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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » J2EE » spring framework 2.5 » org.springframework.remoting.jaxrpc 
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All known Subclasses:   org.springframework.remoting.jaxrpc.JaxRpcPortProxyFactoryBean,
public class JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor extends LocalJaxRpcServiceFactory implements MethodInterceptor,InitializingBean(Code)
org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor for accessing a specific port of a JAX-RPC service. Uses either LocalJaxRpcServiceFactory 's facilities underneath or takes an explicit reference to an existing JAX-RPC Service instance (e.g. obtained via org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean ).

Allows to set JAX-RPC's standard stub properties directly, via the "username", "password", "endpointAddress" and "maintainSession" properties. For typical usage, it is not necessary to specify those.

In standard JAX-RPC style, this invoker is used with an RMI service interface. Alternatively, this invoker can also proxy a JAX-RPC service with a matching non-RMI business interface, that is, an interface that declares the service methods without RemoteExceptions. In the latter case, RemoteExceptions thrown by JAX-RPC will automatically get converted to Spring's unchecked RemoteAccessException.

Setting "serviceInterface" is usually sufficient: The invoker will automatically use JAX-RPC "dynamic invocations" via the Call API in this case, no matter whether the specified interface is an RMI or non-RMI interface. Alternatively, a corresponding JAX-RPC port interface can be specified as "portInterface", which will turn this invoker into "static invocation" mode (operating on a standard JAX-RPC port stub).
   Juergen Hoeller
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.setPortName
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.setServiceInterface
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.setPortInterface
See Also:   javax.xml.rpc.Service.createCall
See Also:   javax.xml.rpc.Service.getPort
See Also:   org.springframework.remoting.RemoteAccessException
See Also:   org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean

Method Summary
public  voidaddCustomProperty(String name, Object value)
     Add a custom property to this JAX-RPC Stub/Call.
public  voidafterPropertiesSet()
     Prepares the JAX-RPC service and port if the "lookupServiceOnStartup" is turned on (which it is by default).
protected  booleanalwaysUseJaxRpcCall()
     Return whether to always use JAX-RPC dynamic calls.
protected  ObjectdoInvoke(MethodInvocation invocation)
     Perform a JAX-RPC service invocation based on the given method invocation.
protected  ObjectdoInvoke(MethodInvocation invocation, Remote portStub)
     Perform a JAX-RPC service invocation on the given port stub.
public  MapgetCustomPropertyMap()
     Allow Map access to the custom properties to be set on the stub or call, with the option to add or override specific entries.

Useful for specifying entries directly, for example via "customPropertyMap[myKey]".

public  StringgetEndpointAddress()
     Return the endpoint address to specify on the stub or call.
public  ServicegetJaxRpcService()
     Return a reference to an existing JAX-RPC Service instance, if any.
public  StringgetPassword()
     Return the password to specify on the stub or call.
public  ClassgetPortInterface()
     Return the JAX-RPC port interface to use.
public  StringgetPortName()
     Return the name of the port.
final protected  QNamegetPortQName()
     Return the prepared QName for the port.
protected  RemotegetPortStub()
     Return the underlying JAX-RPC port stub that this interceptor delegates to for each method invocation on the proxy.
public  ClassgetServiceInterface()
     Return the interface of the service that this factory should create a proxy for.
public  StringgetUsername()
     Return the username to specify on the stub or call.
protected  ThrowablehandleRemoteException(Method method, RemoteException ex)
     Handle the given RemoteException that was thrown from a JAX-RPC port stub or JAX-RPC call invocation.
public  Objectinvoke(MethodInvocation invocation)
     Translates the method invocation into a JAX-RPC service invocation.
protected  booleanisConnectFailure(RemoteException ex)
     Determine whether the given RMI exception indicates a connect failure.

The default implementation returns true unless the exception class name (or exception superclass name) contains the term "Fault" (e.g.

public  booleanisMaintainSession()
     Return the maintain session flag to specify on the stub or call.
protected  booleanisPrepared()
     Return whether this client interceptor has already been prepared, i.e.
protected  ObjectperformJaxRpcCall(MethodInvocation invocation, Service service)
     Perform a JAX-RPC dynamic call for the given AOP method invocation. Delegates to JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.prepareJaxRpcCall and JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.postProcessJaxRpcCall for setting up the call object.

