AdapterFactory produces Node adapters for Java object types.
Adapter classes are generally instantiated dynamically via a no-args constructor
and populated with their context information via the AdapterNode interface.
This factory supports proxying of generic DOM Node trees, allowing arbitrary
Node types to be mixed together. You may simply return a Document or Node
type as an object property and it will appear as a sub-tree in the XML as
you'd expect. See #proxyNode().
Customization of the result XML can be accomplished by providing
alternate adapters for Java types. Adapters are associated with Java
types through the registerAdapterType() method.
For example, since there is no default Date adapter, Date objects will be
rendered with the generic Bean introspecting adapter, producing output
By extending the StringAdapter and overriding its normal behavior we can
create a custom Date formatter:
public static class CustomDateAdapter extends StringAdapter {
protected String getStringValue() {
Date date = (Date)getPropertyValue();
return DateFormat.getTimeInstance( DateFormat.FULL ).format( date );
Producing output like:
12:02:54 AM CDT
The StringAdapter (which is normally invoked only to adapt String values)
is a useful base for these kinds of customizations and can produce
structured XML output as well as plain text by setting its parseStringAsXML()
property to true.
See provided examples.
author: Philipp Meier author: Pat Niemeyer (
proxyNode(AdapterNode parent, Node node) Construct a proxy adapter for a value that is an existing DOM Node.
This allows arbitrary DOM Node trees to be mixed in with our results.
The proxied nodes are read-only and currently support only
limited types of Nodes including Element, Text, and Attributes.
Create a top level Document adapter for the specified Java object.
The document will have a root element with the specified property name
and contain the specified Java object content.
Parameters: propertyName - The name of the root document element throws: IllegalAccessException - throws: InstantiationException -
Create an Node adapter for a child element.
Note that the parent of the created node must be an AdapterNode, however
the child node itself may be any type of Node.
See Also:AdapterFactory.adaptDocument(String,Object)
Construct a proxy adapter for a value that is an existing DOM Node.
This allows arbitrary DOM Node trees to be mixed in with our results.
The proxied nodes are read-only and currently support only
limited types of Nodes including Element, Text, and Attributes. (Other
Node types may be ignored by the proxy and not appear in the result tree).
// TODO:
NameSpaces are not yet supported.
This method is primarily for use by the adapter node classes.
public void registerAdapterType(Class type, Class adapterType)(Code)
Register an adapter type for a Java class type.
Parameters: type - the Java class type which is to be handled by the adapter. Parameters: adapterType - The adapter class, which implements AdapterNode.