| ro.schlund.test.pustefix.PustefixTestCase
PustefixTestCase | abstract public class PustefixTestCase extends TestCase (Code) | | author: Dan Dumitrescu author: Base class for all test cases that require a pustefix environment |
addWrapperParam | protected void addWrapperParam(String name, String param) throws Exception(Code) | | Add a new parameter value into the wrapper parameter list
Parameters: name - the name of the parameter Parameters: param - the value of the parameter throws: Exception - |
addWrapperParam | protected void addWrapperParam(String name, Object[] params) throws Exception(Code) | | Add a new parameter value into the wrapper parameter list
Parameters: name - the name of the parameter Parameters: params - the values of the parameter throws: Exception - |
initWrapper | protected void initWrapper(String prefix) throws Exception(Code) | | Init the wrapper with the desired prefix
Parameters: prefix - throws: Exception - |
reloadWrapperParams | protected void reloadWrapperParams() throws Exception(Code) | | Load all parameters into the wrapper
throws: Exception - |