0001: //** Copyright Statement ***************************************************
0002: //The Salmon Open Framework for Internet Applications (SOFIA)
0003: // Copyright (C) 1999 - 2002, Salmon LLC
0004: //
0005: // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
0006: // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
0007: // as published by the Free Software Foundation;
0008: //
0009: // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0010: // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0012: // GNU General Public License for more details.
0013: //
0014: // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
0015: // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
0016: // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
0017: //
0018: // For more information please visit http://www.salmonllc.com
0019: //** End Copyright Statement ***************************************************
0020: package com.salmonllc.html;
0022: /////////////////////////
0023: //$Archive: /SOFIA/SourceCode/com/salmonllc/html/HtmlTable.java $
0024: //$Author: Dan $
0025: //$Revision: 47 $
0026: //$Modtime: 4/13/04 9:52a $
0027: /////////////////////////
0029: import com.salmonllc.properties.Props;
0030: import com.salmonllc.util.MessageLog;
0031: import com.salmonllc.util.TwoObjectContainer;
0032: import com.salmonllc.util.Vector2D;
0034: import java.util.Enumeration;
0035: import java.util.Hashtable;
0036: import java.util.Vector;
0038: /**
0039: * This component will generate an HTML table. It serves as a container and layout manager for other components.
0040: */
0042: public class HtmlTable extends HtmlContainer {
0043: public static final int SIZE_PERCENT = 0;
0044: public static final int SIZE_PIXELS = 1;
0046: public static final String ALIGN_LEFT = "LEFT";
0047: public static final String ALIGN_CENTER = "CENTER";
0048: public static final String ALIGN_RIGHT = "RIGHT";
0049: public static final String ALIGN_NONE = "";
0051: public static final String VALIGN_BASELINE = "BASELINE";
0052: public static final String VALIGN_BOTTOM = "BOTTOM";
0053: public static final String VALIGN_MIDDLE = "MIDDLE";
0054: public static final String VALIGN_TOP = "TOP";
0055: public static final String VALIGN_NONE = "";
0057: private int _sizeOption = SIZE_PERCENT;
0058: private int _containerWidth = -1;
0059: private int _containerHeight = -1;
0061: private Vector2D _componentsVec2D = new Vector2D();
0062: private Vector _columnWidth = new Vector();
0064: private Vector _columnHeight = new Vector();
0066: private Vector _rowProps;
0067: private boolean _allowNullCells = true;
0068: private String _align;
0069: private int _border = -1;
0070: private String _bgColor = "";
0071: private int _cellPadding = -1;
0072: private int _cellSpacing = -1;
0073: private String _theme;
0074: private boolean _correctColSpan = true;
0075: private String _defaultRowStyleClassName;
0077: // for addDisplay
0078: private Hashtable _compLookUpHash = new Hashtable();
0079: private int _currColVal = 0;
0080: private int _currRowVal = -1;
0081: private final static String CAPTION_COMP_HASH_KEY = "Caption_comp_";
0082: private final static String SEARCH_COMP_HASH_KEY = "Search_comp_";
0084: /**
0085: * Constructs a new HTMLTable.
0086: * @param name Each component on a page must have a unique name.
0087: * @param p The page that the table will be added to.
0088: */
0089: public HtmlTable(String name, HtmlPage p) {
0090: this (name, null, p);
0091: }
0093: /**
0094: * Constructs a new HTMLTable.
0095: * @param name Each component on a page must have a unique name.
0096: * @param theme The theme to use for loading properties
0097: * @param p The page that the table will be added to.
0098: */
0099: public HtmlTable(String name, String theme, HtmlPage p) {
0100: super (name, p);
0101: setTheme(theme);
0102: }
0104: /**
0105: * This method should not be used in this type of container. Instead use setComponentAt().