The default implementation uses method name as JAX-RPC operation name and method arguments as arguments for the JAX-RPC call.

protected  voidpostProcessJaxRpcCall(Call call, MethodInvocation invocation)
     Post-process the given JAX-RPC call.
protected  voidpostProcessPortStub(Stub stub)
     Post-process the given JAX-RPC port stub.
public  voidprepare()
     Create and initialize the JAX-RPC service for the specified port.

Prepares a JAX-RPC stub if possible (if an RMI interface is available); falls back to JAX-RPC dynamic calls else.

protected  voidprepareJaxRpcCall(Call call)
     Prepare the given JAX-RPC call, applying properties to it.
protected  voidpreparePortStub(Stub stub)
     Prepare the given JAX-RPC port stub, applying properties to it. Called by JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.afterPropertiesSet .

Just applied when actually creating a JAX-RPC port stub, in case of a compliant port interface.

protected  voidreset()
     Reset the prepared service of this interceptor, allowing for reinitialization on next access.
public  voidsetCustomProperties(Properties customProperties)
     Set custom properties to be set on the stub or call.
public  voidsetCustomPropertyMap(Map customProperties)
     Set custom properties to be set on the stub or call.
public  voidsetEndpointAddress(String endpointAddress)
     Set the endpoint address to specify on the stub or call.
public  voidsetJaxRpcService(Service jaxRpcService)
     Set a reference to an existing JAX-RPC Service instance, for example obtained via org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean .
public  voidsetLookupServiceOnStartup(boolean lookupServiceOnStartup)
     Set whether to look up the JAX-RPC service on startup.

Default is "true".

public  voidsetMaintainSession(boolean maintainSession)
     Set the maintain session flag to specify on the stub or call.
public  voidsetPassword(String password)
     Set the password to specify on the stub or call.
public  voidsetPortInterface(Class portInterface)
     Set the JAX-RPC port interface to use.
public  voidsetPortName(String portName)
     Set the name of the port.
public  voidsetRefreshServiceAfterConnectFailure(boolean refreshServiceAfterConnectFailure)
     Set whether to refresh the JAX-RPC service on connect failure, that is, whenever a JAX-RPC invocation throws a RemoteException.

Default is "false", keeping a reference to the JAX-RPC service in any case, retrying the next invocation on the same service even in case of failure.

public  voidsetServiceInterface(Class serviceInterface)
     Set the interface of the service that this factory should create a proxy for. This will typically be a non-RMI business interface, although you can also use an RMI port interface as recommended by JAX-RPC here.

Calls on the specified service interface will either be translated to the underlying RMI port interface (in case of a "portInterface" being specified) or to dynamic calls (using the JAX-RPC Dynamic Invocation Interface).

The dynamic call mechanism has the advantage that you don't need to maintain an RMI port interface in addition to an existing non-RMI business interface.

public  voidsetUsername(String username)
     Set the username to specify on the stub or call.

Method Detail
public void addCustomProperty(String name, Object value)(Code)
Add a custom property to this JAX-RPC Stub/Call.
  name - the name of the attribute to expose
  value - the attribute value to expose
See Also:   javax.xml.rpc.Stub._setProperty
See Also:   javax.xml.rpc.Call.setProperty

public void afterPropertiesSet()(Code)
Prepares the JAX-RPC service and port if the "lookupServiceOnStartup" is turned on (which it is by default).

protected boolean alwaysUseJaxRpcCall()(Code)
Return whether to always use JAX-RPC dynamic calls. Called by afterPropertiesSet.

Default is "false"; if an RMI interface is specified as "portInterface" or "serviceInterface", it will be used to create a JAX-RPC port stub.

Can be overridden to enforce the use of the JAX-RPC Call API, for example if there is a need to customize at the Call level. This just necessary if you you want to use an RMI interface as "serviceInterface", though; in case of only a non-RMI interface being available, this interceptor will fall back to the Call API anyway.
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.postProcessJaxRpcCall

protected Object doInvoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable(Code)
Perform a JAX-RPC service invocation based on the given method invocation.

