Method Summary |
public static String | extractFilename(String p_Path) Extract the filename of complete path. |
public static String | extractValueMbeanName(String pName, String pMBeanName) Extract the value of a key property from the MBean name. |
public static String | findSecurityFactorySubType(String p_NameFactory, String serverName) Return the SubType of a Security Factory in the current server. |
public static ObjectName | getArchiveConfigObjectName(String serverName) |
public static ArrayList | getConnectionFactoriesList(MessageResources p_Resources, String serverName) Return the default Connection Factories. |
public static ArrayList | getDatasourceDependences(String pDatasourceName, String domainName, String serverName) Return the list of Datasource dependences for a given datasource name in the current server. |
public static ArrayList | getDatasourceFilesDeployable(String serverName) Return the list of Datasource properties files ready to deploy in the current server. |
public static ArrayList | getDatasourceFilesDeployed(String domainName, String serverName) Return the list of deployed Datasources in the current server. |
public static ArrayList | getEarFilesDeployable(String serverName) Return the list of EAR filename ready to deploy in the current server. |
public static ArrayList | getEarFilesDeployed(String serverName) Return the list of deployed EAR filename in the current server. |
public static ArrayList[] | getFamiliesMbeansLists(String serverName) Create a list for each family of Mbean. |
public static String | getFirstMBeanName(ObjectName p_On, String serverName) Return the first Mbean name gotten by the query in the current MbeanServer. |
public static ObjectName | getFirstMbean(ObjectName p_On, String serverName) Return the first ObjectName Mbean gotten by the query
in the current MbeanServer. |
public static ArrayList | getGroups(String p_Resource, String serverName) Return the list of all groups in a resource. |
public static ObjectName | getJ2eeDomainObjectName(String serverName) Return the ObjectName corresponding to the J2EEDomain managed object registered in the
current MBeanServer. |
public static ObjectName | getJ2eeServerObjectName(String p_DomainName, String serverName) Return the ObjectName corresponding to the J2EEServer managed object registered in the
current MBeanServer and belonging to a domain.
We should have one ObjectName corresponding to the current JOnAS server instance.
Parameters: p_DomainName - The name of the management domain. |
public static ObjectName | getJ2eeServerObjectName(String serverName) Return the ObjectName corresponding to the J2EEServer managed object registered in the
current MBeanServer. |
public static ArrayList | getJarFilesDeployable(String serverName) Return the list of JAR filename ready to deploy in the current server. |
public static ArrayList | getJarFilesDeployed(String serverName) Return the list of deployed JAR filename in the current server. |
public static List | getListMBeanName(ObjectName p_On, String serverName) Return the list of Mbean name gotten by the query in the current MbeanServer. |
public static List | getListMbean(ObjectName p_On, String serverName) Return the list of ObjectName Mbean gotten by the query
in the current MbeanServer. |
public static ArrayList | getLoggers(MessageResources p_Resources, WhereAreYou p_WhereAreYou, boolean p_Action) Return the list of all used loggers in this JOnAS server. |
public static ArrayList | getMailFactoryDependences(String p_MailFactoryName, WhereAreYou p_WhereAreYou) Return the list of Mail factory dependences in the current server for a given factory name. |
public static ArrayList | getMailFilesDeployable(String serverName) Return the list of Mail factory files ready to deploy in the current server. |
public static ArrayList | getMailFilesDeployed(WhereAreYou p_WhereAreYou) Return the list of deployed Mail factories in the current server. |
public static ArrayList | getMbeansLists(String serverName) Create a list for each family of Mbean. |
public static ArrayList | getMimeMailPartFactoriesDeployed(WhereAreYou p_WhereAreYou) Return the list of deployed MimePartDatasource Mail Factories in the current server. |
public static ArrayList | getMimePartMailFilesDeployable(String serverName) Return the list of MimePartDataSource Mail factory files ready to deploy in the current server. |
public static ArrayList | getMimePartMailFilesDeployed(WhereAreYou p_WhereAreYou) Return the list of deployed MimePartDataSource Mail factories in the current server. |
public static ArrayList | getQueuesList(String serverName) Return the Queue destinations list. |
public static ObjectName | getRarConfigObjectName(String serverName) |
public static ArrayList | getRarFilesDeployable(String serverName) Return the list of RAR filename ready to deploy in the current server. |
public static ArrayList | getRarFilesDeployed(String serverName) Return the list of deployed RAR filename in the current server. |
public static ArrayList | getRegistryList(String serverName) Return a list of names bounded in the registry. |
public static ArrayList | getRoles(String p_Resource, String serverName) Return the list of all roles in a resource. |
public static ArrayList | getSecurityDatasourceFactories(String serverName) Return the list of Security Datasource Factories in the current server. |
public static ArrayList | getSecurityLdapFactories(String serverName) Return the list of Security Ldap Factories in the current server. |
public static ArrayList | getSecurityMemoryFactories(String serverName) Return the list of Security Memory Factories in the current server. |
public static ArrayList | getSessionMailFactoriesDeployed(WhereAreYou p_WhereAreYou) Return the list of deployed Session Mail Factories in the current server. |
public static ArrayList | getSessionMailFilesDeployable(String serverName) Return the list of Session Mail factory files ready to deploy in the current server. |
public static ArrayList | getSessionMailFilesDeployed(WhereAreYou p_WhereAreYou) Return the list of deployed Session Mail factories in the current server. |
public static ArrayList | getTopicsList(String serverName) Return the Topic destinations list. |
public static ArrayList | getUsers(String p_Resource, String serverName) Return the list of all users in a resource. |
public static ArrayList | getWarFilesDeployable(String serverName) Return the list of WAR filename ready to deploy in the current server. |
public static ArrayList | getWarFilesDeployed(String serverName) Return the list of deployed WAR filename in the current server. |
public static boolean | hasMBeanName(ObjectName p_On, String serverName) Verify if the Mbean gotten by the query in the current MbeanServer exists. |
public static ArrayList | prepareContainersToDisplay(ArrayList p_Containers, String p_ContainerDir, String p_EarDir) Prepare a list of containers to diplay. |
public static String | replace(String template, String placeholder, String value) Replace any occurrence of the specified placeholder in the specified
template string with the specified replacement value. |