0106: */
0107: public void add(HtmlComponent comp) {
0108: return;
0109: }
0111: public boolean executeEvent(int eventType) throws Exception {
0112: if (eventType == HtmlComponent.EVENT_OTHER) {
0113: // sr 10-15-2000
0114: int rowCount = _componentsVec2D.getRowCount();
0115: int colCount = _componentsVec2D.getColumnCount();
0116: Object o = null;
0117: HtmlComponent h = null;
0118: //
0119: for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
0120: for (int j = 0; j < colCount; j++) {
0121: o = _componentsVec2D.elementAt(i, j);
0122: if (o != null) {
0123: if (o instanceof TwoObjectContainer) {
0124: h = (HtmlComponent) ((TwoObjectContainer) o)
0125: .getObject1();
0126: } else {
0127: h = (HtmlComponent) o;
0128: }
0129: if (h != null) {
0130: if (!h.executeEvent(eventType)) {
0131: return false;
0132: }
0133: } else {
0134: return true;
0135: }
0136: }
0137: }
0138: }
0139: } else if (_submit != null
0140: && eventType == HtmlComponent.EVENT_SUBMIT) {
0141: boolean retVal = _submit.executeEvent(eventType);
0142: _submit = null;
0143: return retVal;
0144: }
0145: return true;
0146: }
0148: public void generateHTML(java.io.PrintWriter p, int rowNo)
0149: throws Exception {
0150: if (!getVisible())
0151: return;
0152: if (_center)
0153: p.print("<CENTER>");
0154: String tableHeading = "<TABLE";
0155: if (_containerWidth > -1) {
0156: tableHeading += " WIDTH=\"" + _containerWidth;
0157: if (_sizeOption == SIZE_PERCENT) {
0158: tableHeading += "%";
0159: }
0160: tableHeading += "\"";
0161: }
0162: if (_containerHeight > -1)
0163: tableHeading += " HEIGHT=\"" + _containerHeight + "\"";
0164: if (_border > -1)
0165: tableHeading += " BORDER=\"" + _border + "\"";
0166: if (_bgColor != null) {
0167: if (!_bgColor.equals("")) {
0168: tableHeading += " BGCOLOR=\"" + _bgColor + "\"";
0169: }
0170: }
0171: if (_cellPadding > -1)
0172: tableHeading += " CELLPADDING=\"" + _cellPadding + "\"";
0173: if (_cellSpacing > -1)
0174: tableHeading += " CELLSPACING=\"" + _cellSpacing + "\"";
0175: if (_align != null) {
0176: if (_align.equals(ALIGN_LEFT) || _align.equals(ALIGN_RIGHT)
0177: || _align.equals(ALIGN_CENTER))
0178: tableHeading += " align=\"" + _align + "\"";
0179: }
0180: tableHeading += ">";
0181: p.println(tableHeading);
0182: StringBuffer td = new StringBuffer();
0183: StringBuffer tr = new StringBuffer();
0184: HtmlTableRowProperties rowProps = null;
0185: // sr 10-15-2000
0186: int rowCount = _componentsVec2D.getRowCount();
0187: int colCount = _componentsVec2D.getColumnCount();
0188: Object o = null;
0189: HtmlComponent comp = null;
0190: HtmlTableCellProperties props = null;
0191: TwoObjectContainer cont = null;
0192: //
0193: for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
0194: tr.setLength(0);
0195: rowProps = getRowProperty(i);
0196: if (rowProps != null) {
0197: if (!rowProps.getVisible())
0198: continue;
0199: tr.append("\t<TR");
0200: if (rowProps.getAlign() != null)
0201: if (!rowProps.getAlign().equals(ALIGN_NONE))
0202: tr.append(" ALIGN=\"" + rowProps.getAlign()
0203: + "\"");
0204: if (rowProps.getBackgroundColor() != null)
0205: if (!rowProps.getBackgroundColor().equals(""))
0206: tr.append(" BGCOLOR=\""
0207: + rowProps.getBackgroundColor() + "\"");
0208: String rowClass = _defaultRowStyleClassName;
0209: if (rowProps.getRowClass() != null)
0210: if (!rowProps.getRowClass().equals(""))
0211: rowClass = rowProps.getRowClass();
0212: if (rowClass != null)
0213: tr.append(" CLASS=\"" + rowClass + "\"");
0214: if (!rowProps.getWrapStyle())
0215: tr.append(" NOWRAPSTYLE");
0216: tr.append(">");
0217: } else {
0219: tr.append("<TR");
0220: if (_defaultRowStyleClassName != null) {
0221: tr.append(" CLASS=\"");
0222: tr.append(_defaultRowStyleClassName);
0223: tr.append("\"");
0224: }
0225: tr.append(">");
0226: }
0228: // p.println("<TR>");
0229: p.println(tr.toString());
0230: for (int j = 0; j < colCount; j++) {
0231: td.setLength(0);
0232: if (_allowNullCells) {
0233: td.append("\t\t<TD");
0234: }
0235: o = _componentsVec2D.elementAt(i, j);
0236: // clear values out
0237: comp = null;
0238: props = null;
0239: //
0240: if (o != null) {
0241: if (!_allowNullCells) {
0242: td.append("\t\t<TD");
0243: }
0244: if (o instanceof HtmlComponent)
0245: comp = (HtmlComponent) o;
0246: else {
0247: cont = (TwoObjectContainer) o;
0248: comp = (HtmlComponent) cont.getObject1();
0249: props = (HtmlTableCellProperties) cont
0250: .getObject2();
0251: }
0252: } else {
0253: if (!_allowNullCells) {
0254: continue;
0255: }
0256: }
0257: if (props != null) {
0258: if (props.getAlign() != null)
0259: if (!props.getAlign().equals(ALIGN_NONE))
0260: td.append(" ALIGN=\"" + props.getAlign()
0261: + "\"");
0262: if (props.getVertAlign() != null)
0263: if (!props.getVertAlign().equals(VALIGN_NONE))
0264: td.append(" VALIGN=\""
0265: + props.getVertAlign() + "\"");
0266: if (props.getBackgroundColor() != null)
0267: if (!props.getBackgroundColor().equals(""))
0268: td
0269: .append(" BGCOLOR=\""
0270: + props
0271: .getBackgroundColor()
0272: + "\"");
0273: if (props.getColumnSpan() != 1) {
0274: td.append(" COLSPAN=\"" + props.getColumnSpan()
0275: + "\"");
0276: // BUG:
0277: // The code that follows increments j one too many because of
0278: // the j++ in the continuation of the loop. The fix is
0279: // j += props.getColumnSpan() - 1;
0280: // To avoid destabilization the bug is temporarily left in place.