Uses traditional RMI stub invocation if a JAX-RPC port stub is available; falls back to JAX-RPC dynamic calls else.
  invocation - the AOP method invocation the invocation result, if any
  Throwable - in case of invocation failure
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.getPortStub()
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.doInvoke(org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation,java.rmi.Remote)
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.performJaxRpcCall(org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation,javax.xml.rpc.Service)

protected Object doInvoke(MethodInvocation invocation, Remote portStub) throws Throwable(Code)
Perform a JAX-RPC service invocation on the given port stub.
  invocation - the AOP method invocation
  portStub - the RMI port stub to invoke the invocation result, if any
  Throwable - in case of invocation failure
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.getPortStub()
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.doInvoke(org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation,java.rmi.Remote)
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.performJaxRpcCall

public Map getCustomPropertyMap()(Code)
Allow Map access to the custom properties to be set on the stub or call, with the option to add or override specific entries.

Useful for specifying entries directly, for example via "customPropertyMap[myKey]". This is particularly useful for adding or overriding entries in child bean definitions.

public String getEndpointAddress()(Code)
Return the endpoint address to specify on the stub or call.

public Service getJaxRpcService()(Code)
Return a reference to an existing JAX-RPC Service instance, if any.

public String getPassword()(Code)
Return the password to specify on the stub or call.

public Class getPortInterface()(Code)
Return the JAX-RPC port interface to use.

public String getPortName()(Code)
Return the name of the port.

final protected QName getPortQName()(Code)
Return the prepared QName for the port.
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.setPortName
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.getQName

protected Remote getPortStub()(Code)
Return the underlying JAX-RPC port stub that this interceptor delegates to for each method invocation on the proxy.

public Class getServiceInterface()(Code)
Return the interface of the service that this factory should create a proxy for.

public String getUsername()(Code)
Return the username to specify on the stub or call.

protected Throwable handleRemoteException(Method method, RemoteException ex)(Code)
Handle the given RemoteException that was thrown from a JAX-RPC port stub or JAX-RPC call invocation.
  method - the service interface method that we invoked
  ex - the original RemoteException the exception to rethrow (may be the original RemoteExceptionor an extracted/wrapped exception, but never null)

public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable(Code)
Translates the method invocation into a JAX-RPC service invocation.

Prepares the service on the fly, if necessary, in case of lazy lookup or a connect failure having happened.
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.prepare()
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.doInvoke

protected boolean isConnectFailure(RemoteException ex)(Code)
Determine whether the given RMI exception indicates a connect failure.

The default implementation returns true unless the exception class name (or exception superclass name) contains the term "Fault" (e.g. "AxisFault"), assuming that the JAX-RPC provider only throws RemoteException in case of WSDL faults and connect failures.
  ex - the RMI exception to check whether the exception should be treated as connect failure
See Also:   org.springframework.remoting.rmi.RmiClientInterceptorUtils.isConnectFailure

public boolean isMaintainSession()(Code)
Return the maintain session flag to specify on the stub or call.

protected boolean isPrepared()(Code)
Return whether this client interceptor has already been prepared, i.e. has already looked up the JAX-RPC service and port.

protected Object performJaxRpcCall(MethodInvocation invocation, Service service) throws Throwable(Code)
Perform a JAX-RPC dynamic call for the given AOP method invocation. Delegates to JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.prepareJaxRpcCall and JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.postProcessJaxRpcCall for setting up the call object.

The default implementation uses method name as JAX-RPC operation name and method arguments as arguments for the JAX-RPC call. Can be overridden in subclasses for custom operation names and/or arguments.
  invocation - the current AOP MethodInvocation that shouldbe converted to a JAX-RPC call
  service - the JAX-RPC Service to use for the call the return value of the invocation, if any
  Throwable - the exception thrown by the invocation, if any
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.prepareJaxRpcCall
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.postProcessJaxRpcCall

protected void postProcessJaxRpcCall(Call call, MethodInvocation invocation)(Code)
Post-process the given JAX-RPC call. Called by JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.invoke .

The default implementation is empty.

