentTitle(String url) throws SAXException {
503: WebResponse tree = null;
504: WebResponse content = null;
505: String treeTitle = null;
506: String contentTitle = null;
508: // Verify content title of the content frame
509: content = wc.getFrameContents(FRAME_CONTENT);
510: tree = wc.getFrameContents(FRAME_TREE);
512: // Get title from the tree frame
513: if (tree.getElementsWithAttribute("class",
514: CLASS_TREE_CONTROL_SELECTED).length == 1) {
515: treeTitle = new String(tree.getElementsWithAttribute(
516: "class", CLASS_TREE_CONTROL_SELECTED)[0].getText());
517: }
519: // Get title from the content frame
520: if (content.getElementsWithAttribute("class", "contentTitle").length == 1) {
521: contentTitle = new String(content.getElementsWithAttribute(
522: "class", "contentTitle")[0].getText());
523: }
524: if (treeTitle != null && contentTitle != null) {
525: assertEquals("The content title (" + contentTitle
526: + ") is different of the link name (" + treeTitle
527: + "). Clicked link was " + url, treeTitle,
528: contentTitle);
529: } else {
530: if (!url.equals(URL_JONASADMIN)) {
531: if (treeTitle != null) {
532: try {
533: fail("Content title is null. Name of the selected link was "
534: + treeTitle
535: + ". Link URL: "
536: + url
537: + " Content frame: "
538: + content.getText());
539: } catch (IOException e) {
540: fail("Content title is null. Name of the selected link was "
541: + treeTitle
542: + ". Link URL: "
543: + url
544: + " Error to get content frame text");
545: }
546: } else {
547: if (contentTitle != null) {
548: fail("No link is selected. Content title was "
549: + contentTitle);
550: } else {
551: try {
552: fail("No link and no content title are found. Tree frame: "
553: + tree.getText()
554: + ". Content frame: "
555: + content.getText());
556: } catch (IOException e) {
557: fail("No link and no content title are found because there is a problem in tree frame or content frame. ");
558: }
559: }
560: }
561: }
562: }
564: // To free memory
565: content = null;
566: tree = null;
567: }
569: /**
570: * Test jonasAdmin selection of tree items
571: * @param selectedLink The url of the link that was clicked
572: */
573: private void testTreeSelected(String selectedLink) {
575: WebResponse tree = null;
577: // Verify tree frame
578: tree = wc.getFrameContents(FRAME_TREE);
580: try {
581: if (!JonasAdminTree.treeControlSelected(tree, selectedLink)) {
582: fail("The name of the link " + selectedLink
583: + " is not selected in the tree.");
584: }
585: } catch (SAXException sax) {
586: fail("" + sax);
587: }
589: tree = null;
590: }
592: /**
593: * Test the jonasAdmin title tom thumb
594: * @param url The url of the link that was clicked
595: */
596: private void testTitleTomThumb(String url) {
597: WebResponse contentFrame = wc.getFrameContents(FRAME_CONTENT);
598: WebResponse treeFrame = wc.getFrameContents(FRAME_TREE);
599: WebTable thumbTable = null;
600: WebTable treeTable = null;
601: TableCell thumbCell = null;
602: TableCell treeCell = null;
603: String text = null;
604: String[] thumbs = null;
605: String[] treeThumbs = null;
606: JonasAdminUtils utils = new JonasAdminUtils();
607: int row;
608: int column;
610: try {
611: thumbTable = contentFrame.getTables()[0];
612: } catch (SAXException e) {
613: fail("There is no table in content frame: " + e);
614: }
616: thumbCell = thumbTable.getTableCell(0, 0);
617: text = thumbCell.getText();
618: thumbs = text.split(" > ");
620: try {
621: treeTable = treeFrame.getTables()[0];
622: } catch (SAXException e) {
623: fail("There is no table in tree frame: " + e);
624: }
625: JonasAdminUtils.CoordCell coord = utils
626: .getSelectedItemRow(treeTable);
628: if (!url.equals(URL_JONASADMIN)) {
629: row = coord.getRow().intValue();
630: column = coord.getColumn().intValue();
631: // get parents of the selected item
632: treeThumbs = new String[thumbs.length];
633: int i = thumbs.length;