0281: // Added 11/22/00: option to correct bug based on boolean flag
0282: if (_correctColSpan)
0283: j += props.getColumnSpan() - 1;
0284: else
0285: j += props.getColumnSpan();
0286: }
0287: if (props.getRowSpan() != 1) {
0288: td.append(" ROWSPAN=\"" + props.getRowSpan()
0289: + "\"");
0290: }
0291: if (props.getCellHeight() != -1) {
0292: td.append(" HEIGHT=\"" + props.getCellHeight());
0293: // get column size option
0294: if (props.getCellHeightSizeOption() == SIZE_PERCENT)
0295: td.append("%");
0296: td.append("\"");
0297: }
0298: if (props.getOnClick() != null)
0299: td.append(" ONCLICK=\"" + props.getOnClick()
0300: + "\"");
0301: if (props.getOnMouseDown() != null)
0302: td.append(" ONMOUSEDOWN=\""
0303: + props.getOnMouseDown() + "\"");
0304: if (props.getOnMouseOver() != null)
0305: td.append(" ONMOUSEOVER=\""
0306: + props.getOnMouseOver() + "\"");
0307: if (props.getOnMouseOut() != null)
0308: td.append(" ONMOUSEOUT=\""
0309: + props.getOnMouseOut() + "\"");
0310: if (props.getOnMouseUp() != null)
0311: td.append(" ONMOUSEUP=\""
0312: + props.getOnMouseUp() + "\"");
0313: if (props.getStyle() != null
0314: && props.getStyle().getStyleName() != null
0315: && !props.getStyle().getStyleName().trim()
0316: .equals("")) {
0317: td.append(" CLASS=\""
0318: + props.getStyle().getStyleName()
0319: + "\"");
0320: }
0321: if (props.getCellWidth() != -1) {
0322: td.append(" WIDTH=\"" + props.getCellWidth());
0323: // get column size option
0324: if (props.getCellWidthSizeOption() == SIZE_PERCENT)
0325: td.append("%");
0326: td.append("\"");
0327: }
0328: if (!props.getWrap())
0329: td.append(" NOWRAP");
0330: }
0332: // column width
0333: int width = getColumnWidth(j);
0334: if (width > 0) {
0335: td.append(" WIDTH=\"" + width);
0336: // get size option
0337: if (_sizeOption == SIZE_PERCENT)
0338: td.append("%");
0339: td.append("\"");
0340: }
0341: // column height
0342: int height = getColumnHeight(j);
0343: if (height > 0) {
0344: td.append(" HEIGHT=\"" + height);
0345: // get size option
0346: if (_sizeOption == SIZE_PERCENT)
0347: td.append("%");
0348: td.append("\"");
0349: }
0350: td.append('>');
0351: p.println(td.toString());
0352: if (comp != null)
0353: comp.generateHTML(p, rowNo);
0354: // else
0355: // p.println(" ");
0356: p.println("</TD>");
0357: }
0358: p.println("</TR>");
0359: }
0360: p.print("</TABLE>");
0361: if (_center)
0362: p.print("</CENTER>");
0363: p.println("");
0364: }
0366: public void generateInitialHTML(java.io.PrintWriter p)
0367: throws Exception {
0368: if (!getVisible())
0369: return;
0371: // sr 10-15-2000
0372: int rowCount = _componentsVec2D.getRowCount();
0373: int colCount = _componentsVec2D.getColumnCount();
0374: Object o = null;
0375: HtmlComponent comp = null;
0376: TwoObjectContainer cont = null;
0377: //
0378: for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
0379: for (int j = 0; j < colCount; j++) {
0380: o = _componentsVec2D.elementAt(i, j);
0381: // clear values
0382: comp = null;
0383: if (o != null) {
0384: if (o instanceof HtmlComponent)
0385: comp = (HtmlComponent) o;
0386: else {
0387: cont = (TwoObjectContainer) o;
0388: comp = (HtmlComponent) cont.getObject1();
0389: }
0390: }
0391: if (comp != null)
0392: comp.generateInitialHTML(p);
0393: }
0394: }
0395: }
0397: /**
0398: * Returns the alignment property for the table.
