| java.lang.Object com.flexive.war.webdav.Operation com.flexive.war.webdav.OperationMkcol
OperationMkcol | class OperationMkcol extends Operation (Code) | | Mkcol operation.
MKCOL creates a new collection resource at the location specified by the Request-URI.
If the resource identified by the Request-URI is non-null then the MKCOL MUST fail.
During MKCOL processing, a server MUST make the Request-URI a member of its parent collection, unless the
Request-URI is "/". If no such ancestor exists, the method MUST fail.
When the MKCOL operation creates a new collection resource, all ancestors MUST already exist, or the method MUST
fail with a 409 (Conflict) status code. For example, if a request to create collection /a/b/c/d/ is made, and
neither /a/b/ nor /a/b/c/ exists, the request must fail.
When MKCOL is invoked without a request body, the newly created collection SHOULD have no members.
A MKCOL request message may contain a message body. The behavior of a MKCOL request when the body is present
is limited to creating collections, members of a collection, bodies of members and properties on the collections
or members. If the server receives a MKCOL request entity type it does not support or understand it
MUST respond with a 415 (Unsupported Media Type) status code. The exact behavior of MKCOL for various
request media types is undefined in this document, and will be specified in separate documents.
Possible return codes:
201 (Created) - The collection or structured resource was created in its entirety.
403 (Forbidden) - This indicates at least one of two conditions: 1) the server does not allow the creation of
collections at the given location in its namespace, or 2) the parent collection of the Request-URI exists but
cannot accept members.
405 (Method Not Allowed) - MKCOL can only be executed on a deleted/non-existent resource.
409 (Conflict) - A collection cannot be made at the Request-URI until one or more intermediate collections have
been created.
415 (Unsupported Media Type)- The server does not support the request type of the body.
507 (Insufficient Storage) - The resource does not have sufficient space to record the state of the resource
after the execution of this method.
423 (Locked) - The resource is locked
author: Gregor Schober (gregor.schober@flexive.com), UCS - unique computing solutions gmbh (http://www.ucs.at) version: $Rev: 1 $ |