634: while (row > 0 && column > 3 && i > 0) {
635: boolean found = false;
636: column--;
637: i--;
638: // get the row parent
639: int nextRow = row;
640: while (nextRow > 0 && !found) {
641: nextRow--;
642: treeCell = treeTable.getTableCell(nextRow,
643: column - 2);
644: if (treeCell.getElementsWithAttribute("src",
645: "images/tree/node_open_middle.gif").length == 1) {
646: treeCell = treeTable.getTableCell(nextRow,
647: column);
648: treeThumbs[i] = treeCell.getText();
649: found = true;
650: assertEquals("For the link " + url,
651: treeThumbs[i], thumbs[i]);
652: } else if (treeCell.getElementsWithAttribute("src",
653: "images/tree/node_open_last.gif").length == 1) {
654: treeCell = treeTable.getTableCell(nextRow,
655: column);
656: treeThumbs[i] = treeCell.getText();
657: found = true;
658: assertEquals("For the link " + url,
659: treeThumbs[i], thumbs[i]);
660: } else if (treeCell.getElementsWithAttribute("src",
661: "images/tree/node_open_first.gif").length == 1) {
662: treeCell = treeTable.getTableCell(nextRow,
663: column);
664: treeThumbs[i] = treeCell.getText();
665: found = true;
666: assertEquals("For the link " + url,
667: treeThumbs[i], thumbs[i]);
668: } else if (treeCell.getElementsWithAttribute("src",
669: "images/tree/node_open.gif").length == 1) {
670: treeCell = treeTable.getTableCell(nextRow,
671: column);
672: treeThumbs[i] = treeCell.getText();
673: found = true;
674: assertEquals("For the link " + url,
675: treeThumbs[i], thumbs[i]);
676: }
677: }
678: row = nextRow;
679: }
680: }
681: }
683: /**
684: * Test links, content titles, selected tree of mbeans
685: * @throws Exception if an error occurs
686: */
687: private void testMBean(Vector viewedURLs) throws Exception {
688: WebResponse wr = wc.getFrameContents(FRAME_TREE);
689: WebLink link;
691: // Open MBean branch
692: if (wr.getFirstMatchingLink(WebLink.MATCH_URL_STRING,
693: "viewTree.do?tree=domain*mbeans*j2ee") == null) {
694: link = wr.getFirstMatchingLink(WebLink.MATCH_URL_STRING,
695: "viewTree.do?tree=domain*mbeans");
696: if (link == null) {
697: throw new IllegalStateException(
698: "The link viewTree.do?domain*mbeans is not found in tree. ");
699: }
700: wr = link.click();
701: }
702: // J2EE MBeans
703: link = wr.getFirstMatchingLink(WebLink.MATCH_URL_STRING,
704: "viewTree.do?tree=domain*mbeans*j2ee");
705: if (link == null) {
706: throw new IllegalStateException(
707: "The link viewTree.do?domain*mbeans*j2ee is not found in tree. ");
708: }
709: wr = link.click();
711: link = wr.getFirstMatchingLink(WebLink.MATCH_URL_STRING,
712: "viewTree.do?tree=domain*mbeans*j2ee*");
713: if (link == null) {
714: throw new IllegalStateException(
715: "The link viewTree.do?domain*mbeans*j2ee* is not found in tree. ");
716: }
717: wr = link.click();
719: link = wr.getMatchingLinks(WebLink.MATCH_URL_STRING,
720: "viewTree.do?tree=domain*mbeans*j2ee*")[1];
721: if (link == null) {
722: throw new IllegalStateException(
723: "The 2nd link viewTree.do?domain*mbeans*j2ee* is not found in tree. ");
724: }
725: wr = link.click();
726: // OWNER MBeans
727: link = wr.getFirstMatchingLink(WebLink.MATCH_URL_STRING,
728: "viewTree.do?tree=domain*mbeans*owner");
729: if (link == null) {
730: throw new IllegalStateException(
731: "The link viewTree.do?domain*mbeans*owner is not found in tree. ");
732: }
733: wr = link.click();
735: link = wr.getFirstMatchingLink(WebLink.MATCH_URL_STRING,
736: "viewTree.do?tree=domain*mbeans*owner*");
737: if (link == null) {
738: throw new IllegalStateException(
739: "The link viewTree.do?domain*mbeans*owner* is not found in tree. ");
740: }
741: wr = link.click();
743: link = wr.getMatchingLinks(WebLink.MATCH_URL_STRING,
744: "viewTree.do?tree=domain*mbeans*owner*")[1];
745: if (link == null) {
746: throw new IllegalStateException(
747: "The 2nd link viewTree.do?domain*mbeans*owner* is not found in tree. ");
748: }
749: wr = link.click();