0399: * @return align Valid values are ALIGN_LEFT,ALIGN_CENTER,ALIGN_RIGHT and ALIGN_NONE.
0400: */
0401: public String getAlign() {
0402: return _align;
0403: }
0405: /**
0406: * Gets the background color for the table.
0407: */
0408: public String getBackgroundColor() {
0409: return _bgColor;
0410: }
0412: /**
0413: * Gets the border thickness for the table.
0414: */
0415: public int getBorder() {
0416: return _border;
0417: }
0419: /**
0420: * Gets the cell padding for the table.
0421: */
0422: public int getCellPadding() {
0423: return _cellPadding;
0424: }
0426: /**
0427: * Gets the cell spacing for the table.
0428: */
0429: public int getCellSpacing() {
0430: return _cellSpacing;
0431: }
0433: /**
0434: * This method gets the minimum width for a particular column in the table or -1 if the column width has not been set
0435: */
0436: public int getColumnHeight(int column) {
0437: if (column < 0)
0438: return -1;
0440: if (column >= _columnHeight.size())
0441: return -1;
0443: Object o = _columnHeight.elementAt(column);
0445: if (o == null)
0446: return -1;
0448: return ((Integer) o).intValue();
0449: }
0451: /**
0452: * This method gets the minimum width for a particular column in the table or -1 if the column width has not been set
0453: */
0454: public int getColumnWidth(int column) {
0455: if (column < 0)
0456: return -1;
0458: if (column >= _columnWidth.size())
0459: return -1;
0461: Object o = _columnWidth.elementAt(column);
0463: if (o == null)
0464: return -1;
0466: return ((Integer) o).intValue();
0467: }
0469: /**
0470: * This method will return a list of all components in the container.
0471: */
0472: public Enumeration getComponents() {
0473: Vector comps = new Vector();
0474: //
0476: int rowCount = _componentsVec2D.getRowCount();
0477: int colCount = _componentsVec2D.getColumnCount();
0478: Object o = null;
0479: HtmlComponent h = null;
0480: //
0481: for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
0482: for (int j = 0; j < colCount; j++) {
0483: o = _componentsVec2D.elementAt(i, j);
0484: if (o != null) {
0485: if (o instanceof TwoObjectContainer)
0486: h = (HtmlComponent) ((TwoObjectContainer) o)
0487: .getObject1();
0488: else
0489: h = (HtmlComponent) o;
0490: comps.addElement(h);
0491: }
0492: }
0493: }
0494: return comps.elements();
0495: }
0497: /**
0498: * This method will return a single component if the
0499: * name or a portion of the name is found in this HtmlContainer or any
0500: * HtmlContainer contained in this container.
0501: * @return HtmlComponent - if a component can not be found null is returned
0502: * @param name - name of component being searched for
0503: */
0504: public HtmlComponent getComponent(String name) {
0505: HtmlComponent ret = null;
0506: HtmlComponent comp = null;
0507: Enumeration enum = getComponents();
0508: String compName = null;
0509: // we will search all items in this enumeration
0510: // recursivly calling the containers getComponent method
0511: boolean breakout = enum.hasMoreElements();
0512: while (breakout && enum.hasMoreElements()) {
0513: ret = null;
0515: comp = (HtmlComponent) enum.nextElement();
0516: compName = comp.getName();
0518: // if passed name or comparision name is null return earily because we can not go any further.
