Check that the context that was started was right configured
Parameters: context - context to check Parameters: permissionManager - the permission manager used for JACC throws: JWebContainerServiceException - if the context was not right configured
Create and configure the Digester that will be used for the xml
parsing of the configuration file.
Digester the digester containing the rules for the xml parsingof the server.xml.
Deploy a specific WAR file specified in the context.
Parameters: ctx - the context which contains the configuration in orderto deploy the WAR. throws: JWebContainerServiceException - if the registration of the WARfailed.
Undeploy a specific WAR file specified in the context.
Parameters: ctx - the context which contains the configuration in orderto undeploy a WAR. throws: JWebContainerServiceException - if the unregistration failed.
Find the specified host.
Parameters: hostName - the name of the host to find. the host found. throws: JWebContainerServiceException - if the specified host cannot befound.
Return a File object representing the server.xml configuration file.
a File object representing the server.xml configuration file. throws: FileNotFoundException - if the configuration file is not found.
Check if there is a previous JOnASStandardContext which match the current context
If true, deploy our context into the configured context
Parameters: contextRoot - name of the context that we want to find preconfigured contexts Parameters: fpackedWar - file of the original war file Parameters: destDir - name of the unpacked directory of the war file true if a context was found and used
Gets all the contexts of the current Tomcat server
all the contexts of the current Tomcat server throws: JWebContainerServiceException - if contexts can not be retrieved
Return the Default host name of the web container.
the Default host name of the web container. throws: JWebContainerServiceException - when default host cannotbe resolved (multiple services).
Return the Default HTTP port number of the web container. Returns the first
connector port if more than one are defined.
the Default HTTP port number of the web container. throws: JWebContainerServiceException - when default HTTP port cannot beresolved or none are defined.
Return the Default HTTPS port number of the web container (can
be null if multiple HTTPS connector has been set).
the Default HTTPS port number of the web container. throws: JWebContainerServiceException - when default HTTPS port cannot beresolved (0 occurences).
Gets all the engines of the current Tomcat server
all the engines of the current Tomcat server throws: JWebContainerServiceException - if engines can not be retrieved
Register a WAR by delegating the operation to the registerWar()
method. This is used for JMX management.
Parameters: fileName - the name of the war to deploy. throws: RemoteException - if rmi call failed. throws: JWebContainerServiceException - if the registration failed.
Remove the specified Context from the set of defined Contexts for its
associated Host. If this is the last Context for this Host, the Host
will also be removed.
Parameters: context - The Context to be removed throws: JWebContainerServiceException - if the context can not be removed
Defines the naming resources for tomcat
only use for avoid null pointer when using a server.xml of
the original distribution
the previous naming context throws: ServiceException - if a naming exception occurs
Unregister a WAR by delegating the operation to the unRegisterWar()
method. This is used for JMX management.
Parameters: fileName - the name of the war to undeploy. throws: RemoteException - if rmi call failed. throws: JWebContainerServiceException - if the unregistration failed.