751: // OTHER MBeans
752: link = wr.getFirstMatchingLink(WebLink.MATCH_URL_STRING,
753: "viewTree.do?tree=domain*mbeans*unknown");
754: if (link == null) {
755: throw new IllegalStateException(
756: "The link viewTree.do?domain*mbeans*unknow is not found in tree. ");
757: }
758: wr = link.click();
760: link = wr.getFirstMatchingLink(WebLink.MATCH_URL_STRING,
761: "viewTree.do?tree=domain*mbeans*unknown*");
762: if (link == null) {
763: throw new IllegalStateException(
764: "The link viewTree.do?domain*mbeans*unknow* is not found in tree. ");
765: }
766: wr = link.click();
768: link = wr.getMatchingLinks(WebLink.MATCH_URL_STRING,
769: "viewTree.do?tree=domain*mbeans*unknown*")[1];
770: if (link == null) {
771: throw new IllegalStateException(
772: "The 2nd link viewTree.do?domain*mbeans*unknow* is not found in tree. ");
773: }
774: wr = link.click();
776: // Tests - ListMBeans.do
777: wr = wc.getFrameContents(FRAME_TREE);
778: link = wr.getFirstMatchingLink(WebLink.MATCH_URL_STRING,
779: "ListMBeans.do");
780: if (link == null) {
781: throw new IllegalStateException(
782: "ListMBeans.do was not found in tree. ");
783: }
784: executeTests(wr, link, viewedURLs);
786: // Tests - ListJ2eeMBeans.do
787: wr = wc.getFrameContents(FRAME_TREE);
788: link = wr.getFirstMatchingLink(WebLink.MATCH_URL_STRING,
789: "ListJ2eeMBeans.do");
790: if (link == null) {
791: throw new IllegalStateException(
792: "ListJ2eeMBeans.do was not found in tree. ");
793: }
794: executeTests(wr, link, viewedURLs);
796: // Tests - ListOwnerMBeans.do
797: wr = wc.getFrameContents(FRAME_TREE);
798: link = wr.getFirstMatchingLink(WebLink.MATCH_URL_STRING,
799: "ListOwnerMBeans.do");
800: if (link == null) {
801: throw new IllegalStateException(
802: "ListOwnerMBeans.do was not found in tree. ");
803: }
804: executeTests(wr, link, viewedURLs);
806: // Tests - ListUnknownMBeans.do
807: wr = wc.getFrameContents(FRAME_TREE);
808: link = wr.getFirstMatchingLink(WebLink.MATCH_URL_STRING,
809: "ListUnknownMBeans.do");
810: if (link == null) {
811: throw new IllegalStateException(
812: "ListUnknownMBeans.do was not found in tree. ");
813: }
814: executeTests(wr, link, viewedURLs);
816: // Tests - ListMBeanDetails.do
817: wr = wc.getFrameContents(FRAME_TREE);
818: link = wr.getFirstMatchingLink(WebLink.MATCH_URL_STRING,
819: "ListMBeanDetails.do");
820: if (link == null) {
821: throw new IllegalStateException(
822: "ListMBeanDetails.do was not found in tree. ");
823: }
824: executeTests(wr, link, viewedURLs);
826: // Tests - ListMBeanAttributes.do
827: wr = wc.getFrameContents(FRAME_CONTENT);
828: link = wr.getFirstMatchingLink(WebLink.MATCH_URL_STRING,
829: "ListMBeanAttributes.do");
830: if (link == null) {
831: throw new IllegalStateException(
832: "ListMBeansAttributes.do was not found in tree. ");
833: }
834: executeTests(wr, link, viewedURLs);
836: // Tests - ListMBeanOperations.do
837: wr = wc.getFrameContents(FRAME_CONTENT);
838: link = wr.getFirstMatchingLink(WebLink.MATCH_URL_STRING,
839: "ListMBeanOperations.do");
840: if (link == null) {
841: throw new IllegalStateException(
842: "ListMBeansOperations.do was not found in tree. ");
843: }
844: executeTests(wr, link, viewedURLs);
846: // Tests - ListMBeanProperties.do
847: wr = wc.getFrameContents(FRAME_CONTENT);
848: link = wr.getFirstMatchingLink(WebLink.MATCH_URL_STRING,
849: "ListMBeanProperties.do");
850: if (link == null) {
851: throw new IllegalStateException(
852: "ListMBeansProperties.do was not found in tree. ");
853: }
854: executeTests(wr, link, viewedURLs);
855: }
857: /**
858: * Tear Down cleanUp action
859: * @throws Exception if an error occurs for close JMX connection
860: */
861: public void tearDown() throws Exception {
862: super .tearDown();
863: // Get time
864: endTime = getTime();
866: // Delete created files: server.xml
867: JonasAdminFiles.recoverServerConf(beginTime, endTime);
868: }
869: }