0519: if (compName == null || name == null) {
0520: MessageLog.writeInfoMessage("getComponent\n\t*** Looking for component named " + name + " but " + getFullName() + " contains a component with a null name. \nSolution may be to pass empty string instead of null. ***", 9, this );
0521: return ret;
0522: }
0524: if (compName.indexOf(name) > -1) {
0525: ret = comp;
0526: breakout = false;
0527: } else {
0528: if (comp instanceof HtmlTable) {
0529: ret = ((HtmlTable) comp).getComponent(name);
0530: // checking the value of the return value
0531: breakout = (ret == null);
0532: } else if (comp instanceof HtmlContainer) {
0533: ret = ((HtmlContainer) comp).getComponent(name);
0534: // checking the value of the return value
0535: breakout = (ret == null);
0536: }
0537: }
0538: }
0540: return ret;
0541: }
0543: /**
0544: * This method gets the minimum height of the table in pixels.
0545: */
0546: public int getHeight() {
0547: return _containerHeight;
0548: }
0550: /**
0551: * Returns the number of rows currently in the table.
0552: * @return int
0553: */
0554: public int getRowCount() {
0555: return _componentsVec2D.getRowCount();
0556: }
0558: /**
0559: * This method was created in VisualAge.
0560: * @return com.salmonllc.html.HtmlTableRowProperties
0561: * @param propertyRow int
0562: */
0563: public HtmlTableRowProperties getRowProperty(int propertyRow) {
0564: if (_rowProps != null && propertyRow < _rowProps.size())
0565: return (HtmlTableRowProperties) _rowProps
0566: .elementAt(propertyRow);
0567: else
0568: return null;
0569: }
0571: /**
0572: * This method returns the size option for the table and each cell in it. Valid return values are SIZE_PIXELS or SIZE_PERCENT.
0573: */
0574: public int getSizeOption() {
0575: return _sizeOption;
0576: }
0578: /**
0579: * This method returns the property theme for the component.
0580: */
0581: public String getTheme() {
0582: return _theme;
0583: }
0585: /**
0586: * This method returns the width of the table.
0587: */
0588: public int getWidth() {
0589: return _containerWidth;
0590: }
0592: /**
0593: * Inserts an entire row before the specified one.
0594: */
0595: public void insertRow(int row) {
0596: _componentsVec2D.insertRow(row);
0597: }
0599: public boolean processParms(Hashtable parms, int rowNo)
0600: throws Exception {
0601: if (!getVisible())
0602: return false;
0603: boolean retVal = false;
0604: //
0606: int rowCount = _componentsVec2D.getRowCount();
0607: int colCount = _componentsVec2D.getColumnCount();
0608: Object o = null;
0609: HtmlComponent h = null;
0610: //
0611: for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
0612: for (int j = 0; j < colCount; j++) {
0613: o = _componentsVec2D.elementAt(i, j);
0614: if (o != null) {
0615: if (o instanceof TwoObjectContainer) {
0616: h = (HtmlComponent) ((TwoObjectContainer) o)
0617: .getObject1();
0618: } else {
0619: h = (HtmlComponent) o;
0620: }
0622: // if you have a TwoObjectContainer with a null (HtmlComponent)Object1
0623: // then you have to check for null before you processParams
0624: if (h != null) {
0625: if (h.processParms(parms, rowNo)) {
0626: _submit = h;
0627: retVal = true;
0628: }
0629: }
0630: }
0631: }
0632: }
0633: return retVal;
0634: }
0636: /**
0637: * Removes an html component from this container.
0638: * @param comp The component to remove
0639: */
0640: public void remove(HtmlComponent comp) {
0641: //
0643: int rowCount = _componentsVec2D.getRowCount();
0644: int colCount = _componentsVec2D.getColumnCount();
0645: Object o = null;
0646: HtmlComponent h = null;
0647: //
0648: for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
0649: for (int j = 0; j < colCount; j++) {
0650: o = _componentsVec2D.elementAt(i, j);
0651: if (o != null) {
0652: if (o instanceof TwoObjectContainer)
0653: h = (HtmlComponent) ((TwoObjectContainer) o)
0654: .getObject1();
0655: else
0656: h = (HtmlComponent) o;
0657: if (h == comp) {
0658: _componentsVec2D.setElementAt(i, j, null);
0659: return;
0660: }
0661: }
0662: }
0663: }
0664: }
0666: /**
0667: * Removes an entire row from this container.
0668: * @param row The row to remove
0669: */
0670: public void removeRow(int row) {
0671: if (row < _componentsVec2D.getRowCount()) {
0672: _componentsVec2D.removeRow(row);
0673: }
0674: }
0676: /**
0677: * Sets the alignment property for the table.
0678: * @param align Valid values are ALIGN_LEFT,ALIGN_CENTER,ALIGN_RIGHT and ALIGN_NONE.
0679: */
0681: public void setAlign(String align) {
0682: _align = align;
0683: }
0685: /**
0686: * Sets the border width for the table.