Just applied when actually using JAX-RPC dynamic calls, i.e. if no compliant port interface was specified. Else, a JAX-RPC port stub will be used.
  call - the current JAX-RPC call object(can be cast to an implementation-specific class if necessary)
  invocation - the current AOP MethodInvocation that the call wascreated for (can be used to check method name, method parametersand/or passed-in arguments)
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.setPortInterface
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.postProcessPortStub

protected void postProcessPortStub(Stub stub)(Code)
Post-process the given JAX-RPC port stub. Called by JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.prepare .

The default implementation is empty.

Just applied when actually creating a JAX-RPC port stub, in case of a compliant port interface. Else, JAX-RPC dynamic calls will be used.
  stub - the current JAX-RPC port stub(can be cast to an implementation-specific class if necessary)
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.setPortInterface
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.postProcessJaxRpcCall

public void prepare() throws RemoteLookupFailureException(Code)
Create and initialize the JAX-RPC service for the specified port.

Prepares a JAX-RPC stub if possible (if an RMI interface is available); falls back to JAX-RPC dynamic calls else. Using dynamic calls can be enforced through overriding JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.alwaysUseJaxRpcCall to return true.

JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.postProcessJaxRpcService and JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.postProcessPortStub hooks are available for customization in subclasses. When using dynamic calls, each can be post-processed via JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.postProcessJaxRpcCall .
  RemoteLookupFailureException - if service initialization or port stub creation failed

protected void prepareJaxRpcCall(Call call)(Code)
Prepare the given JAX-RPC call, applying properties to it. Called by JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.invoke .

Just applied when actually using JAX-RPC dynamic calls, i.e. if no compliant port interface was specified. Else, a JAX-RPC port stub will be used.
  call - the current JAX-RPC call object
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.setUsername
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.setPassword
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.setEndpointAddress
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.setMaintainSession
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.setCustomProperties
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.setPortInterface
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.preparePortStub

protected void preparePortStub(Stub stub)(Code)
Prepare the given JAX-RPC port stub, applying properties to it. Called by JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.afterPropertiesSet .

Just applied when actually creating a JAX-RPC port stub, in case of a compliant port interface. Else, JAX-RPC dynamic calls will be used.
  stub - the current JAX-RPC port stub
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.setUsername
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.setPassword
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.setEndpointAddress
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.setMaintainSession
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.setCustomProperties
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.setPortInterface
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.prepareJaxRpcCall

protected void reset()(Code)
Reset the prepared service of this interceptor, allowing for reinitialization on next access.

public void setCustomProperties(Properties customProperties)(Code)
Set custom properties to be set on the stub or call.

Can be populated with a String "value" (parsed via PropertiesEditor) or a "props" element in XML bean definitions.
See Also:   javax.xml.rpc.Stub._setProperty
See Also:   javax.xml.rpc.Call.setProperty

public void setCustomPropertyMap(Map customProperties)(Code)
Set custom properties to be set on the stub or call.

Can be populated with a "map" or "props" element in XML bean definitions.
See Also:   javax.xml.rpc.Stub._setProperty
See Also:   javax.xml.rpc.Call.setProperty

public void setEndpointAddress(String endpointAddress)(Code)
Set the endpoint address to specify on the stub or call.
See Also:   javax.xml.rpc.Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY
See Also:   javax.xml.rpc.Call.setTargetEndpointAddress

public void setJaxRpcService(Service jaxRpcService)(Code)
Set a reference to an existing JAX-RPC Service instance, for example obtained via org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean . If not set, LocalJaxRpcServiceFactory 's properties have to be specified.
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.setServiceFactoryClass
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.setWsdlDocumentUrl
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.setNamespaceUri
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.setServiceName
See Also:   org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean

public void setLookupServiceOnStartup(boolean lookupServiceOnStartup)(Code)
Set whether to look up the JAX-RPC service on startup.

