| java.lang.Object com.salmonllc.util.ByteRangeParser
ByteRangeParser | public class ByteRangeParser (Code) | | This class is used by the ObjectStore for byte range requests. Pass a byte range http header and the class will parse it.
_byteStart | long _byteStart(Code) | | |
_fileSize | long _fileSize(Code) | | |
ByteRangeParser | public ByteRangeParser(String range, long fileSize)(Code) | | Create a new parser for a file of the specified size
getFirstByte | public long getFirstByte()(Code) | | returns the first btye of the current range
getLastByte | public long getLastByte()(Code) | | returns the last btye of the current range
nextRange | public boolean nextRange()(Code) | | parses the next range in specified in the header
true if there is another range |