0687: */
0688: public void setAllowNullCells(boolean value) {
0689: _allowNullCells = value;
0690: }
0692: /**
0693: * Sets the background color for the table.
0694: */
0695: public void setBackgroundColor(String value) {
0696: _bgColor = value;
0697: }
0699: /**
0700: * Sets the border width for the table.
0701: */
0702: public void setBorder(int border) {
0703: _border = border;
0704: }
0706: /**
0707: * Sets the cell padding for the table.
0708: */
0709: public void setCellPadding(int value) {
0710: _cellPadding = value;
0711: }
0713: /**
0714: * Sets the cell spacing for the table.
0715: */
0716: public void setCellSpacing(int value) {
0717: _cellSpacing = value;
0718: }
0720: /**
0721: * Sets the column width for a particular column in the table.
0722: */
0723: public void setColumnWidth(int column, int width) {
0724: if (column < 0)
0725: return;
0727: if (column >= _columnWidth.size())
0728: _columnWidth.setSize(column + 1);
0730: _columnWidth.setElementAt(new Integer(width), column);
0731: }
0733: /**
0734: * Sets a component at a particular row column position in the table. The cell in the table will use the browsers default cell properties.
0735: */
0736: public void setComponentAt(int row, int column, HtmlComponent comp) {
0737: if (column < 0)
0738: return;
0739: if (row < 0)
0740: return;
0741: if (column >= _componentsVec2D.getColumnCount())
0742: _componentsVec2D.addColumns((column - _componentsVec2D
0743: .getColumnCount()) + 1);
0744: if (row >= _componentsVec2D.getRowCount())
0745: _componentsVec2D.addRows((row - _componentsVec2D
0746: .getRowCount()) + 1);
0747: _componentsVec2D.setElementAt(row, column, comp);
0748: if (comp != null) {
0749: comp.setParent(this );
0750: }
0751: }
0753: /**
0754: * Sets a component at a particular row column position in the table. The cell in the table will use properties specified in the props argument.
0755: */
0756: public void setComponentAt(int row, int column, HtmlComponent comp,
0757: HtmlTableCellProperties props) {
0758: if (column < 0)
0759: return;
0760: if (row < 0)
0761: return;
0762: if (column >= _componentsVec2D.getColumnCount())
0763: _componentsVec2D.addColumns((column - _componentsVec2D
0764: .getColumnCount()) + 1);
0765: if (row >= _componentsVec2D.getRowCount())
0766: _componentsVec2D.addRows((row - _componentsVec2D
0767: .getRowCount()) + 1);
0768: TwoObjectContainer cont = new TwoObjectContainer(comp, props);
0769: _componentsVec2D.setElementAt(row, column, cont);
0770: if (comp != null) {
0771: comp.setParent(this );
0772: }
0773: }
0775: /**
0776: * Sets a 2D array of components in the table. The cells in the table will use the browsers default cell properties.
0777: * The routine works left to right, top to bottom.
0778: * ex. comp[row][col]
0779: */
0780: public void setComponents(HtmlComponent comp[][]) {
0781: int rows = comp.length;
0782: int cols = 0;
0783: // get the max number of cols in any row
0784: for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < comp.length; rowIndex++) {
0785: if (comp[rowIndex].length > cols) {
0786: cols = comp[rowIndex].length;
0787: }
0788: }
0790: // make sure that there are enough columns.
0791: if (cols >= _componentsVec2D.getColumnCount())
0792: _componentsVec2D.addColumns((cols - _componentsVec2D
0793: .getColumnCount()));
0794: // make sure that there are enough rows.
0795: if (rows >= _componentsVec2D.getRowCount())
0796: _componentsVec2D.addRows((rows - _componentsVec2D
0797: .getRowCount()));
0798: //
0799: for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < comp.length; rowIndex++) {
0800: for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < comp[rowIndex].length; colIndex++) {
0801: _componentsVec2D.setElementAt(rowIndex, colIndex,
0802: comp[rowIndex][colIndex]);
0803: // This is to set the parent container of each item added.
0804: if (comp[rowIndex][colIndex] != null) {
0805: comp[rowIndex][colIndex].setParent(this );
0806: }
0807: }
0808: }
0809: }
0811: /**
0812: * Sets a 2D array of components in the table. The cells in the table will use the cell properties from the 2D HtmlTableCellProperties array.
0813: * The routine works left to right, top to bottom.
0814: * ex. comp[row][col]
0815: */
0816: public void setComponents(HtmlComponent comp[][],
0817: HtmlTableCellProperties props[][]) {
0818: int rows = comp.length;
0819: int cols = 0;
0820: // get the max number of cols in any row
0821: for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < comp.length; rowIndex++) {
0822: if (comp[rowIndex].length > cols) {
0823: cols = comp[rowIndex].length;
0824: }
0825: }
0827: // make sure that there are enough columns.
