| java.awt.AWTEvent com.salmonllc.html.events.ValidateEvent
getDataStore | public DataStoreBuffer getDataStore()(Code) | | This method returns the data store buffer for the HtmlValidatorText
getFullName | public String getFullName()(Code) | | This method returns the full name (name of component appended to the name of its containers) of the validation component
getName | public String getName()(Code) | | This method returns the name of the validation component
getPage | public HtmlPage getPage()(Code) | | This method returns the page for which the submit was performed.
getRow | public int getRow()(Code) | | Returns the row being validated
getValidatorText | public HtmlValidatorText getValidatorText()(Code) | | This method returns the HtmlValidatorText component that the event is being fired for