| java.lang.Object org.springframework.aop.aspectj.annotation.InstantiationModelAwarePointcutAdvisorImpl
getAdvice | public synchronized Advice getAdvice()(Code) | | Lazily instantiate advice if necessary.
getAspectMetadata | public AspectMetadata getAspectMetadata()(Code) | | Return the AspectJ AspectMetadata for this advisor.
getDeclarationOrder | public int getDeclarationOrder()(Code) | | |
getOrder | public int getOrder()(Code) | | |
getPointcut | public Pointcut getPointcut()(Code) | | The pointcut for Spring AOP to use. Actual behaviour of the pointcut will change
depending on the state of the advice.
isAdviceInstantiated | public synchronized boolean isAdviceInstantiated()(Code) | | |
isAfterAdvice | public boolean isAfterAdvice()(Code) | | |
isBeforeAdvice | public boolean isBeforeAdvice()(Code) | | |
isLazy | public boolean isLazy()(Code) | | |
isPerInstance | public boolean isPerInstance()(Code) | | This is only of interest for Spring AOP: AspectJ instantiation semantics
are much richer. In AspectJ terminology, all a return of true
means here is that the aspect is not a SINGLETON.