0828: if (cols >= _componentsVec2D.getColumnCount())
0829: _componentsVec2D.addColumns((cols - _componentsVec2D
0830: .getColumnCount()));
0831: // make sure that there are enough rows.
0832: if (rows >= _componentsVec2D.getRowCount())
0833: _componentsVec2D.addRows((rows - _componentsVec2D
0834: .getRowCount()));
0835: //
0836: for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < comp.length; rowIndex++) {
0837: for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < comp[rowIndex].length; colIndex++) {
0838: TwoObjectContainer cont = new TwoObjectContainer(
0839: comp[rowIndex][colIndex],
0840: props[rowIndex][colIndex]);
0841: _componentsVec2D.setElementAt(rowIndex, colIndex, cont);
0842: // This is to set the parent container of each item added.
0843: if (comp[rowIndex][colIndex] != null) {
0844: comp[rowIndex][colIndex].setParent(this );
0845: }
0846: }
0847: }
0848: }
0850: /**
0851: * This method sets a flag indicating whether the bug related
0852: * to COLSPAN has been fixed.
0853: */
0854: public void setCorrectColSpan(boolean correctColSpan) {
0855: _correctColSpan = correctColSpan;
0856: }
0858: /**
0859: * This method sets the minimum height of the table in pixels.
0860: */
0861: public void setHeight(int height) {
0862: _containerHeight = height;
0863: }
0865: /**
0866: * This method was created in VisualAge.
0867: * @param row int
0868: * @param rowProp com.salmonllc.html.HtmlTableRowProperties
0869: */
0870: public void setRowProperty(int row, HtmlTableRowProperties rowProp) {
0871: if (_rowProps == null)
0872: _rowProps = new Vector();
0873: int size = _rowProps.size();
0874: for (int i = size; i <= row; i++)
0875: _rowProps.addElement(null);
0877: _rowProps.setElementAt(rowProp, row);
0878: }
0880: /**
0881: * This method sets the size option for the table and each cell in it. Valid return values are SIZE_PIXELS or SIZE_PERCENT.
0882: * @param option
0883: */
0884: public void setSizeOption(int option) {
0885: _sizeOption = option;
0886: }
0888: /**
0889: * This method sets the property theme for the component.
0890: * @param theme The theme to use.
0891: */
0892: public void setTheme(String theme) {
0893: Props prop = getPage().getPageProperties();
0895: _border = prop.getThemeIntProperty(theme, Props.TABLE_BORDER);
0896: _bgColor = prop.getThemeProperty(theme,
0898: _cellPadding = prop.getThemeIntProperty(theme,
0900: _cellSpacing = prop.getThemeIntProperty(theme,
0903: _theme = theme;
0904: }
0906: /**
0907: * This method sets the minimum width of the table in either pixels or percent depending on size option.
0908: * @param width
0909: */
0910: public void setWidth(int width) {
0911: _containerWidth = width;
0912: }
0914: /**
0915: * Adds a component to the table a makes a caption comp.
0916: *
0917: * @param name Name to associate internally with the search component.
0918: * @param caption Text of caption to put before the search component, or null.
0919: * @param component The search component.
0920: */
0921: public void addDisplay(String name, String caption,
0922: HtmlComponent component) throws Exception {
0924: addDisplay(name, caption, component, false);
0925: }
0927: /**
0928: * Adds a component to the table a makes a caption comp.
0929: *
0930: * @param name Name to associate internally with the search component.
0931: * @param caption Text of caption to put before the search component, or null.
0932: * @param component The search component.
0933: * @param sameRow boolean specifies whether you want the next component on the same row.
0934: */
0935: public void addDisplay(String name, String caption,
0936: HtmlComponent component, boolean sameRow) throws Exception {
0938: addDisplay(name, caption, component, sameRow, null, null);
0940: }
0942: /**
0943: * Adds a component to the table a makes a caption comp.
0944: *
0945: * @param name Name to associate internally with the search component.
0946: * @param caption Text of caption to put before the search component, or null.
0947: * @param component The search component.
0948: * @param sameRow boolean specifies whether you want the next component on the same row.
0949: * @param propCaption Table properties for caption, or null.
0950: * @param propSearch Table properties for search component, or null.
