| com.flexive.shared.security.Role
ACLManagement | Enum Constant ACLManagement(Code) | | may CRUD ACLs for "his" mandator
AccountManagement | Enum Constant AccountManagement(Code) | | may CRUD users, groups and roles (may only add roles he is assigned himself,
may not alter assigned roles that he has not assigned himself) for "his" mandator
BackendAccess | Enum Constant BackendAccess(Code) | | may login to the backend (does not imply any rights)
GlobalSupervisor | Enum Constant GlobalSupervisor(Code) | | Global Supervisor - no restrictions at all
MandatorSupervisor | Enum Constant MandatorSupervisor(Code) | | Mandator Supervisor - may do everything for "his" mandator
ScriptExecution | Enum Constant ScriptExecution(Code) | | may execute scripts that can be run "standalone"
ScriptManagement | Enum Constant ScriptManagement(Code) | | may CRUD scripts
SelectListEditor | Enum Constant SelectListEditor(Code) | | may see the user interface to edit selectlist items (role entitles to no CRUD rights!),
actual permissions are taken from the select lists createItemACL
StructureManagement | Enum Constant StructureManagement(Code) | | may CRUD types/relations/groups/properties/assignments/selectlists and assign scripts to structures for "his" mandator
WorkflowManagement | Enum Constant WorkflowManagement(Code) | | may CRUD steps and workflows for "his" mandator
getById | public static Role getById(long roleId)(Code) | | Returns a role identified by its unique id.
Parameters: roleId - the id of the role to fetch the role, or null if the id is not defined |
getColor | public String getColor()(Code) | | Returns the color of the role.
the color of the role. |
getId | public long getId()(Code) | | Returns the unique id of the role.
the unique id of the role |
getList | public static List<Role> getList()(Code) | | Get all roles as a List
roles as List |
getName | public String getName()(Code) | | Return the description of the role.
the description of the role |
isUndefined | public static boolean isUndefined(long roleId)(Code) | | Check if the given role id is undefined
Parameters: roleId - role id to check if undefined |
toIdArray | public static long[] toIdArray(Role[] roles)(Code) | | Convert a Role array to an id array
Parameters: roles - roles id's |
toString | public String toString()(Code) | | Returns a string representation of the role.
a string representation of the role |