Default is "true". Turn this flag off to allow for late start of the target server. In this case, the JAX-RPC service will be lazily fetched on first access.

public void setMaintainSession(boolean maintainSession)(Code)
Set the maintain session flag to specify on the stub or call.
See Also:   javax.xml.rpc.Stub.SESSION_MAINTAIN_PROPERTY
See Also:   javax.xml.rpc.Call.SESSION_MAINTAIN_PROPERTY

public void setPassword(String password)(Code)
Set the password to specify on the stub or call.
See Also:   javax.xml.rpc.Stub.PASSWORD_PROPERTY
See Also:   javax.xml.rpc.Call.PASSWORD_PROPERTY

public void setPortInterface(Class portInterface)(Code)
Set the JAX-RPC port interface to use. Only needs to be set if a JAX-RPC port stub should be used instead of the dynamic call mechanism. See the javadoc of the "serviceInterface" property for more details.

The interface must be suitable for a JAX-RPC port, that is, it must be an RMI service interface (that extends java.rmi.Remote).

NOTE: Check whether your JAX-RPC provider returns thread-safe port stubs. If not, use the dynamic call mechanism instead, which will always be thread-safe. In particular, do not use JAX-RPC port stubs with Apache Axis, whose port stubs are known to be non-thread-safe.
See Also:   javax.xml.rpc.Service.getPort
See Also:   java.rmi.Remote
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.setServiceInterface

public void setPortName(String portName)(Code)
Set the name of the port. Corresponds to the "wsdl:port" name.

public void setRefreshServiceAfterConnectFailure(boolean refreshServiceAfterConnectFailure)(Code)
Set whether to refresh the JAX-RPC service on connect failure, that is, whenever a JAX-RPC invocation throws a RemoteException.

Default is "false", keeping a reference to the JAX-RPC service in any case, retrying the next invocation on the same service even in case of failure. Turn this flag on to reinitialize the entire service in case of connect failures.

public void setServiceInterface(Class serviceInterface)(Code)
Set the interface of the service that this factory should create a proxy for. This will typically be a non-RMI business interface, although you can also use an RMI port interface as recommended by JAX-RPC here.

Calls on the specified service interface will either be translated to the underlying RMI port interface (in case of a "portInterface" being specified) or to dynamic calls (using the JAX-RPC Dynamic Invocation Interface).

The dynamic call mechanism has the advantage that you don't need to maintain an RMI port interface in addition to an existing non-RMI business interface. In terms of configuration, specifying the business interface as "serviceInterface" will be enough; this interceptor will automatically use dynamic calls in such a scenario.
See Also:   javax.xml.rpc.Service.createCall
See Also:   JaxRpcPortClientInterceptor.setPortInterface

public void setUsername(String username)(Code)
Set the username to specify on the stub or call.
See Also:   javax.xml.rpc.Stub.USERNAME_PROPERTY
See Also:   javax.xml.rpc.Call.USERNAME_PROPERTY

Fields inherited from org.springframework.remoting.jaxrpc.LocalJaxRpcServiceFactory
final protected Log logger(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from org.springframework.remoting.jaxrpc.LocalJaxRpcServiceFactory
public Service createJaxRpcService() throws ServiceException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Service createService(ServiceFactory serviceFactory) throws ServiceException(Code)(Java Doc)
protected ServiceFactory createServiceFactory() throws ServiceException(Code)(Java Doc)
public Class getJaxRpcServiceInterface()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Properties getJaxRpcServiceProperties()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getNamespaceUri()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected QName getQName(String name)(Code)(Java Doc)
public ServiceFactory getServiceFactory()(Code)(Java Doc)
public Class getServiceFactoryClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getServiceName()(Code)(Java Doc)
public JaxRpcServicePostProcessor[] getServicePostProcessors()(Code)(Java Doc)
public URL getWsdlDocumentUrl()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void postProcessJaxRpcService(Service service)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setJaxRpcServiceInterface(Class jaxRpcServiceInterface)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setJaxRpcServiceProperties(Properties jaxRpcServiceProperties)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setNamespaceUri(String namespaceUri)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setServiceFactory(ServiceFactory serviceFactory)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setServiceFactoryClass(Class serviceFactoryClass)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setServiceName(String serviceName)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setServicePostProcessors(JaxRpcServicePostProcessor[] servicePostProcessors)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setWsdlDocumentUrl(URL wsdlDocumentUrl)(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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