0951: */
0952: public void addDisplay(String name, String caption,
0953: HtmlComponent component, boolean sameRow,
0954: HtmlTableCellProperties propCaption,
0955: HtmlTableCellProperties propSearch) throws Exception {
0957: if (sameRow == false || (_currRowVal == -1)) {
0958: _currRowVal++;
0959: _currColVal = -1;
0960: }
0962: if (name == null) {
0963: // ROW_+rowindexCOL_+colindex
0964: name = "ROW_" + new Integer(_currRowVal).toString();
0965: name += "COL_" + new Integer(_currColVal).toString();
0967: }
0969: if (caption != null) {
0970: String s = caption;
0971: if (s.length() > 0) {
0972: switch (s.charAt(s.length() - 1)) {
0973: case ':':
0974: case '.':
0975: case '?':
0976: break;
0977: default:
0978: s += ":";
0979: }
0980: }
0981: HtmlComponent capComp = null;
0982: // save what caption goes with what search comp for later
0983: capComp = new HtmlText(s, HtmlText.FONT_COLUMN_CAPTION,
0984: getPage());
0986: // Put Caption in search table
0987: if (propCaption != null) {
0988: setComponentAt(_currRowVal, ++_currColVal, capComp,
0989: propCaption);
0990: } else {
0991: setComponentAt(_currRowVal, ++_currColVal, capComp);
0992: }
0993: _compLookUpHash.put(CAPTION_COMP_HASH_KEY + name, capComp);
0994: }
0996: //
0997: if (component != null) {
0998: // Null component means caption only, perhaps.
0999: if (propSearch != null) {
1000: setComponentAt(_currRowVal, ++_currColVal, component,
1001: propSearch);
1002: } else {
1003: setComponentAt(_currRowVal, ++_currColVal, component);
1004: }
1005: _compLookUpHash.put(SEARCH_COMP_HASH_KEY + name, component);
1007: }
1008: }
1010: /**
1011: * This method will return a caption Component.
1012: * @param name
1013: * @return
1014: */
1015: public HtmlComponent getCaptionComp(String name) {
1016: return (HtmlComponent) _compLookUpHash
1017: .get(CAPTION_COMP_HASH_KEY + name);
1018: }
1020: /**
1021: * This method will return a serach component.
1022: * @param name
1023: * @return
1024: */
1025: public HtmlComponent getSearchComp(String name) {
1026: return (HtmlComponent) _compLookUpHash.get(SEARCH_COMP_HASH_KEY
1027: + name);
1029: }
1031: /**
1032: * This method removes all of the components out of the table.
1033: */
1034: public void removeAll() {
1035: super .removeAll();
1037: int colCount = _componentsVec2D.getColumnSize();
1038: int rowCount = _componentsVec2D.getRowSize();
1040: /** rows */
1041: for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
1042: /** cols */
1043: for (int j = 0; j < colCount; j++) {
1044: HtmlComponent hc = null;
1045: Object o = _componentsVec2D.elementAt(i, j);
1047: if (o instanceof TwoObjectContainer)
1048: hc = (HtmlComponent) ((TwoObjectContainer) o)
1049: .getObject1();
1050: else
1051: hc = (HtmlComponent) o;
1053: if (hc instanceof HtmlTable) {
1054: ((HtmlTable) hc).removeAll();
1055: } else if (hc instanceof HtmlContainer) {
1056: ((HtmlContainer) hc).removeAll();
1057: }
1059: }
1061: }
1063: // last cleanup
1064: _componentsVec2D.removeAll();
1065: }
1067: /**
1068: * Removes the row from the table containing a specific component
1069: * @author Ian Booth
1070: */
1071: public void removeRow(HtmlComponent comp) {
1072: int rowCount = _componentsVec2D.getRowCount();
1073: int colCount = _componentsVec2D.getColumnCount();
1074: Object o = null;
1075: HtmlComponent h = null;
1077: for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
1078: for (int j = 0; j < colCount; j++) {
1079: o = _componentsVec2D.elementAt(i, j);
1080: if (o != null) {
1081: if (o instanceof TwoObjectContainer)
1082: h = (HtmlComponent) ((TwoObjectContainer) o)
1083: .getObject1();
1084: else
1085: h = (HtmlComponent) o;
1086: if (h == comp) {
1087: removeRow(i);
1088: return;
1089: }
1090: }
1091: }
1092: }
1093: }
1095: /**
1096: * @return the default style sheet class for table alternate rows
1097: */
1098: public String getRowStyleClassName() {
1099: return _defaultRowStyleClassName;
1100: }
1102: /**
1103: * @param string sets the default style sheet class for table rows
1104: */
1105: public void setRowStyleClassName(String string) {
1106: _defaultRowStyleClassName = string;
1107: }
1109: }