Get the DN used when searching the role DN. Override the baseDN if it is
roleDN DN used when searching the role DN. Override the baseDN ifit is defined
Get the authentication used during the authentication to the LDAP server
of this LDAP realm
authentication used during the authentication to the LDAP server
Set the mode for validate the authentication of this LDAP realm
Set how referrals encountered by the service provider are to be processed
Parameters: referral - how referrals encountered by the service provider are tobe processed
Set the DN used when searching the role DN. Override the baseDN if it is
Parameters: roleDN - DN used when searching the role DN. Override the baseDN ifit is defined
Set the authentication used during the authentication to the LDAP server
of this LDAP realm
Parameters: securityAuthentication - authentication used during theauthentication to the LDAP server
Set the attribute in order to get the password of this LDAP realm
Parameters: userPasswordAttribute - attribute in order to get the password ofthis LDAP realm
Set the attribute in order to get the user role from the ldap server
Parameters: userRolesAttribute - attribute in order to get the user role fromthe ldap server