Method Summary |
public synchronized EasyBeansSFSB | create(Long clue) Creates an instance with the given hint.
Parameters: clue - a clue given by the Pool. |
protected synchronized EasyBeansSFSB | getBean(Long beanId) Gets a bean for the given id.
Parameters: beanId - id of the expected bean. |
protected synchronized Long | getId(Long beanId) Gets a new ID or a null value.
Parameters: beanId - given id. |
public boolean | isMatching(EasyBeansSFSB bean, Long clue) Checks if the given object with the given clue is matching.
Parameters: bean - given object against which the check should be done. Parameters: clue - the object used as clue to check the matching. |
public EJBResponse | localCall(long hash, Object[] methodArgs, Long beanId) Do a local call on a method of this factory.
Parameters: hash - the hash of the method to execute. Parameters: methodArgs - the arguments of the method Parameters: beanId - the id of the bean that we want (stateful). |
public void | notifyTimeout(Timer timer) Notified when the timer service send a Timer object. |
public void | remove(EasyBeansSFSB instance) Callback called when object is gonna be removed. |
public boolean | validate(EasyBeansSFSB object, PoolEntryStatistics stats) Validate an instance by giving some statistics.
Parameters: object - the instance to validate Parameters: stats - some statistics to help in the validating process. |